Re: [cobbler] Data storage locations for cobbler and/or why does it corrupt form data?

2012-02-28 Thread Byron Pezan
i've found that when using the webui to edit / add ksmeta values that include spaces, i have to enclose them in quotes. when you reload the page however the quotes aren't saved, so every time you load a page with spaces in the values you have to re-add the quotes. in my case it happens when i

RE: static network configuration

2011-12-20 Thread Byron Pezan
i usually pull the value of $static_ip from cobbler into a local variable first. something like this: - #set $static_ip = $getVar('$static_ip','') - then reference the variable later like this: - # Static network configuration. ...SNIP... d-i netcfg/get_ipaddress string $static_ip

RE: Weird Kickstart Problem In Search of a Clue

2011-11-11 Thread Byron Pezan
On a cisco switch: First trace the Ethernet cable from the problem server to the port on the switch and note it down. Log into the switch and run something similar to this: --- enable configure terminal interface INT_TYPEPORT_NUM switchport mode access spanning-tree portfast exit exit write

RE: Weird Kickstart Problem In Search of a Clue

2011-11-10 Thread Byron Pezan
I too have run into this issue. Just like Orion, the solution for me was 'spanning-tree portfast' on the switch port itself on our Cisco switches. The issue seems to be compounded by the fact that kickstart installs seem to insist on requesting a DHCP address 3 times during the install

RE: cobbler and ldap errors, AD authentication

2011-04-14 Thread Byron Pezan
This works for me on Cobbler /etc/openldap/ldap.conf --- TLS_CACERT /etc/httpd/ssl/AD_SERVER_CA_CERT.cer TLS_REQCERTallow REFERRALS on /etc/cobbler/settings --- ldap_server: IP_ADDRESS_AD_SERVER ldap_base_dn: OU=2ND_LEVEL_FOLDER,OU=1st_LEVEL_FOLDER,DC=DOMAIN,DC=com

RE: Setting up new Cobbler server from existing one

2011-04-01 Thread Byron Pezan
I just recently migrated to a new server using replication. I used a similar command to what you listed below: cobbler replicate --master=$MASTER_SERVER_IP --distros=* --profiles=* --repos=* --systems=* I think replicate syncs all data by default unless you use the --omit-data option. The

RE: how to properly exclude packages

2011-02-08 Thread Byron Pezan
Kickstart installs don't use .repo files for OS installs. It uses the 'repo' directive inside the kickstart itself. You can see this when running `cobbler system getks --name=cobbler_system_name`. I usually put something like this in the packages section of kickstarts to prevent unwanted

RE: importing images

2010-09-22 Thread Byron Pezan
the error implies that your media doesn't contain any x86_64 packages. are you sure that the media is x86_64 and not i386? what does something like this return? ` ls /mnt/DVD/CentOS/ | grep x86_64 | head` if i mount a CentOS 5.5 x86_64 DVD and run that command i can see that there are

RE: DHCP Entries for HP iLO ports

2010-09-10 Thread Byron Pezan
you could manually, or via a script, insert the appropriate entries into /etc/cobbler/dhcp.template followed by a `cobbler sync`. in my case i have a dummy profile, i call it legacy that is tied to a specific DHCP tag. i use this profile for all systems that were not provisioned by cobbler in

RE: How to discover the baremetal resources install a VM image on thesame

2010-08-31 Thread Byron Pezan
hmm… i’m not sure if baremetal systems w/o an OS will try to pull a DHCP address unless they attempt to PXE boot by default. though as Marek said, checking your DHCPD logs my help answer that question. if you have managed switches, such as a cisco catalyst, you can log into the switch and run

RE: cobbler/

2010-08-13 Thread Byron Pezan
at the risk of sounding like an ass. get thee to yonder wiki, which is always a good idea before posting: which inevitably leads to - and -

RE: cobbler/

2010-08-13 Thread Byron Pezan
variables, or do I have to stand on my head and do rain dance to get variables? (yes it's Friday brain melting...) Marek -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Byron Pezan Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010

RE: Cobbler on multi-segmented network.

2010-08-11 Thread Byron Pezan
there's a wiki article on this subject: i'm guessing that the DNS trick mentioned is alluding to setting up a couple different 'views' in BIND with different A records for each subnet pointing to the 'next-server' value used

RE: LDAP authorization in Cobbler

2010-07-28 Thread Byron Pezan
I currently use LDAP against AD for the cobbler web interface. However, I use the 'base_dn' and OUs in AD to limit the scope of who can authenticate, not users.conf. I do use users.conf for ownership of objects though. Unfortunately I've been unable to get TLS encrypted LDAP to work, despite

RE: Confirming when a VM has been provisioned?

2010-06-15 Thread Byron Pezan
just to add another recommendation: you could look into using Cobbler's triggers to run a script (sh, python, perl etc..) that does whatever you want done after cobbler completes the action to which the trigger is tied. Cobbler docs:

RE: I want to do named reload instead of named restart on a cobbler sync

2010-06-11 Thread Byron Pezan
-Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Jeremy Hansen Sent: Friday, June 11, 2010 3:58 PM To: cobbler mailing list Subject: Re: I want to do named reload instead of named restart on a cobbler sync On

RE: SCM control and subversion?

2010-06-01 Thread Byron Pezan
There's a lot of water under that particular bridge. However, I can tell you that I also looked into using the SCM option in Cobbler to use SVN and for whatever reason I was not able to get it to work either. What I did do to hack around the issue was write a bash trigger that runs after

RE: Kickstart and snippet

2010-05-20 Thread Byron Pezan
___ [Byron Pezan] I think you should be able to set 'redhat_management_type' to 'off' in the cobbler config file. There are a couple other RHEL key settings in there as well. You may need to restart cobbler after making any config changes. Pulled directly from

RE: Kickstart and snippet

2010-05-20 Thread Byron Pezan
From: Jonas Bygdén [] Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 10:22 AM To: cobbler mailing list Cc: Byron Pezan Subject: Re: Kickstart and snippet ..SNIP.. Doesn't that destroy all cooperation between cobbler and our Spacewalk server? I've gotten more references to my

RE: How to find out the MAC address of a system

2010-02-23 Thread Byron Pezan
i see that you solved your problem, so i'm not attempting to assist, just offering some additional info for the community. we also had a need for identifying VMware systems, primarily for auto-installing VMware tools. however, using the MAC address was not an option for us as we can and will

RE: How to find out the MAC address of a system

2010-02-23 Thread Byron Pezan
glad to share it. i'm basically using a specific file to determine whether this is the first boot or not and touching the file after my first pass. then each subsequent run will notice the existence of the file and skip the first boot portion of the script. you'll also notice some RHEL