[CMake] Default source properties and get_property plus LANGUAGE source propery has no effect.

2011-03-04 Thread Orcun Gokbulut
Hi everybody, I came across two problems when I was porting our project build system to cmake. The first program that I encounter is I can not compile generated source files with extension other than default c/c++ extensions. I have tried; set_property (SOURCE ZEPortalMap.h.zpp PROPERTY LANGU

[CMake] Multiple Package Generators and add_package command

2011-02-26 Thread Orcun Gokbulut
I'm trying to find out a way to generate multiple packages from a big project. There are some patches and hack available but I'm not experienced cmake user and I can not figure out how to use them. IMHO, an add_package command can be usefull instead of configuring cpack variables and including cpa

[CMake] Default visual studio filters

2011-02-23 Thread Orcun Gokbulut
Hello cmake users, We are porting our visual studio based build system to cmake and its allmost done with some minor problems. One of the minor problem is default visual c++ filters (source groups) I don't like (actually hate) visual c++'s default *.cpp *.h filters. (Not the filter feature but th