Re: [CTRL] Very real threat

2004-07-16 Thread Eric Hoffsten
-Caveat Lector- A few points regarding this hideously misguided letter from what is clearly a spectacularly uncritical thinker: On Jul 16, 2004, at 6:04 AM, Ed Raymond wrote (quoting an anonymous letter): Our country is now facing the most serious threat to its existence, as we know it, that we

[CTRL] [humor] Things You Have to Believe to Be a Republican Today

2004-07-15 Thread Eric Hoffsten
from x-tad-biggerJuly 14, 2004 /x-tad-bigger Things you have to believe to be a Republican today x-tad-biggerA BUZZFLASH READER CONTRIBUTION/x-tad-bigger x-tad-biggerBuzzFlash Note: This was forwarded to us by a BuzzFlash Reader. If you

Re: [CTRL] isn't time?

2004-05-06 Thread Eric Hoffsten
-Caveat Lector- That's right, William! With you all the way! I mean, who needs breathable air, right?!? Who cares about the natural world?!? WE are the creatures who deserve to TAKE IT ALL and use it up at our will! There just aren't enough toxic pollutants in our air, water, and food right

Re: [CTRL] isn't time?

2004-05-06 Thread Eric Hoffsten
Oh, please. Energy shortages in California?!? Enron was gaming the system! The whole thing was completely manufactured! What doesn't work is continuing w/ the Bush Cartel's insane (and insanely anti-environmental) energy policy. Even the damn *Pentagon* game out and said we MUST address

Re: [CTRL] Great Idea

2004-03-25 Thread Eric Hoffsten
Great idea! The private sector is always superior to a government run agency. Bill H. On Mar 25, 2004, at 4:59 AM, Prudy L wrote: Now, compare that to Blockbuster: you are two days late with a video and those people are all over you. Hmmm... Except when it comes to utilities like water

Re: [CTRL] Great Idea

2004-03-25 Thread Eric Hoffsten
-Caveat Lector- Electricity. Both the feds and state do a wonderful job or regulating that. Just look at how the California State Government let its citizens get ripped off a couple of years ago. Wait... So you're saying it's not Enron's fault for being greedy criminals, but the *government's*

Re: [CTRL] [JBirch] Liberal Radio Network Unveils Lineup (fwd)

2004-03-17 Thread Eric Hoffsten
-Caveat Lector- Why bother? There are the following left wing/marxist/lennist news networks ABC, CBS, NBC, cnn and NPR(which is financed by us traxpayers!) I'm not sure what lennist is, but the aforementioned networks are all corporate shills for the White House mouthpiece, and rarely if

Re: [CTRL] Letter to John Kerry

2004-02-28 Thread Eric Hoffsten
>I will explain: > >First, you are right. Iraq was not a threat. The problem was that Iraq's >government was. The insinuation that Saddam Hussein was not a threat is >absurd. If Saddam Hussein was so non-threatening, the why did the UN >feel the need to pass 71

Re: [CTRL] Letter to John Kerry

2004-02-26 Thread Eric Hoffsten
-Caveat Lector- Whatever the political reasons may have been for the war in Iraq, ultimately, it was the right thing to do. Now we have a much better chance at an endgame than we ever did enforcing international policies that were never designed to succeed. Do not forget that enforcing those

[CTRL] FWD: They Must Think Americans Are Idiots

2004-01-09 Thread Eric Hoffsten
from They Must Think Americans Are Idiots January 9, 2004 By Becky Burgwin You know, I'm really starting to think that our current president and his cronies must not have gotten in very much trouble when they were kids. I'm

[CTRL] FWD: Five impolite questions for the president

2004-01-09 Thread Eric Hoffsten
Well said, if a bit Moore-esque... --eh --- URL:,1406,KNS_364_2563050,00.html Five impolite questions for the president By DON WILLIAMS January 9, 2004 Dear Mr. President: If I knew you were reading this, I'd

