How to diable Keep-Alive?

2004-02-06 Thread Sven Khler
Hi, i want to avoid, that POST-Requests reuse connections from the pool. I'm using the MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager because i use one HttpClient-Object from different Threads. By avoiding that POST-Request use already open HTTP-connections, i want to avoid problems with stale connections

Does HttpClient decompress compressed HTTP transfers?

2003-11-17 Thread Sven Khler
Hi, If i send the right accept-encoding headers, the web-server may answer with a gzip or deflate compressed stream. Does HttpClient decompress it? If yes, how can i turn that off? - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

HttpMethodBase.releaseConnection() finished download

2003-11-13 Thread Sven Khler
Hi, it seems that releaseConnection finishes the http-download until it is complete. I don't want that. I'm looking for a way to close the HttpConnection if the download wasn't completed yet. I'm aware that one cannot abort a Http-Transfer without closing the connection and therfor loosing it

SSL-Connection to unstrusted host

2003-11-12 Thread Sven Khler
Well, the subject says it all: I'd like to connect to a host with an untrusted SSL-certfictate. When trying to connect, i always get the following exception: No trusted certificate found at

Cookies, Chunked-Post Threads

2003-11-11 Thread Sven Khler
Hi, i'm working on a so called ProxyServlet which uses the Information provided by the ServletContainer to deliver the Requests to another Web-Server. At present, i'm using the HttpMethod-Objects (GetMethod, PutMethod, ...) and HttpClient.execute() to deliver the Requests to the other