Re: Trouble embedding clojurescript in server application

2011-08-30 Thread Raju Bitter
Found the problem: When I have a :main configuration entry in my project.clj, I get the error messages. Here's what my project.clj looks like: (defproject cljsconsole "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT" :description "Web Console for ClojureScript compilation" :repositories {"clojure-releases" "ht

Re: Trouble embedding clojurescript in server application

2011-08-30 Thread Raju Bitter
I've experienced the same problem (long list of undeclared vars) on OS X (10.6.8), with JDK version and, when I tried to call the cljs.closure/build function out of a Ring/Compojure web application. Then I tested on Ubuntu 11.04 in VirtualBox, just trying to compile a *.cljs file

Re: Trouble embedding clojurescript in server application

2011-08-17 Thread kjeldahl
I have another data point to add to my testing regarding this problem. Defining a pretty minimal little clojure test program: (ns cljstest.main (:require [cljs.closure :as closure])) (defn -main [& m] (closure/build "src/mycljs/hello.cljs" {:optimizations :simple

Re: Trouble embedding clojurescript in server application

2011-08-16 Thread kjeldahl
Thank you for confirming this. Hopefully the clojurescript gods will figure it out, because I'm still clueless. Until then I'll either create manual "buildscripts" or stick with the current coffeescript client. Thanks, Marius K. On Aug 16, 3:17 am, deduktion wrote: > I can confirm the problem.

Re: Trouble embedding clojurescript in server application

2011-08-15 Thread deduktion
I can confirm the problem. Same java (ubuntu) version here. To reproduce the problem please try: 1. Create a new Noir project as described at : lein plugin install lein-noir 1.1.0 lein noir new my-website cd my-website lein run Check localho

Re: Trouble embedding clojurescript in server application

2011-08-15 Thread kjeldahl
I've been exchanging emails and software packages back and forth with ibdknox who has been trying to help, and the whole thing is really weird. I've done my tests on two different computers (both running Ubuntu Natty 11.04 x64), and I get the exact same error on both. ibdknox is testing on his side

Trouble embedding clojurescript in server application

2011-08-14 Thread kjeldahl
I've tried getting clojurescript to run in both my own application, and also tested getting it embedded using noir and noir-cljs, but I'm not having much luck. Essentially, whenever the build method gets called, clojurescript outputs the following errors (except for the line starting with "src-dir"