Re: Scenes from the Supreme Court protests today

2000-12-01 Thread George
Alright, Declan using his Nikon Coolpix 950! Screw that analog stuff. Got 340Mb? At 5:21 PM -0500 12/1/00, Declan McCullagh wrote: # The Reverend Al Sharpton, working off more weight. Hey, they get to use bullhorns in DC? We

Transvestite TLD ;-)

2000-11-28 Thread George # #November 28, 2000 # #VeriSign Invests in dotTV, #Enters Marketing Alliance # #By NICK WINGFIELD # #Staff Reporter of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL # #VeriSign Inc., a leader in handling registrati

On 60 inches tonight, damn you all

2000-11-28 Thread George # #Drug Checkpoints Struck Down by High Court # #Tuesday, November 28, 2000 # #In a divided 6-3 ruling, the Supreme Court on Monday struck down #as unconstitutional random roadblocks intended to catch criminals #

On 60" tonight

2000-11-26 Thread George
And Katherine Harris bumped the piece. Our resident racist prosecutor & fantasy killer Tim May wrote: #I notice you're babbling about what's on "60 Minutes" There are some overachievers who can babble in only one sentence, not I. It takes me several. Our resident racist prosecutor &

On 60" tonight

2000-11-26 Thread George
My on-screen guide said "FISA", says, "Mike Wallace looks at one couple's claim that they were set up by the FBI and wrongly convicted of espionage."

Florida Supreme Court freezes certification

2000-11-17 Thread George
Florida Supreme Court freezes certification. (That's it.)

Court system greased lightning.

2000-11-17 Thread George
Wow, a FL 3-judge panel already passed Gore's appeal up to the FL Supreme Court. Another basis of appeal can only start after Harris certifies the result tomorrow. It will be interesting to see if Dubya emerges after certification. Obviously, Gore won the most votes as people _tried_ to vote.

Re: Bob's Bank. Hi, I'm Bob. Just slip it in this pocket here.

2000-11-17 Thread George
Marshall Clow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: #900 people --> $186M. That's $206K each. #That's a lot of money to put into a 'bank'. Wow, money goes a lot further when it's not taxed, eh? ;-)

Florida Democrats shot themselves in both feet

2000-11-17 Thread George
County prepared #meticulously for Election Day. They registered thousands of voters #and ferried enough people to the polls in predominantly #African-American precincts to give a solid boost to Vice President #Al Gore in a county expected to swing reliably into Gov. George #W

White Supremacist raided

2000-11-17 Thread George
- Feds raid David Dukes house, cart off files - Feds Raid Home of Ex-Klansman By Cain Burdeau ASSOCIATED PRESS MANDEVILLE, La. Federal agents raided the home of former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke on Thursday, carting off boxes of documents and a rifle during a search that lasted more

Fucking cops (Put down those fries)

2000-11-17 Thread George
Girl Arrested for Eating Fries in Subway Police Cite 'Zero Tolerance' No-Food Rule Nov. 16, 2000 WASHINGTON (AP) -- The mother of a 12-year-old girl who was handcuffed, booked and fingerprinted for eating french fries in a subway station says police went too far. "I can't believe ther

Re: hey ummm...

2000-11-16 Thread George
sunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> #[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: #> #> how do you make a stink bomb? # #Pull your head out of your ass and smell yourself. No no no. Think about these words of wise pondering by Beavis and Butthead: "Why don't boogers smell?"

Bush's legal contradictions

2000-11-16 Thread George
It's all just politics... Bush said keep it out of the courts, then went to Federal court. Now...(snipped) # #The Florida Supreme Court, in a one-paragraph decision, denied #a petition by Florida Secretary of State Harris to halt m

RE: Florida Electoral defection threat!

2000-11-15 Thread George
"Trei, Peter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: # #It would take at least two faithless electors to #swing the election to Gore. One would make it #a dead heat, and send the decision to Congress. Ping pong, ping pong. Isn't a switch of one vote a difference of two in the total? Wait, that'

Florida situation keeps changing...

2000-11-15 Thread George
Let's see... A lawyer for Bush held a street corner news conference saying he's caught one of the Palm Beach County election officials dropping some questionable ballots into Gore's pile. Both the lawyer and the official share the name Carol, I think. The Florida Secy of State, (Bush FL co-campa

Florida Electorial defection threat!

