[cobirds] Lake Estes Warblers and FOY Birds

2009-05-11 Thread Gary Matthews
The day got off to a good start when Bob Chase and I found an Ovenbird in brilliant plumage on the hill side below the dam. It was so close to us we first thought it was a thrush with an orange stripe on its head. Scott Roederer later found a female American Redstart along the Big Thompson River,

[cobirds] Record breaking day in the yard - SE Ft. Collins, Larimer Co.

2009-05-11 Thread Larry Griffin
COBirders, My yard list rose to 154 today after adding Northern Waterthrush, Cassin's Vireo and a Clay-colored Sparrow, traveling with a large group of Chipping Sparrows. Numerous Yellow-rumped Warblers, Swainson's Thrushes, Western Tanagers, a Gray Catbird and a Warbling Vireo were the most in

[cobirds] Monday at Crow Valley

2009-05-11 Thread Bob Brown
To add to David Leatherman's report: Monday at Crow Valley Campground: We did see Black-headed Grosbeaks, 3 males, 1 female Flushed 1 Poorwill Numerous Orange-crowned Warblers I'm still in awe over how many Spotted Towhee's were present Just west of SR14 and CR57 we saw one immature Gol

[cobirds] Crow Valley/Briggsdale (Weld) on 5/11

2009-05-11 Thread Dave Leatherman
According to those who visited and camped at Crow Valley this past weekend, it was much less birdy today by comparison, but still held an impressive array of species and numbers of individuals. The following are highlights from what I saw, and a few observations from the several other birders p

[cobirds] west. tanager yard bird-Prowers

2009-05-11 Thread Gary and Judi Ogle
Hi again! My neighbor called (1/4 mile away) with a bird description that sounded like a western tanager. While we were talking I looked out the window and low and behold there he was! What a beaut! This is a first for a western tanager to be in our yard. I heard of another one in the area

[cobirds] Nunn New Yard Bird

2009-05-11 Thread "Nunn Guy"
Savannah Sparrow (#93) was singing in our landscaped area as we walked the path admiring the many blooming shrubs and trees. Lots of bees, too! Full yard/species detail here: http://coloradobirder.ning.com/notes/My_Yard_Birds Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO http://ColoradoBirder.ning.com/ -- Home of

[cobirds] Denver and Chico Basin Birding

2009-05-11 Thread Charles Thornton-Kolbe
1. Today, I found a Virginia's Warbler on the Platte (east side of river) between Evans and Florida.  This is in Denver County.   2. Thursday morning I am going to meet whoever shows up at Florida and the Platte River in Denver at 8:15 AM for a quick 60 to 90 minute bird walk.  Hopefully, the bi

[cobirds] Boulder Co. Lewis's Woodpeckers 5/11/2009

2009-05-11 Thread Christian Nunes
Birders, A pair of LEWIS'S WOODPECKERS were cavorting in the large burned Ponderosa Pine trees along the hogback in the Eldorado Mountain Open Space today. To get to this location, turn left onto CR 67 just before dropping into Eldorado Springs off of Eldorado Springs Drive. Go to the end o

[cobirds] Cautious prediction: Great flight tonight

2009-05-11 Thread Ted Floyd
Hello, Birders. The more I think about the effects of weather on nocturnal migration in Colorado, the less certain I am of anything... Still, I cautiously predict that tonight (May 11th-12th) could be great for nocturnal migration over the Front Range region. The weather has cleared up, ob

[cobirds] Union Res. and Jim Hamm Park Weld/Boulder Cos.

2009-05-11 Thread ROSSGULL
The sparrow fallout continued east of Longmont today with Chipping, Lark, Brewer's, Clay-colored, Vesper, Savannah, White-crowned, and Song all easy to find (hard to miss), and Lincoln's findable. Some of the White-crowns are the dark-lored type (Oriantha or Leucophrys?). It was the first

[cobirds] Chico Basin Ranch banding Monday

2009-05-11 Thread Steven Brown
Hi COBirders, After seeing Ted Floyd's forecast for a good morning, we were anticipating a good run. Brian Gibbons opened nets at 6:15, and by 7:45 we'd already netted about 30 birds. Many Swainson's Thrush and Spotted Towhees were on the ground early - and we anticipated a big Swainson'

[cobirds] Pueblo City Park 5/11

2009-05-11 Thread Brandon Percival
I made a quick 30 minute stop at Pueblo City Park this morning.   Highlights: BAND-TAILED PIGEON - 1 (2nd spring in a row I've seen one in Pueblo) Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 1 female along the Frisbee Golf Course Creek Plumbeous Vireo - 1 singing along the Frisbee Golf Course Creek Brandon Percival

[cobirds] Downtown Boulder birds

2009-05-11 Thread Lonny Frye
I did not get out much Sunday to see the nice migration, but luckily it came to me here at my house. The best bird was a WINTER WREN investigating a pile of old timbers in the remodeling wreckage across the alley. I guess that was the closest thing to a fallen tree around here. Mountain birds appe

[cobirds] Boulder birds, 5/11

2009-05-11 Thread David Waltman
Twin Lakes. I was there early and found out there had been a big exodus of the weekend birds. All I found were a few Yellow-rumped Warblers, Yellow Warblers, a Cedar Waxwing, and an Eastern Kingbird. I didn't stay long. Boulder Creek between 30th and Arapahoe bike underpass. Kaempfer already r