Re: [CTRL] DEBKA file on Saddam

2004-01-01 Thread Eric Hoffsten
-Caveat Lector- 16Always claim that Al Gore *really* won the last election and that Bush isn't really the president. Wait a sec... did Al Gore NOT receive over half a million more votes than his opponent? Were tens of thousands of people NOT erroneously thrown off the voter rolls in Florida

[CTRL] Bush's Operation Clean Sweep--World War IV in 2004

2003-12-03 Thread Eric Hoffsten
from - Bush's Operation Clean Sweep--World War IV in 2004 - 12/01/2003 05:30 Even though Bush II will lose the popular vote in the US presidential election of 2004, his Electoral College

Re: [CTRL] Bush's Operation Clean Sweep--World War IV in 2004

2003-12-03 Thread Eric Hoffsten
>from - Bush's Operation Clean Sweep--World War IV in 2004 - 12/01/2003 05:30 My apologies. I neglected to notice that Bill Shannon had posted this piece several days ago.

[CTRL] Terror market will reopen in March

2003-11-16 Thread Eric Hoffsten
from Terror market will reopen in March by kos Sun Nov 16th, 2003 at 03:12:11 UTC Amazing to believe, but a sharp-eyed reader has found that the Policy Analysis Market -- that Pentagon-funded and Pointexder-led futures market -- will reopen in March

Re: [CTRL] It is the soldier, ........ ( Happy Veteran's Day)

2003-11-12 Thread Eric Hoffsten
-Caveat Lector- Bravo, Daniel! I couldn't have put it better myself. Way to nail it. If only the soilder knew he was fighting not for his or his familys freedom or even freedom of speech but the freedom of global companies to expand into markets not yet tapped by removing troublesum

Re: [CTRL] Woman Who Filed Sex Suit Against Bush Dead

2003-11-12 Thread Eric Hoffsten
Of course the most suspicious aspect of this account is that her suicide was attributed to a gunshot wound to the head, which, given the fact that female suicide by gunshot over the age of 19 almost *never* happens, should raise more than a few red flags. When women die from gunshot wounds, they

[CTRL] New UPI editor's journalism oath to Rev. Moon

2003-11-12 Thread Eric Hoffsten
from Monday, November 10, 2003 New UPI editor's journalism oath to Rev. Moon As you may recall, United Press International was the home of legendary reporter Helen Thomas until it was bought by the Moonies in 2000. Now,

[CTRL] More on Electronic Touch-Screen Voting...

2003-09-26 Thread Eric Hoffsten
...or what I like to call The End of Democracy! - from The St. Petersburg Times #904, Tuesday, September 23, 2003 OPINION Chris Floyd's Global Eye Vanishing

[CTRL] AP: 9 / 11 Leader Says Plot Began in 1996

2003-09-22 Thread Eric Hoffsten
from September 22, 2003 AP: 9 / 11 Leader Says Plot Began in 1996 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Filed at 9:33 a.m. ET WASHINGTON (AP) -- Khalid Shaikh Mohammed,

[CTRL] Iraqi doctors blame cancer rise on depleted uranium shells

2003-08-18 Thread Eric Hoffsten
from All rights reserved. Copyright ©2000 - 2003 Editorial comments: [EMAIL PROTECTED] japantoday > national Iraqi doctors blame cancer rise on depleted uranium shells Sunday, August 17, 2003 at 06:19 JST TOKYO - An increasing number of

[CTRL] Blair's office substantially altered Iraq dossier, British probe hears

2003-08-18 Thread Eric Hoffsten
from Blair's office substantially altered Iraq dossier, British probe hears Mon Aug 18, 3:03 PM ET LONDON (AFP) - British Prime Minister Tony Blair (news - web sites)'s office authorized

[CTRL] Shh, don't tell anyone; we're running things

2003-08-18 Thread Eric Hoffsten
Shh, don't tell anyone; we're running things Jon Carroll Monday, August 18, 2003 ©2003 San Francisco Chronicle | Feedback URL: People with something to hide usually try to hide that something. Not a

[CTRL] Voting machines criticized by scientists

2003-08-18 Thread Eric Hoffsten
from Voting machines criticized by scientists By CHRISTINA NUCKOLS, The Virginian-Pilot © August 18, 2003 RICHMOND -- The touch-screen voting machines purchased by Norfolk last year put the city on the cusp of election

[CTRL] Has the Republican Party become hostile to the democratic process?