2000-11-15 Thread George
A Florida Electoral delegate for Dubya, (an unknown number of electoral votes), is threatening to vote for Gore. Apparently she is free to do so. Her name is approximately Berta Morajelo, sounded Spanish or Cuban. Reported on MSNBC TV, who's WWW sucks rotten toads, so I don't visit it anymore.

Here come da judge [Kroll] Devil in a Blue Dress Blue Dress

2000-11-13 Thread George
The hearing that was scheduled for tomorrow Tuesday for Democratic Judge K. Kroll for hearing an individuals lawsuit to enable the Palm Beach County recount to count has been moved to today at 4PM, with all the individual lawsuits consolidated and both presidential candidates' lawyers at the heari

Here comes Jesse Jackson

2000-11-13 Thread George
FoxNewsChannel reports Jesse Jackson is about to fire up a large crowd. Cross your fingers, Tim.

Republicans squash the FL manual recount!

2000-11-13 Thread George
The Florida Secretary of State has just ruled that any recounts not completed by [sometime] tomorrow won't be certified. The Democrats should not give them any numbers for Palm Beach County while the recanvas continues. And of course, now the lawsuits fly.

Re: Close Elections and Causality

2000-11-12 Thread George
ke to see a race riot" May Moroned: #...liberal Jews...the Jews...liberal Jews coming to get our guns. HA HA HA! A paranoid racist fuck. You're the Buchanan of the Cypherpunks list. "In the name of the Lord, let's get behind George Bush." ---Patrick Buchanan, who received "0%" of the vote (<.5%)

Tim May, White Supremacist

2000-11-12 Thread George
Seriously, Tim, are you just going to continue to fart around here and in Usenet for another 10 years, or are you going to do something to propagate your views? I'd suggest a video game. There would be white trash (liked you), Jews, Blacks... Some specific personalities: Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpt

Re: Bush Florida lead dwindles toward zero...

2000-11-12 Thread George
White Supremacist Tim "I'd like to see a race riot" May Moroned: #Hey, Vulis, I was the one who pointed this out earlier than nearly #anyone else. Yesterday, early afternoon, my time. Check it out. Oooh, want to compete on who was first? !From root Mon Nov 6 19:09:23 2000 !From

Re: Bush Florida lead dwindles toward zero...

2000-11-12 Thread George
White Supremacist Tim "I'd like to see a race riot" May Moroned: #Vulis, you're the same commie fool #you were a a couple of years ago. Starting to stutter at the thought of Vulis, eh? My guess is he is the one persistently subscribing this list to Giganetstore, etc. Thus making this th

Re: Close Elections and Causality

2000-11-12 Thread George
Kevin Elliott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: %This is why people who don't know statistics should not be allowed to %think... By no means is that number, by itself, of any significance %whatsoever. How many got canceled last election- one number I heard %said 14,000. If so then 19,00

Bush Florida lead dwindles toward zero...

2000-11-12 Thread George
ntial election for Al Gore and #George W. Bush. # #Gore added 36 votes and Bush lost three in a machine recount #of Palm Beach County in Florida's disputed presidential balloting. #A hand count of selected precincts turned up enough errors in #the election night vote to pro

Re: A successful lawsuit means Gore wins!

2000-11-11 Thread George
A prime example of machine counting being unreliable. [New Mexico] # #The county withdrew early-voting and absentee ballots Tuesday #night after officials discovered a glitch in the computers used #to tally votes. The machines w

Re: A successful lawsuit means Gore wins!

2000-11-11 Thread George
Declan, powerful Media Mogul, wrote: #George seems to have an unusual fixation on Vulis... THAT'S NOT FUNNY. White Supremacist Tim "I'd like to see a race riot" May Moroned: #I trust more in machines for counting machine ballots than I trust in #local politici

Re: A successful lawsuit means Gore wins!

2000-11-11 Thread George
FoxNewsChannel has announced George Dubya Bush will make a pre-emptive court strike by challenging manual recounts. This, following warning Gore not to challenge results in court. These recounts are provided by state law, and are not being done for any court. Bush's objection is that peopl

Re: A successful lawsuit means Gore wins!

2000-11-10 Thread George
embroiled in a #controversy over punchcard ballots that allegedly confused voters, #could further delay for days the outcome of the presidential #race between Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore. # #The order, issued Thursday night by Circuit Judge Kathleen Kroll, #

Re: A successful lawsuit means Gore wins!

