Remote client through telnet gives error 232

2006-03-01 Thread Simon Keen
I am trying to run remote clients on an X server using telnet, but am encountering an error. My setup is as follows: - runnning X server on Cygwin_NT-5.1 on a windows XP Professional laptop. I initiate this by running the default startxwin.bat from the directory C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin; - in

Opening CDE Through Telnet

2005-05-15 Thread Simon Keen
I'm using cygwin/x on Windows 2000 to access an HP-UX server. I wish to use the CDE, which I currently achieve with the following: - run startxwin.bat from Windows explorer; - xhost HP hostname - telnet HP hostname - DISPLAY=win hostname:0.0 - export DISPLAY - /usr/dt/bin/dtsession This