2003-08-18 Thread Eric Hoffsten
from Has the Republican Party become hostile, or at best indifferent, to the democratic process? by David Neiwert This is a serious question, and it is raised by the GOP's own high-profile behavior of the past five

[CTRL] Study: 9 / 11 - Style Attack on U.S. Likely

2003-08-17 Thread Eric Hoffsten
from August 17, 2003 Study: 9 / 11 - Style Attack on U.S. Likely By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Filed at 1:46 p.m. ET LONDON (AP) -- Another Sept.

[CTRL] Power Outage Traced to Dim Bulb in White House

2003-08-15 Thread Eric Hoffsten
from POWER OUTAGE TRACED TO DIM BULB IN WHITE HOUSE The Tale of The Brits Who Swiped 800 Jobs From New York, Carted Off $90 Million, Then Tonight, Turned Off Our Lights ZNet Friday, August 15, 2003 by Greg Palast I can tell you all about the

[CTRL] Less Than Meets the Eye?

2003-08-14 Thread Eric Hoffsten
Sources tell ABCNEWS the U.S. government sting operation that led to the arrest of accused arms dealer Hemant Lakhani was a setup. ( Less Than Meets the Eye? U.S. Government Sting Operation Criticized as Setup By Brian Ross Aug. 13 - Administration officials are leaving out key

[CTRL] Get-out-of-Jail-Free Card for Oil Companies

2003-08-14 Thread Eric Hoffsten
from August 8, 2003 Get-out-of-Jail-Free Card for Oil Companies Take a gander at Executive Order 13303, which President Bush signed on May 22. It is innocuously entitled,

[CTRL] Muffling the Left: Watchdog Reveals Effort to Gag Anti-Bush Causes

2003-08-14 Thread Eric Hoffsten
from Watchdog Reveals Effort to Gag Anti-Bush Causes Muffling the Left by Chisun Lee August 6 - 12, 2003 he Bush administration is actively seeking to gag or punish social service organizations that challenge the party line on such matters as health

Re: [CTRL] Anti-Gay Hate Messages -was- WARNING: U.N. Group in 'showd...

2003-08-14 Thread Eric Hoffsten
-Caveat Lector- Wow, I had NO idea you people were so uptight! I'd figure anybody smart enough to see through the fog and lies of the current political climate could also see through the fog and lies of the anti-gay agenda propogated by the *EXACT SAME FORCES*. Sheesh. Mark S. Bilk nailed it,

[CTRL] Germany tipped CIA about Sept 11 pilot

2003-08-14 Thread Eric Hoffsten
from,205,item_id=33442 Germany tipped CIA about Sept 11 pilot 13 August 2003 HAMBURG - The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had one of the September 11, 2001 terror pilots under surveillance as early as March 1999 after a tip from German security

[CTRL] Want a warhead for $1? Ask Halliburton. Just don't blame them when your life is ruined.

2003-08-14 Thread Eric Hoffsten
of Jet Research Center from Halliburton in 1994. Court documents show that Hudak ultimately purchased the SMAW warheads from Accurate Arms. __ Eric Hoffsten [EMAIL PROTECTED] 207 865 0230

[CTRL] Wall Street bullish on the spoils of war

2003-08-14 Thread Eric Hoffsten
from the August 14, 2003 edition - Wall Street bullish on the spoils of war The global private military industry is changing how nations fight By Alan Miller The creeping military-industrial complex about which President Dwight Eisenhower

[CTRL] Stealing The Internet

2003-08-06 Thread Eric Hoffsten
from Stealing The Internet Jeff Chester is executive director of the Center for Digital Democracy. Steven Rosenfeld is a commentary editor and audio producer for Ever stop to wonder what is really happening to the Internet these days?