2000-11-10 Thread George
There's legal precedent for Florida judges to take corrective action if the will of the people (their votes) was thwarted. Which is how it should be. # #Florida Judges Have Power to Upset Elections # #By

Re: A successful lawsuit means Gore wins!

2000-11-10 Thread George
This is interesting: an unsuccessful lawsuit can mean Gore wins! [snipped] # #Dec. 18, the day that presidential electors are to meet in 50 #state capitals and the District of Columbia, may produce a #political crisis if Fl

Re: A successful lawsuit means Gore wins!

2000-11-09 Thread George
Spooky Cypherpunk Niggar Tim May Moroned: #When I hear Jesse Jackson saying that unless the Palm Beach voters #are given the chance to have a new vote there will be a race war, I #rejoice. # #I was just reading in misc.survivalism that some folks in Florida are #saying that

Re: A successful lawsuit means Gore wins!

2000-11-09 Thread George
Marc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: # #However, FL 101.5609 is a much clearer point against #the "must be to the right" claims. # #101.5609(6): # Voting squares may be placed in front of or in back of the names # of candidates and statements of questions and shall be of

Re: A successful lawsuit means Gore wins!

2000-11-09 Thread George
Jim Burnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: #I could stomach 'might be illegal', but illegal? Warren Christopher was just on TV, calling the ballot illegal. Let's leave it at that until a court decides. Spooky Cypherpunk Niggar Tim May Moroned: #And, of course, Palm County will _not_ be

Re: A successful lawsuit means Gore wins!

2000-11-09 Thread George
. If they #are correct, the problem may have cost Mr. Gore a clear margin #of victory here statewide and could boost calls to overturn the #Florida results, which favored George W. Bush by less than 2,000 #votes. # #Late Wednesday, a suit was filed in Palm Beach County

Re: A successful lawsuit means Gore wins!

2000-11-09 Thread George
Declan, King of the Wired, wrote: #TO VOTE for a candidate whose name is printed on the ballot, #mark a cross (X) in the blank space at the RIGHT of the name #of the candidate for whom you desire to vote. To vote for a #candidate whose name is not printed on the ballot, write th

Gore's next move

2000-11-09 Thread George
Gore has dispatched 50 staffers from Tennessee to Palm Beach County, contacted lobbyists in the area regarding raising $3 million in funds, petitions challenging the vote due to the bad form are being circulated, and, ugh, I forget. A legal challenge to the Palm Beach County vote seems to be in t

Re: Courts interfering with election

2000-11-07 Thread George
TimMay Moroned: #The polls are open for 13 hours, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. #Claims that "working people" can't get to the #polls are ludicrous. No one on the list made that claim. You set up your own strawman, having nothing else. Hmmm, Florida is in an unknown state.

Re: Roots servers on rise - ICANN's golden egg cracking

2000-11-05 Thread George
#Last year alternate roots supported 0.3% of internet traffic. # #This year alternate roots are supporting 5.5% of internet traffic. # #The BIND study this year to date has ennumerated 60,513 dns (15% of #399,937 dns) of which 3,331 report they are using non-USG roots. Don

The FBI did naughty???

2000-11-03 Thread George
Found this in Usenet, dunno an URL. Check out paragraph two. > FBI Agent Sues To Report Misconduct > By Michael J. Sniffen > Associated Press Writer > Friday, Nov. 3, 2000; 5:56 p.m. EST > > WASHINGTON -- A 20-year veteran FBI agent went to court Friday seeking > the right to report to Pre

Re: Oh Gawd, Tim May...

2000-10-28 Thread George
#From: Tim May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> #To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yo, Ding Dong, no need to send it to me twice. #I think I have a very good idea who you are. I should hope so, since I'm not anonymous. Ask Declan or Gilmore if you get stuck. #The cool thing is that


2000-10-20 Thread George
Of course all of us knew this. The article is good for explaining to non-technical friends. October 20, 2000 Electronic Form of 'Invisible Ink' Inside Files May Reveal Secrets By MICHAEL J. MCCARTHY Staff Reporter of THE WALL STREET

Encryption export rules finalized

2000-10-20 Thread George

New penalties to silence whistle blowers

2000-10-13 Thread George Congress Increases Penalty for Classified Leaks Friday, October 13, 2000 An intelligence bill passed by Congress could stifle the ability of whistle-blowers and the media to get information to the public by expanding criminal penalties for governme

Reno shocked!

