Hi Ann,
I have slightly elevated blood pressure and am on bosulif (very low
dose...100mg every other day). Also take lisinopril 20 mg every day. It keeps
me normalized. Just fyi. I sincerely hope your mom can find the right dosages.
Prayer applied, too!
Susan F. Zimmerman
On Friday, J
Joyce, I know, that's what Mommy Lottie used to do for everyone. Boy do I
miss her.
Just so you know I once made a promise to GOD while I was in the radiation
chamber about to get my first part of total body radiation. I got down on
my knees then clasped my arms above my head and said my prayer t
Very good article on Bosulif, high blood pressure and other side effects.
Thank you. You are a good searcher and we appreciate the time you take to find
this type of information. You are filling the void left by Mommy Lottie.
Joyce in Southern Illinois
> On Jul 26, 2018, at
Hi Ann
I have high blood pressure.
I’ve been in tki for years. I have tried all the blood pressure pills with no
luck. They all make my heart hurt. He is probably under a lot of stress. Try
yoga and other calming exercises.
They help some.
My Motto:
Faith and Pills
With Love
Hi Ana, I have seen you post many times before, and I know this is about
your Mom.
I just want to send you some information. But before I do I just want to
tell you some infrmation from me. Thank GOD for these new TKI's because in
order to have blood pressure wheather it is high or low one still h
Anyone on Bosulif is getting high blood pressure?
Since my mum started Bosulif she has gone to emergency 3 times with very high
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