Is this a bug in Cocoa 'isLike' ?

2008-04-07 Thread Yvan BARTHÉLEMY
On my machine (quite recent 20 inches iMac x86), following (reduced) code seems to go in a infinite loop... Checkpoint 2 is never reached. The number of 'x' characters is important. Should I send it in reporter ? #import int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { NSAutoreleasePool * po

Remote Contol Wrapper

2008-05-13 Thread Yvan BARTHÉLEMY
Hi, I am a Cocoa developer currently coding a user interface using a custom IR Remote extending the functionalities of Apple one. My company have a partnership with a remote maker, and we asked them to make a remote using Apple Remote IR codes, plus some custom ones. Unfortunately, we hav

KVO and CALayers

2008-12-12 Thread Yvan BARTHÉLEMY
Hi, I had a problem this morning, and I am wondering if the behavior I've observed was normal or not. I needed to use KVO on some object and wasn't able to figure why this didn't work. I spent some time figuring out what was happening (since it was the first time I used KVO, I started to

Core Animation NSTrackingArea

2008-12-16 Thread Yvan BARTHÉLEMY
Hi, For my project, I want to add mouse support in Core Animation views. For this, when I create a Core Animation button, I associate to the view a NSTrackingArea with the frame of my button. This way I can get mouse Up, Down, Entered and Exited events and implement the behavior of my but

Memory Management - Best practices

2009-01-22 Thread Yvan BARTHÉLEMY
Hello, I am implementing mouse support in Core Animation. For this I have a CAButton : CALayer and adds button-related behavior : highlighting on mouseDown, stopping highlighting on mouseExit, etc. and actions. The actions are associated using: -[CAButton setAction:(SEL) withTarget:(SEL)]

Core Data Manual Migration

2009-09-11 Thread Yvan BARTHÉLEMY
Hello, I need to implement manual migration in order to chain migrations. I have compiled every mapping model from a version to the next one. All my models are included in my resources (in a .momd bundle). My code determines the model version used to create the document metadataForPersistentStoreOf

Re: Core Data Manual Migration

2009-09-14 Thread Yvan BARTHÉLEMY
After further research I determined that this problem occured because I didn't set the source type and destination type. I will fill a bug report about the message not containing enough information (by the way, I'm running 10.5.6 as this is my target platform, this might have been solved since that

Re: ASL & Unicode in Xcode's Console

2008-10-29 Thread Yvan BARTHÉLEMY
Hi, A solution for this is to not use directly asl_log, but wrap it to a function that will then use asl_log for console, and fprintf for logging to stderr (instead of asl_open(stderr)), of course you will have to regenerate yourself date, host name, process name, process id information i

Re: ASL & Unicode in Xcode's Console

2008-10-29 Thread Yvan BARTHÉLEMY
In fact I am very interested about this undocumented call as it is painful for me to dig into darwin sources. Thanks, Yvan Le 29 oct. 08 à 14:41, Jason Coco a écrit : On Oct 29, 2008, at 09:06 , Yvan BARTHÉLEMY wrote: A solution for this is to not use directly asl_log, but wrap it to a

NSButton manual drawing

2009-03-13 Thread Yvan BARTHÉLEMY
Hi, I am drawing controls into view to use as feedback during Drag & Drop operation. I've tried to draw manually a NSButton (with NSRoundedBezelStyle) using [[button cell] drawWithFrame:frame inView:[NSView focusView]]; I obtain a button image with the correct background, but the button

Re: isEqual, isEqualToString, compare behaviors

2009-03-27 Thread Yvan BARTHÉLEMY
isEqualXXX methods returns a boolean and not a NSComaprisonResult like compare:. So, for these 0 == NO, and 1 == YES. No problem then. Le 27 mars 09 à 19:30, Ameen a écrit : am not being able to explain the output of the following code; code and output pasted below. #import int main (int

Core Data: [Fixed] NSPredicate failing when using NSSQLiteStoreType

2009-05-05 Thread Yvan BARTHÉLEMY
Hello, In an entity A, I have a toMany relationship to an entity B named relB. relB has a inverse toOne relationship relA. NSFetchRequest *request = [[[NSFetchRequest alloc] init] autorelease]; [request setEntity:[NSEntityDescription entityForName:@"A" inManagedObjectContext:moc]];

IB Plugin - optionDescriptionsForBinding: not called

2009-05-27 Thread Yvan BARTHÉLEMY
Hello, I have tried to create a custom IB Plugin to support custom bindings/ reimplement existing bindings on NSImageView. My final goal is to have read/write access to path and url bindings, I intend to reimplement drag & drop and create files on the fly to achieve this. For this I tried

NSPersistentDocument Save As failure

2009-07-29 Thread Yvan BARTHÉLEMY
Hi, I have some misunderestanding with Core Data documents. I'm creating an empty Core Data document and then adding some content in it. I then saved it successfully. The problem comes only when I'm using Save As. In one document, I can add items (using my array controllers bound to my context), th