Re: [cg] Seed Resouces

2003-04-22 Thread Pat_Elazar
1 more source of heirloom edibles:

Re: [cg] crop rotation

2005-04-15 Thread Pat_Elazar
Noreen asked a simple question that calls for some complicated answers. I do not disagree with anything that Ali, Adam or Tom said, but I will muddy the waters some: "Mother Nature" rotates in space- by species interplanting on a vast scale (think rain forest)- and over time by favouring a success

Re: [cg] teaching materials-books, videos, slides, & flip charts

2002-08-14 Thread Pat_Elazar
Both of these websites offer video & instructional materials. Good luck. Aslo, never underestimate the collective, innate wisdom of your participants. Perhaps you have im/migrants from rural south, Caribean, s

Re: [cg] community outreach farm

2002-08-16 Thread Pat_Elazar
Hi Susan! Wow, a not-for-profit farm. That should be easy enough to do- I had one of those for about 13 years myself! Seriously, I wish you much success in your project & I hope you keep us up to date on your accomplishments. __ The American

Re: [cg] Re: storing perennials

2002-08-27 Thread Pat_Elazar
Jeneva said: [The main reason I am so concerned about the "outdoor storage" option is that I tried transplanting some perennial herbs last fall, from boxes that had to be dismantled, and it was apparently a bit too late in the season, as not one of them came up again in the spring. Is there anyon

Re: [cg] Paradise Parking Playgrounds...

2003-08-07 Thread Pat_Elazar
Speaking of "Parking lots into Paradises", there was a VERY favourable article on the front page of last Friday's Winnipeg Free Press highlighting our own Jeneva Storme & the GREAT work she's done greening a tough part of this city. The article included a photo of Jeneva with gardens & gardener

[cg] Does anybody have a good recipe for whitewash?

2003-08-18 Thread Pat_Elazar

Re: [cg] NY Times Article: A Garden Flourishes Amid Chicago's Projects

2003-08-26 Thread Pat_Elazar
Nice article on urban ag William- thx! It would have been nice if they had included the variety of tomatoes though

Re: [cg] Adam in the South

2003-02-21 Thread Pat_Elazar
Adam- you look great in a cowboy hat! Hope: thx for the great link!

Re: [cg] African Americans- part Cherokee, Cree

2003-02-25 Thread Pat_Elazar
Fascinating history! Thank you for shedding some illumination on this previously obscure corner of the family tree.

Re: [cg] Composting & shredding in community Garden.

2004-02-06 Thread Pat_Elazar
Thank you Adam, Deborah, Dorene & Sharon for your thoughts on shredding & composting in c/g's. I am always amazed at the high level of thinking & execution displayed here. My own allotment garden doesnt compost at all, has no fence or shed and spends most of our plot fees on (ugh) hauling away th

Re: [cg] Growing edibles on streetsides (Valor tempered with discretion)

2004-02-10 Thread Pat_Elazar
Hi Lisa! I agree first with the caveats raised by Adam & Judy. Having said that, I'm sure that ALL urban agriculture risks contamination by cars, pets & drunks. So why not use that curb strip for some hardy roots, ancient/ceremonial grains or dry soup beans that will not be eaten raw? Or even

RE: [cg] Re: coffee grounds

2003-01-30 Thread Pat_Elazar
John & Adam I appreciate both of your remarks. We who live on the golden mountain have much to be thankful for. We in the community gardening movement can all be a little smug & self satisfied when we compare our efforts to those who do less than we. We can all strive to do more to end injusti

Re: [cg] US outlaws seed saving by Iraq farmers

2005-01-26 Thread Pat_Elazar
This article is misleading (IMHO). Nowhere does it say that Iraqi farmers cant save or plant seed from their own land-race varieties which will be (again IMHO) far superior to any western franken-seeds for their own particular conditions. Eventually, Iraqi scientists freed from developing bio-warf

Re: [cg] pressure treated lumber - reduce potential harm to children

2003-07-16 Thread Pat_Elazar
Yes- only grow ornamentals in those beds! Justin Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/16/2003 11:33 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: Subject:[cg] pressure treated lumber I agree that pressure treated lumber is nasty stuff, but I was put

Re: [cg] Re: Fruit Tree Questions

2002-06-05 Thread Pat_Elazar
You can definitely espalier using anchors in the ground to augment the fence for support. I'd be happy to show you how & with some training, you & and your crew will be able to that yourself. You can also graft 5 kinds of apples on one tree, but in our climate, the differing demands placed on the

Re: [cg] Tiny tomato troubles

2004-06-01 Thread Pat_Elazar
James asked about "tomato envy" (his words) or "heirloom varieties VS.steroid-bloated monstrosities"... First the disclaimer: My daughter the 9-year-old agronomist says you need to plant 4 or 5 relays of the same randomly interspersed locally bequeathed heirloom varieites with commercial hybrids

Re: [cg] Has-beans? support bush beans?

2004-06-04 Thread Pat_Elazar
Hi James, It would be easier to respond to your questions if you gave some more details about your operation- like what type of soil, variety of beans you planted, what you used for fertilization, what grew there last year etc Otherwise we are all guessing? Having said that, under some condi

Re: [cg] BLACK KABOULI Bush Garbanzo Beans in Pennsylvania

2003-03-10 Thread Pat_Elazar
Hi Doreen! You & Libby are BOTH correct. Garbanzos are a vetch botanically- like peas & favas. They prefer cooler weather than true beans (Phaseolus) & can even tolerate light frosts (unlike beans). Thats why they are planted in early spring in a meditereanean climate. However, they DO like wa

Re: [cg] Rusted water drums - what to do?

