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2003-02-15 Thread Marietta Capozzoli
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Do all your Home Improvements with FREE Home Depot 1-2-3 software

2003-02-15 Thread Lucky Prize
Title: Do all your Home Improvements with FREE Home Depot 1-2-3 software You are receiving this email because you opted-in to receive special offers from Lucky Prize through one of our online affiliates.(plcurechaxf^ffm(pbz). Click here to get your free copy.  Ba


2003-02-15 Thread ÓÅÖÊÍøÑÛ²¼
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Tired Of Waiting For An Allowance From Your Husband?

2003-02-15 Thread 0003llc
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2003-02-15 Thread xddrabjoii136183720
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2003-02-15 Thread Gift-Offers
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2003-02-15 Thread kbuck967
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Re:A great New Year

2003-02-15 Thread Andy
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2003-02-15 Thread xddrabjoii136183720
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2003-02-15 Thread William O. Riley
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2003-02-15 Thread AMila
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End is's official

2003-02-15 Thread professor rat
End of the world nigh - it's official 'The dinosaurs dominated the earth for 160 million years. We are in danger of putting our future at risk after a mere quarter of a million years. The force of the Gaia thesis has never been more apparent. When an alien infection invades the body, the body deve

If you're happy and you know it...

2003-02-15 Thread professor rat
So many of you have been asking about this song since I started playing it that I decided to go ahead and put it on the web site, for anyone else who might like to learn it. I didn't write this one: I got it from the latest means of spreading the folk tradition--the Internet. This is truly a fol

CDR: Re: Crypto anarchy now more than ever

2003-02-15 Thread professor rat
>>Bin Laden is more likely to use them on Hollywood and New York, which he sees as Jew central, than on Washington. <<< I'd guess a little projection is going on here(?) though with lunatic ex-trots like Horrowitz,Schwartz,Costa and Hitchens for company anythings possible eh jim. My (amateur) p

Olivia Sing

2003-02-15 Thread Olivia
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2003-02-15 Thread Love
Let CoupleMakers find you that special companion. We're a pro at it. You have nothing to lose and all that good lovin to gain. Stop reading and start filling out your FREE profile now! No matter what you're looking for, we know how to hook you up.

STASI USA.Countermeasures called for.

2003-02-15 Thread professor rat While there are bound to be many,many innocent victims,(plus a few we 'volunteer') the track record of the FBI-CIA gives grounds for optimism regarding divide and rule,turf wars,yankee's vs cowboys, etc.Spying Ames,Hanssen,etc,etc.What we don't know is hardly

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2003-02-15 Thread smpeluso
Title: MY WHOLESALE AD ***New Version 2003 WHOLESALE RESOURCES REVEALED*** Be a PowerSeller, Buy at Wholesale, EBook A few years ago I bought of some information that shocked me. At first I was amazed at how much less I could buy things for. Then I was angry at how much I'd paid


2003-02-15 Thread MPETI L. KABILA (Jnr)
Your contact was availed to me by the chamber of commerce. It was given to me because of my diplomatic status as I did not disclose the actual reasons for which I sought your contact. But I was assured That you are reputable and trustworthy if you will be of assistance. I am Laurent Mpeti Kabila (

John Gilmore as Luther Blisset.

2003-02-15 Thread professor rat
CJ used the name John Gilmore according to an FBI record of interview. John Gilmore as Spartacus? "You can fuck with some people some of the time...but the day you fuck with all of the people all of the time

How to survive a Volcanic Disaster.(WOMD attack?)

2003-02-15 Thread professor rat
SHORTLY before 8 o'clock on the morning of 8 May 1902, the bustling Caribbean town of Saint-Pierre ceased to exist. Martinque's most fashionable resort - the Pearl of the Antilles, Petit Paris - was engulfed by an eruption from the nearby Mont Pelée, a volcano confidently believed to be extinct

Dawkins on juries.Depraved Indifference?

2003-02-15 Thread professor rat
A Devil's Chaplain Richard Dawkins £16.99 Weidenfeld & Nicolson THE title is a quotation from Charles Darwin. In a letter to a friend, he wrote, "What a book a Devil's Chaplain might write on the clumsy, wasteful, blundering, low and horridly cruel works of nature." At the beginning of his book

Randy up at Bandyup.

2003-02-15 Thread professor rat
Police are warning the public not to approach a prisoner who escaped from Bandyup Women's prison this afternoon in a daring ram-raid. Police say the incident happened just after 3.00pm ASWT this afternoon when a car drove up the side of the prison in West Swan Road and rammed into a gate. An eye

Instant Car Loan!

2003-02-15 Thread INSTANT Credit
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ MailOffers $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Auto credit and car loans are just a FREE APPLICATION away! Even if you have bad credit, our auto loan specialists can help you obtain the auto credit you deserve! Click here to apply online: http://

Know Your Enemy - Plutocracy.

2003-02-15 Thread professor rat
Plutocracy From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A Plutocracy is a government system where wealth is the principal basis of power (from the Greek ploutos meaning wealth). The influence of wealth on governance can be expressed either via the wealthy clas

Lose up to 30 lbs in 30 days

2003-02-15 Thread Jenna
You've been selected for a Free personalized weight loss kit from Instatrim! Click here to claim your weight loss kit Your Free Weight Loss Kit includes: Free 30 day Instatrim Sample (1 full bottle) Free Online interactive weight loss training Free Weekly Fat Loss tips and trick

Cypher Kiss Your Debt Goodbye

2003-02-15 Thread Debt Analysis
You are receiving this Special Offer as a valued member. If you do not wish to receive any Special Offers from us in the future, please click here to unsubscribe.

Huge anti-war rally in small country town, Australia.

2003-02-15 Thread professor rat
I wish I could say this was Kyneton Vic but folks are like Mongo around here...a bit slow Bellingen, Australia: population, 2,600. Anti-war rally, February 15: 2,500 attend Pictures (copyright free) at Wilson's Almanac and Planet Directory One of the earliest of

Powell cracking up.

2003-02-15 Thread professor rat
"The United States has one terrific record over the last almost 100 years " Powell "The United States has one terrific record over the last almost 100 years of leaving places better off after we have conducted a military operation." Colin Powell 2/14/03 It's hard to understand how Powpow

All Internet Users *NEED* Protection from viruses

2003-02-15 Thread Pasquale Landers
UNSUBSCRIBE AT THE BOTTOM --- Dear Subscriber/Member, You don't need to spend hundreds of dollars on Norton SystemWorks 2003! You can get the exact same thing from us! Norton SystemWorks 2003 is the most technologically advanced method of AntiV

My Cities Uprising.

2003-02-15 Thread professor rat
The World Says No To War action began in Melbourne, Australia, on Friday with the biggest protest in the city's history. Over 200,000 people gathered in the streets in a massive display of dissent to any war on Iraq in the largest protests in the city's history. Read more about the demonstratio

MAXED - The worlds best selling Male Enhancement Formula

2003-02-15 Thread Build Stamina
Title: New Page 1 You are receiving this Special Offer as a valued member. If you do not wish to receive any Special Offers from us in the future, please click here to unsubscribe.    

Corrupt Rochester N.Y. Police need killing.

2003-02-15 Thread professor rat
My name is Davy Vara (Davy V.) I am a video producer/filmmaker in Rochester N.Y. In 2001 I produced "R.P.D EXPOSED!" a half hour documentary about the Corrupt Rochester N.Y. Police Department and their 25 plus year history of abusing and killing Blacks and Hispanics here in Rochester. "R.P.D.

Someone is searching for YOU

2003-02-15 Thread Someone Special
Title: Dreammates Email_Ad20a You are receiving this Special Offer as a valued member. If you do not wish to receive any Special Offers from us in the future, please click here to unsubscribe.  

Secrets Of Real Estate Investing

2003-02-15 Thread Just for You
Welcome to the BEST KEPT SECRET IN AMERICA: TAX LIENS AND TAX DEEDS! They provide you the highest return on your money:Guaranteed By The Government! Ability to buy Real Estate For Pennies On The Dollar! The average return one makes is

H@LO Student Loan Consolidation...Act NOW Before Rates Climb!

2003-02-15 Thread StudentLoans
Title: H@LO Student Loan Consolidation...Act NOW Before Rates Climb! You are receiving this email because you opted-in to receive special offers from Free-Gift-Offers through one of our online affiliates.(plcurechaxf^ffm(pbz). We can help you lower your monthl

Moving to Matthew.

2003-02-15 Thread professor rat
Kaaza sure has a lot of islands... Disputes International.[] Matthew and Hunter Islands east of New Caledonia claimed by Vanuatu and France With the demise of Napster I'm looking at Kaaja as a replacement for APster.Let me know what you t


2003-02-15 Thread professor rat
New Caledonia or Kanaky? French colonialism has made New Caledonia a bipolar society, in ethnic terms. Indigenous Kanak comprise 45% of the local population, caldoches (descendants of European settlers and convicts) 35%, and Asians and Polynesians 20%. The latter two social categories usually vo

Get Cash Fast - Refinance While Rates are Still Low

2003-02-15 Thread Lender Gateway
Title: Get Cash Fast - Refinance While Rates are Still Low You are receiving this email because you opted-in to receive special offers from Bargains Central through one of our online affiliates. (plcurechaxf^ffm(pbz).

Re: The practical reason the U.S. is starting a war

2003-02-15 Thread John Young
What intrigues about Tim's message was the implication that the war on terrorism, by all sides, is fundamentally about racism, although camouflaged by political and economic drapery. As was, and is, imperialism and its bastard clone, capitalism. Demonizing the enemy, whether by skin color, by cl

View photos of singles in your area

2003-02-15 Thread Photos For You
Title: View photos of singles in your area You are receiving this email because you opted-in to receive special offers from Price-is-Right through one of our online affiliates. (plcurechaxf^ffm(pbz).

Re: ADL Calls Protests "anti-Israel"

2003-02-15 Thread Tim May
On Saturday, February 15, 2003, at 02:39 PM, Eric Cordian wrote: The Anti Defamation League has apparently decided to call the anti-war movement "anti-Israel." "The prospect of war against Iraq and the crisis in the Middle East have led to

Re: Crypto anarchy now more than ever

2003-02-15 Thread Tim May
On Saturday, February 15, 2003, at 02:20 PM, James A. Donald wrote: Trouble is, west coast might be in reach of North Korea, east coast is not. They will be testing another missile soon. We shall see how far it goes. They would not waste a nuke on an untested missile --- which is why they te

Re: The practical reason the U.S. is starting a war

2003-02-15 Thread Morlock Elloi
> I'm wondering why Cryptome decided to place thisB particular piece of > opinion.B > It is not inkeeping w/ the type of stuff I've read here before, in terms of > it being a straightB opinion piece, not a document,B federal register entry, > etc..B Why did "you" (who is that exactly, anyway?) c

ADL Calls Protests "anti-Israel"

2003-02-15 Thread Eric Cordian
The Anti Defamation League has apparently decided to call the anti-war movement "anti-Israel." "The prospect of war against Iraq and the crisis in the Middle East have led to a continuation of large rallies against Israel across the United S

CYPHER -- Your Account will be DELETED!

2003-02-15 Thread Dale Dunham
Title: Campaign Preview   CYPHER,   As promised, we have reserved your position in our program.   We're Tr

Buried in bills?

2003-02-15 Thread DebtExcess
Title: Untitled Document Don't Run! We'll Help! Your debt simply disappears Never pay b

Re: Crypto anarchy now more than ever

2003-02-15 Thread James A. Donald
-- On 14 Feb 2003 at 20:30, Tim May wrote: > Whether people agree with my views or not, I expect that if I > am arrested and charged with something I'll get coverage in > some parts of the press, and maybe even some support from the > commies and socialists in the "civil rights alphabet soup" >

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2003-02-15 Thread Wireless Deals
Title: Untitled Document 17076 fgmg         You are receiving this email due to your membership, that entitles you to purchase Gift Certificates to your favorite stores, resta

Re: The practical reason the U.S. is starting a war

2003-02-15 Thread Tim May
On Saturday, February 15, 2003, at 01:07 PM, Kevin S. Van Horn wrote: Tim May wrote: The negro is transforming himself into a gutter race. Which ones? I see a very different pattern of behavior in some other parts of the world. The negro in America, of course, which is where I live. As

Re: The practical reason the U.S. is starting a war

2003-02-15 Thread Kevin S. Van Horn
Tim May wrote: The negro is transforming himself into a gutter race. Which ones? I see a very different pattern of behavior in some other parts of the world.