[cobirds] Lesser Goldfinch - Pueblo

2009-05-11 Thread Leon Bright
COBirders, A few minutes ago a FOS lesser goldfinch came to my backyard feeder. The plumage on his back is between the "green" and "black" forms. Leon Bright Pueblo --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ Join us at the 2009 Convention in Alamosa: http://cfo-link.org/conve

[cobirds] Fwd: Lower Bear Creek Spring Count - Jefferson Count

2009-05-11 Thread hawkhen
-Original Message- From: hawk...@aol.com To: cobi...@lists.cfo-link.org; racona...@yahoo.com; rickcresw...@yahoo.com; mike1.fos...@comcast.net; rlra...@ix.netcom.com Sent: Mon, 11 May 2009 12:34 pm Subject: Lower Bear Creek Spring Count - Jefferson Count We held the Lower Bear Creek/

[cobirds] Lon Hagler State Wildlife Area, Larimer.

2009-05-11 Thread Connie Kogler
Wow, what a morning. 63 species! I spent 3 hours around the reservoir and the marsh below this morning. Hundreds and hundreds of Clay-colored and Chipping Sparrows. Several hundred Yellow-rumped Warblers. Hundreds of swallows of all kinds, Tree, Cliff, Northern Rough- winged, Violet-green

[cobirds] Greenlee Preserve, Boulder County, May 11th

2009-05-11 Thread Ted Floyd
Hello, Birders. Belatedly, I tried this morning, Monday, May 11th, to get in on some of this Front Range fallout action. So I poked around Greenlee Preserve, Boulder County, after breakfast. It was great! Highlights: 1 Gray-cheeked Thrush 2 Veeries 2 Blackpoll Warblers 85+ (!) Clay-colored

[cobirds] Tennesee warbler, fort collins, 5/11

2009-05-11 Thread arvind panjabi
While birding in the riparian woods of Lee Martinez Park, around the parking lot due north of the intersection of Mason and Cherry streets, and just west of hwy 287, i had a female Tennesee Warbler in the tall cottonwoods just east of the parking lot and south of the bike trail.  Also had a Nort

[cobirds] Black-bellied Plover, Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder Cty.

2009-05-11 Thread Mike Blatchley
Lagerman Reservoir continues to have quite the turnover from hour to hour. Just yesterday afternoon I observed 20+ Willets fly in, feed for 15minutes, and depart in formation to the north. Moments later, the same story with a flock of White-faced Ibis. Seems like shorebirds are using it for a qui

[cobirds] Caspian Terns - Walden/Sawhill - Boulder

2009-05-11 Thread Mailybug
This morning at Walden/Sawhill Ponds: Osprey - 2 (Cottonwood Marsh) Peeps - several (Cottonwood Marsh) Wilson's Phalarope - 5+ (Cottonwood Marsh) Red-necked Phalarope - 1 (Cottonwood Marsh) Caspian Tern - 2 (Cottonwood Marsh) Willow Flycatcher - 1 (Sawhill) Brown Thrasher - 1 (Sawhill)

[cobirds] Veery, Warbler Woods, Boulder

2009-05-11 Thread Walter M Szeliga
Dear Cobirders, This morning, I walked upstream from Scott Carpenter Park along Boulder Creek to Warbler Woods below CU. The field at Scott Carpenter Park was full of Sparrows, particularly Clay-colored Sparrows, Chipping Sparrows and Lark Sparrows. The creek was littered with Ye

[cobirds] Bullock’s Orioles, Rose-breast ed, Black-headed and Evening Grosbeaks - Huerfan o CO

2009-05-11 Thread Goldi Loucks
While Rose-breasted continue to visit in twos and threes…their numbers have flipped with the Evening Grosbeaks, which are here by the dozens now.  Black-headed Grosbeaks are here in nearly as high numbers…odd though how they sort of hang with the Red-winged Blackbirds and are every bit as shy. 

[cobirds] Boulder Blackpoll

2009-05-11 Thread William H Kaempfer
I rechecked Boulder Creek on CU's East Campus (east of 30th St) this morning, and while the bird volume seems to have decreased from yesterday, it was still active early on. I rediscovered a Blackpoll Warbler found yesterday by Christian Nunes in the grove that is south of the trail and right next

[cobirds] Carpenter Ranch, Routt County, May 9th-10th

2009-05-11 Thread Ted Floyd
Hello, Birders. There were 67 postings to COBirds this past weekend, every single one of them from east of the Continental Divide. Well, bucking the trend, here's a summary from the Carpenter Ranch, Routt County, this past Saturday-Sunday, May 9th-10th. Kei, Hannah, and Andrew and I were u

[cobirds] Nocturnal migration, Boulder County, May 11th

2009-05-11 Thread Ted Floyd
Hello, Birders. I ventured out to Greenlee Preserve, Boulder County, earlier this "morning," Monday, May 11th. Between 3:10 and 3:25 there was a nice, steady flight of passerines, mainly warblers and sparrows, but I did hear 4 Swainson's Thrush flight calls, too. The diversity of flight ca

[cobirds] Rare Bird Alert for Colorado, May 11, 2009 - long

2009-05-11 Thread JOYCE TAKAMINE
Compiler: Joyce Takamine Date:May 11, 2009 e-mail: r...@cfo-link.org phone: 303-659-8750 This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Monday, May 11, 2009 at 5 am sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory. Highlight species include (*Denotes that there