2003-03-24 Thread Pat_Elazar
Someone on the list may have a better memory of the chemical process than I, but there's certainly nothing in the rust (iron oxide) that wasnt either in the water or the drum to start with. Iron is an essential nutrient- although I dont remember if the rust form of Iron Oxide is particularly av

Re: [cg] Request for Urban Farming Info

2003-03-31 Thread Pat_Elazar
A really neat urban producer is Wally Satzewich from Saskatoon, in western Canada. Wally is a full-time market gardener on a land-base of two good sized suburban lots in Saskatoon. This is Wally's site: Here is link to a detailed article about Wally on CityFarmer

Re: [cg] RE: Who's Stepping Up To The Plate?

2003-03-31 Thread Pat_Elazar
Paco contributed: As it is, many/most Americans don't have values grounded in gardening...(snip)...During a Republican convention, I believe for G. Bush Sr, they had an African American senator boast how he "... a black man, got off the farm he grew up on to make it in this world, and isn't Amer

Re: [cg] Mice in the Compost

2002-05-27 Thread Pat_Elazar
Hi Geneva! Try this link to City Farmers's compost bin design website.: Remember too that not all composting technology that is suitable for the farm in one zone can be imported into the city in another zone. You may have to fine-tune your rules about

Re: [cg] Detroit gardens

2002-05-29 Thread Pat_Elazar
I will be in Detroit this weekend. Is there anyone I could contact to tour community garden sites there? (I may have asked this question once but deleted the reply in a fit of in-box cleaning). Thank you. __ The American Community Gardening

Re: [cg] Vietnamese/English and Sudanese/English translation for vegetable plants

2003-05-22 Thread Pat_Elazar
Hi Teva! Here is a page with English & botanical names of most Asian vegetables: As for Sudanese, in the north of Sudan they speak Arabic & the vegetables are pretty similar to Mediteranean European faire with the addition of Jute (Corchorus

Re: [cg] (no subject)

2002-11-04 Thread Pat_Elazar
You can try: Jason Fligger Jason Fligger Urban Agriculture Coordinator Hunger Action Coalition of Michigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] Jason organises gardens on the grounds of the beautiful Capuchin monastery on Mt Elliot in Detroit's bombed-out east side. The dou

RE: [cg] (no subject)

2002-11-04 Thread Pat_Elazar
oops! Fat fingers strikes again! The correct handle for Michigan Hunger Action Coalition is: "Honigman, Adam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 11/04/2002 02:48:39 PM To:Pat Elazar/WPG/[EMAIL PROTECTED], Margaret Schott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> cc:[EM

Re: [cg] community gardening in the middle east

2003-11-21 Thread Pat_Elazar
Marhaba Charli! I strongly urge you to compare notes with the group in Jerusalem thats about 20 mi's away from you & shares not only your weather, but also a very similar lifestyle to yours- not withstanding your own prejudice. Here's a link to an initiative i

Re: [cg] Stomp out 98 disaster

2002-10-01 Thread Pat_Elazar
Hi Gwenne, It might be a good idea to find out exactly what was sprayed & at how high a concentration. Could you find the container? The 3 chems you mentioned have different formulations, differ in virulence & more importantly in persistence as well. The least virulent- Wipe out, is very simila

Re: [cg] recruiting board members etc.

2002-10-15 Thread Pat_Elazar
Hi Bonnie! To paraphrase our illustrious moderator Adam (who was probably paraphrasing Yogi Berra): "Community gardening is 10% gardening & 90% community organising". Your thoughts/comments are welcome. I hope to see more offerings from you

Re: [cg] Korean Vegetable/Herb [shi do/ Zi su]

2004-10-06 Thread Pat_Elazar
is this the stuff? __ The American Community Gardening Association listserve is only one of ACGA's services to community gardeners. To learn more about the ACGA and to find out ho

Re: [cg] A prospective new site

2002-09-26 Thread Pat_Elazar
Hi Margot! Check out this website & newslettre: Wally market gardens on a suburban acreage in Saskatoon, which is NOT Edmonton, but at least the right latitude anyways Randy and Margot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 09/24/2002 10:00:12 AM Sent by:

Re: [cg] citrus companions?

2002-09-26 Thread Pat_Elazar
Hi Jsun! When I gardened in your garden zone, I grew perrenial herbs under my lemon, blood-orange, pomelo & avocado trees. The herbs enjoyed the shade from the relentless Meditereanian sun & regular watering that the trees got. This was on terraces though- not containers [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [cg] Re: Ack! Heirloom tomato question- 20' rule

2006-08-25 Thread Pat_Elazar
Hi Holly, You got some good advice from Don which I will back up with my own experience: I've been growing heirloom tomatoes staked about 50cm (~20") apart for about 20 years with no problems saving seeds from 4 or 5 favourite varieties. But last year my prized "banana legs" yellow-with-green-str

Re: [Community_garden] garden allotment size question

2007-08-20 Thread Pat_Elazar
Oh- I don't know. My allotment garden here in Winnipeg, Canada features plots about that size (or metric equivalent ~33'x109'). Thats generous for north American 'burbs', but not for Europe. In Europe so often you see larger allotment gardens with veggies, flowers, herbs, berries, fruit trees per