Re: Clojure On Java Friendly Microcontrollers, Beaglebone, etc

2014-06-17 Thread Jeremy Wright
@Kevin - In looking at PyBBIO, I noticed that it supports analog reads on the BeagleBone. It doesn't look like that support got ported over to blackbox though, is that correct? On Tuesday, May 6, 2014 10:58:42 AM UTC-4, Jeremy

Re: Clojure On Java Friendly Microcontrollers, Beaglebone, etc

2014-05-06 Thread Jeremy Wright
It's been a long time, but I'm finally getting back to this idea. Starting from the ground up, I've written a blog post on getting Clojure up and running on the BeagleBone Black. In a future blog post I'll circle back around to this discussion, probably attempting to combine the concepts from

Re: Clojure On Java Friendly Microcontrollers, Beaglebone, etc

2013-09-05 Thread Kevin Downey
Fiddling with the pins via the filesystem is where I started, but PyBBIO mmaps the pins so you can flip them by reading/writing directly to memory, and I ported that to clojure using and

Re: Clojure On Java Friendly Microcontrollers, Beaglebone, etc

2013-09-05 Thread Jeremy Wright
Thanks Kevin. I guess it really doesn't have to be an either-or thing. A mix of I2C and PyBBIO could be used as needed. I'm going to start by experimenting a little with I2C and then go from there. On Thursday, September 5, 2013 5:05:55 AM UTC-4, wrote: Fiddling with the pins

Re: Clojure On Java Friendly Microcontrollers, Beaglebone, etc

2013-09-04 Thread Jeremy Wright
I decided to start with the BeagleBone Black as the embedded controller, partly because of the low cost ($45) and partly because I have one on hand. So, the first thing I need to do is make sure that I can get the I2C interface to work from Clojure. Gregg Harrington's post might work as a

Re: Clojure On Java Friendly Microcontrollers, Beaglebone, etc

2013-09-04 Thread Jeremy Wright
That's a great idea, thanks Omer. I'm still learning Clojure and haven't touched ClojureScript yet, but it doesn't sound like it's an overly difficult transition. Another plus on the ClojureScript side (long term) might be execution speed. I recently watched a Clojure Conj 2012 presentation by

Re: Clojure On Java Friendly Microcontrollers, Beaglebone, etc

2013-09-04 Thread Omer Iqbal
Another possible approach could be use clojurescript to a nodejs target. From some cursory googling, there do seem to be node modules like which offer I2C support. And I believe you might also get a better startup time. On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 8:35 PM, Jeremy

Re: Clojure On Java Friendly Microcontrollers, Beaglebone, etc

2013-09-04 Thread
I also have a vertigo inducing slide deck to go with the robot lightening talk (which I didn't end up using) On Sunday, September 1, 2013 8:21:46 PM UTC-7, Jeremy Wright wrote: Here are some updates on my own research.

Re: Clojure On Java Friendly Microcontrollers, Beaglebone, etc

2013-09-04 Thread Jeremy Wright
Thanks for the slide deck Kevin. I'm not sure I've found all the slides yet, but it's great information. Do you have any links or information on Clojure robotics work you've done since the 2012 Conj? Any thoughts on using the GPIO pins through the file system versus using I2C (or maybe SPI)?

Re: Clojure On Java Friendly Microcontrollers, Beaglebone, etc

2013-09-02 Thread Nurullah Akkaya
I have not played with Java friendly micros but Clojure works on the beagle/pi. As for building robots using clojure, - Our software for our Robocup team is all Clojure except couple hundred lines of C for the firmware running on the AVRs. All heavy lifting is done on the PC, AVRs only

Re: Clojure On Java Friendly Microcontrollers, Beaglebone, etc

2013-09-02 Thread Jeremy Wright
Thanks for the great information nakkaya. You've worked on some very cool things. About the Java friendly micros - I mentioned Systronix, but it looks like that community and product line may be dormant or even abandoned. There haven't been any posts to their Google Groups or many of their

Re: Clojure On Java Friendly Microcontrollers, Beaglebone, etc

2013-09-01 Thread Jeremy Wright
Here are some updates on my own research. 1. This post a little over a year old, but has the type of information on the BeagleBone I'm looking for. It covers doing some simple I/O using Clojure. The author states that

Clojure On Java Friendly Microcontrollers, Beaglebone, etc

2013-08-31 Thread Jeremy Wright
I recently watched Carin Meier's OSCON talk The Joy of Flying Robots with Clojure and it made me wonder about Clojure on embedded systems. A quick search on this list didn't turn up much so I thought I'd ask. How much work has been done with Clojure on