Re: [CTRL] We Already Know the Administration Was Lying

2003-08-02 Thread Eric Hoffsten
-Caveat Lector- In deference to William Shannon's posting of the Stephen C. Pelletiere piece, I should clarify: [IF Saddam was actually responsible for that action in '88] Why, that'd be whatever our captains of industry sold him! Ask Rumsfeld, he was there... we've got a nice pic of him

[CTRL] US anti-war activists hit by secret airport ban

2003-08-02 Thread Eric Hoffsten
from US anti-war activists hit by secret airport ban By Andrew Gumbel in Los Angeles 03 August 2003 After more than a year of complaints by some US anti-war activists that they were being unfairly targeted by airport security,

[CTRL] New Screening Plan Taking Flight

2003-08-01 Thread Eric Hoffsten
from New Screening Plan Taking Flight WASHINGTON, July 31, 2003 It's the first truly national database of who is a risky passenger and who is not, and it may kick in the next time you buy an airline ticket, reports CBS

[CTRL] 'Conservative' Bush Spends More than 'Liberal' Presidents Clinton, Carter

2003-08-01 Thread Eric Hoffsten
from July 31, 2003 'Conservative' Bush Spends More than 'Liberal' Presidents Clinton, Carter by Veronique de Rugy and Tad DeHaven Veronique de Rugy is a fiscal policy analyst and Tad DeHaven a policy researcher at the Cato Institute. The Bush

[CTRL] US debates bid to kill Hussein and avoid trial

2003-08-01 Thread Eric Hoffsten
from US debates bid to kill Hussein and avoid trial By Bryan Bender, Globe Correspondent, 8/1/2003 WASHINGTON -- Senior Bush administration officials are debating whether to order military

Re: [CTRL] We Already Know the Administration Was Lying

2003-08-01 Thread Eric Hoffsten
-Caveat Lector- If Saddam Hussein's administration did not have WMD, then what did he use against the Kurds in northern Iraq, when he dropped chemical weapons to murder thousands of his own people? Why, that'd be whatever our captains of industry sold him! Ask Rumsfeld, he was there... we've

[CTRL] Weapons of Mass Deception

2003-06-11 Thread Eric Hoffsten
from -- Weapons of Mass Deception by Ruth Rosen Thursday, June 5, 2003 THE BUSH administration faces a growing credibility gap that may turn into one of the most serious political

[CTRL] The Impeachable Offense

2003-06-11 Thread Eric Hoffsten
from - The impeachable offense: Bush jeopardized troops' lives on false pretext Geov Parrish 06.09.03 Finally, and far too late, the networks, the big dailies, and the national news magazines are discovering that the Bush

[CTRL] How the News Media Fuels Conspiracy Theories

2003-06-11 Thread Eric Hoffsten
How the News Media Fuels Conspiracy Theories with hyperlinks:>

Re: [CTRL] leftist nuts

2003-03-18 Thread Eric Hoffsten
-Caveat Lector- You know, I am SO sick of these knee-jerk reactionaries who have the gall to label anyone anti-war as somehow Anti-American. Unthinking sheep like the author of this original post (who I'll ask to kindly QUIT SHOUTING) should be ashamed to call himself an American. REAL

Re: [CTRL] Eric Hoffsten wrote:

2003-03-18 Thread Eric Hoffsten
and begins to pubesce I'll have to explain to him why America stands alone and isolated in the world, why my generation had more than he'll ever have, why he's denied the rights and liberties that my generation enjoyed... -eh __ Eric Hoffsten [EMAIL PROTECTED] 207 865 0230 A HREF

Re: [CTRL] leftist nuts

2003-03-18 Thread Eric Hoffsten
-Caveat Lector- Theodore Roosevelt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: You're simply full of shit. Oh, COME ON, Teddy! You're not even trying! No, seriously. Tell us why you think invading Iraq is right up there w/ ending world hunger! Really. We want to know. What's your argument? Take more than

Re: [CTRL] Dangerous future oppressors killed

2002-11-21 Thread Eric Hoffsten
-Caveat Lector- On that note... interesting:,,3-486464,00.html --eh A HREF=; DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed.