Re: Two convenience methods

2010-07-22 Thread Travis Hoffman
*sigh* ... it was a typo. Good catch! On Jul 21, 10:16 pm, B Smith-Mannschott wrote: On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 23:45, Travis wrote: ... The second function is suggested as an addition to clojure.set. The disjoint? function

Re: Two convenience methods

2010-07-22 Thread Travis Hoffman
: Or [using clojure.set] (empty? (intersection s1 s2)). -- Science answers questions; philosophy questions answers. On Jul 21, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Travis Hoffman wrote: The second function is suggested as an addition to clojure.set. The disjoint? function decides if two sets have no elements

Re: Complex type in clojure

2010-07-21 Thread Travis Hoffman
I'm still working on it. I've been waiting for the 1.2 release to branch, and also for the other work on the basic types to settle down. Also, I need a little free time. I'll try to get back to it this week. -Travis On Jul 20, 11:09 am, Mike Benfield wrote: The lack of

Re: Complex type in clojure

2010-07-21 Thread Travis Hoffman
I'm still working on it. I was waiting for 1.2 to branch, and to for some other changes to the basic types to happen. Really, I just need a little free time and a kick-in-the-pants! I'll try to get it done this week. -Travis On Jul 20, 11:09 am, Mike Benfield wrote: The

Two convenience methods

2010-07-21 Thread Travis Hoffman
I've found two convenience methods to be of use to me in my project, and I'm not certain where I ought to share them. So, I thought I'd share them here, for your consideration. Sorry, I'm a bit of a n00b to Clojure. :-) The first I would suggest for inclusion in core.clj; it is very similar in

Confusing compiler error in defrecord and deftype.

2010-07-20 Thread Travis Hoffman
Hello, I've come across the following compiler error in defrecord and deftype: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang.PersistentList cannot be cast to clojure.lang.Symbol (test.clj:0) To generate the error, evaluate the following code: (ns test) (defrecord


2010-07-12 Thread Travis Hoffman
I think the first, most important, step is to identify a JVM which is designed for safety critical systems. The only JVM I know of that has even bothered to consider SC Java is Atego's (formerly Aonix) UltraPERC, and I don't think they've qualified it to the level you seek. To get qualified for

Re: Name change proposal for extend-protocol

2010-06-23 Thread Travis Hoffman
Thanks for the clarification Stuart! I think I see how to think about protocols ... and not as an interface, in the java sense. I think it makes sense to me now. Love your book, btw! -Travis On Jun 21, 12:31 pm, Stuart Halloway wrote: Hi Travis, The choice of

Name change proposal for extend-protocol

2010-06-21 Thread Travis Hoffman
I notice that there is a satisfies? method to determine if something satisfies a protocol. Also, I see that extend-protocol doesn't actually let one create a protocol which is an extension of another protocol. Rather, extend-protocol really means implements, in the Java sense. When I first

Re: Complex type in clojure

2010-06-16 Thread Travis Hoffman
We Electrical Engineers are quite annoying in this regard, but historically, there is much variation out there: Python uses j, MATLAB accepts i or j. Apache Commons allows the user to specify the specific character to use, but defaults to i I believe. Eventually, I would suggest this be a

Re: Complex type in clojure

2010-06-08 Thread Travis Hoffman
Steven, I see your point, however, if we look (again) at Ratio for insight: user= (+ (+ 1 2)/(+ 3 4) 5) java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.core$_SLASH_ cannot be cast to java.lang.Number (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0) The sort of notation for non-literals you suggest would be required would actually not

Re: Complex type in clojure

2010-06-08 Thread Travis Hoffman
Well, I don't find the question to be irrelevant. It makes me think about a couple issues: 1.) Should Complex and Imaginary extend java.lang.Number? 2.) What do we do with the standard Java math functions? 3.) Is 'i' by itself, valid input as a number? First, I do not propose that just i or j is

Re: Complex type in clojure

2010-06-07 Thread Travis Hoffman
Personally, I thinks it would be much more elegant to have a direct notation. It could be argued that the Ratio type could also be implemented without a special Ratio type, but where's the fun in that? Consider: (* 3.4+7i 15i) vs (complex-multiply (construct-complex 3.4 7) (construct-complex 0

Re: Complex type in clojure

2010-06-05 Thread Travis Hoffman
I also took a look at Apache Commons Math: It seems to be quite good, unencumbered and actively developed, but I haven't been able to (easily) find any recommendations or comparisons of the available libraries. Maybe the first step for a math group is to evaluate

Re: Complex type in clojure

2010-06-05 Thread Travis Hoffman
Konrad, Thanks, I'll look at that... I should warn that my changes don't quite seem to be working, there's something running amuck in the code yet that I'm still working on debugging, but the core is a bit mystifying. Also, it seems more elegant to me to be able to simply write a complex

Complex type in clojure

2010-06-01 Thread Travis Hoffman
I was curious what it would take to add a complex number type to Clojure Core. If anyone else is curious, it doesn't take much: 1.) Add clojure.lang.Complex 2.) Add a Pattern and code to match, parse and create complex numbers in LispReader (parses number of the form 1.0+0.0i) 3.) Add ComplexOps