2000-09-26 Thread George
Janet Reno said she only just learned that Wen Ho Lee was kept in a cell for nine months IN CHAINS. Of course, she didn't think that had anything to do with him pleading guilty to one item of downloading data. Or that there was anything wrong with doing it. She recovers from shock quickly.

Re: Amex supports CARNIVORE enabled Anonymity System

2000-09-18 Thread George
A Yahoo wrote: %What a load of shit. If you check that URL the next %thing you see the following release: % % %# %#Privada's Technology Protects Users' Privacy, Only %#Monitors Those Who Abuse It %#[sni

Re: proxy: heh-heh-heh

2000-09-13 Thread George
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > > > Continue clicking, and it's still via Sunderizer wrote: #It's *NOT* anonymizing anything. DO NOT USE THIS IN PLACE OF AN ANONIMIZER!!! # #So while, yes, i

Re: proxy: heh-heh-heh

2000-09-12 Thread George
I wrote: >Previously I whined that was changing the URLs A. Melon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: #Who cares ? Stop whining and use encryption. # #Dont waste the bandwidth complaining about each and every sheeple #xploiting event. Being outraged doesnt achieve shit. Hey numbn proxy: heh-heh-heh

2000-09-12 Thread George
Previously I whined that was changing the URLs in received email to proxy through their server, meaning they had logs of all URLs you visited when clicking on hyperlinks while reading your personal email. That this violates their own privacy policy. For some reason Declan failed to repor

Free membership request

2000-08-10 Thread george natsis
Yo hackers! We are going to see some free hardcore movie or what? __ Do You Yahoo!? Kick off your party with Yahoo! Invites.

USA.Net privacy violations

2000-08-05 Thread George
[ to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ] I was reading my email via USA.Net, and was very disturbed to find that when I clicked on a link in an email I was sent...that you recorded my activity! I clicked on this link (within email sent to me): I clicked usi

Big Bomb info

2000-07-16 Thread George
TM: #Careful! Next you'll be telling the bombz kiddies how to make #hydrogen cyanide gas with just their mother's nonstick frying pan and #other simple kitchen products. # #Then Agent Gordon will be able to report to Senators Feinstein and #Kelley that the Evil Cypherpunks

Usenet delivery

2000-06-04 Thread George
Orwellian.Org/Usenet.exp Here's a release of the following functionality: o download all articles from a specified group o download articles selected by a header line regexp Good for loading a pictures group, then uudeview decoding... uudeview http://zeus.informatik.uni-f

Major remailer down?

2000-06-02 Thread George
# Newsgroups: altnet.general # On 1 Jun 2000 22:26:29 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]© (wildman©) wrote: # # >I check alt.anonymous.messages everyday for messages sent to me from various # >acquaintances, and there are only 31 new posts showing for June 1 so far. # >Normally, there are between 350 and 500

Avoiding SPAM to cypherpunks list

2000-06-01 Thread George
Jim KAOS wrote: #Without effecting the backbone or implimenting some sort of regular #communications channel between operators (both against the intial charter) #then all the current proposals are simply bogus. Wow, you're all-around incompetent. #If the basic backbone is altered

For you Fellow Webmaster

2000-03-02 Thread george
sites and decide if you want more information about becoming a Strategic Partner. If you have any questions or need more information, please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] so we can get you answers based on our proven record of success and get you started on the road to better profits. Sincerely George Beecroft

More info

2000-02-21 Thread POPESCU GEORGE
Dear Sir/Madame My name is Popescu George.I am from Romania. Is posible your business for me, from my country? My best regards! -- K Free E-mail by KappaNet

Re: Crypto victory is at hand - what next?

2000-02-17 Thread George
Tim May wrote: #At 4:20 PM -0800 1/30/17, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: #> #>You mean someone besides Tim May buried gold in the ground #>in preparation for the breakdown of civilization? #> # #* P L O N K * Was it something I said, or something you did? You did post that

Re: Crypto victory is at hand - what next?

2000-02-16 Thread George
Anonypus wrote: # #Wired reports at #,1283,34376,00.html: # #> ARLINGTON, Virginia -- Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky pressed #> China Wednesday to abandon its restrictions on encryption technology, #> which curb sales of everyt

Re: State of New Mexico legal system

2000-02-16 Thread George
#Let's hope the New Mexico state legal system #is more honest than the federal system. # #I guess we'll see. # # # # I would say that fails miserably