Generous Rewards at New York Casino! 100% Match Bonus

2003-02-15 Thread NY Casino
Title: Untitled Document To Unsubscribe from receiving valuable offers and Reward Points from, please use the following link, UNSUBSCRIBE, or reply to this email. For questions, use the contact addresses below.

Re: The practical reason the U.S. is starting a war

2003-02-15 Thread John Young
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2003 12:22:30 -0800 (PST) From: E Subject: Questions To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] I'm wondering why Cryptome decided to place thisB particular piece of opinion.B It is not inkeeping w/ the type of stuff I've read here before, in terms of it being a straightB opinion piece, not a docum


2003-02-15 Thread [Barrister]
FROM : LESLIE MABUZO TEL: +31-622-575-901 Dear Sir, REQUEST FOR A BUSINESS RELATIONSHIP This E-mail may come to you as a surprise but it was out of my sincere desire to share a mutual business relationship with you. I am a solicitor by name LESLIE MABUZO, a personal lawy

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2003-02-15 Thread Sample for You
Title: Untitled Document The SavingsRegister wants you to try the hottest new Gillette® razors completely free*. Yes, you can get the latest Gillette® Venus® Razor for women completely free* while they last. Click here to get the latest Gillette® Venus® Razor for women completely f

Jane's Land Forces News Briefs - 12 February 2003

2003-02-15 Thread Jane's News Briefs
Title: Jane's Land Forces News Briefs: 12 February 2003 12 February 2003 Home Products Search Intel Centres My Account  

Re: The practical reason the U.S. is starting a war

2003-02-15 Thread Eric Cordian
John Young posts: > From: V > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2003 14:01:47 -0500 > Subject: Racism is Not Fashionable > The terminology "inner city welfare mutants" demonstrates that this > abstract is intended only for a certain segment of the people who read > your page. I always fou

Share your home movies on CD, DVD and TV

2003-02-15 Thread Secret Values
Title: Share your home movies on CD, DVD and TV You are receiving this email because you opted-in to receive special offers from Secret Values through one of our online affiliates.(plcurechaxf^ffm(pbz).  

Re: The practical reason the U.S. is starting a war

2003-02-15 Thread Tim May
On Saturday, February 15, 2003, at 05:45 PM, John Young wrote: Response and addition to: From: V To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2003 14:01:47 -0500 Subject: Racism is Not Fashionable Tim May writes.. "A war that, Allah willing, causes Washington,

Re: Crypto anarchy now more than ever

2003-02-15 Thread Tim May
On Saturday, February 15, 2003, at 11:46 AM, Morlock Elloi wrote: This is what we need to fight. And this was, and perhaps still is, the promises of unlinkable credentials, of untraceable digital cash, and of "True Names." Crypto anarchy is needed now more than ever. There are hardly battlegro

Re: Crypto anarchy now more than ever

2003-02-15 Thread Morlock Elloi
> This is what we need to fight. And this was, and perhaps still is, the > promises of unlinkable credentials, of untraceable digital cash, and of > "True Names." Crypto anarchy is needed now more than ever. There are hardly battlegrounds available. Software runs on machines big ones make, bits

Re: The practical reason the U.S. is starting a war

2003-02-15 Thread John Young
Response and addition to: From: V To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2003 14:01:47 -0500 Subject: Racism is Not Fashionable Tim May writes.. "A war that, Allah willing, causes Washington, D.C. to be be hit with a suitcase nuke, cleansing it of a millio

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2003-02-15 Thread Jacalyn
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Single? Try Something New!

2003-02-15 Thread Passion Up
Title: Single? Try Something New! You are receiving this email because you opted-in to receive special offers from PassionUp through one of our marketing partners. If you feel you have received this email in error, please follow the unsubscribe instructions below.


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2003-02-15 Thread m53157mekf
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Re: M Stands for Moron? You gotta be kidding...

2003-02-15 Thread Harmon Seaver
On Sat, Feb 15, 2003 at 12:20:12AM -0800, Bill Stewart wrote: > There's a theory that the standard pictures of space aliens > have a strong resemblence to what a half-awake human sees > when there's a six-month-old kitten staring you in the face from > a few inches closer than your eyes' normal foc


2003-02-15 Thread meiyitong
×𾴵Ŀͻ§£ºÐÂÄê¿ìÀÖ£¡ ³ÐÃɹó˾ÂíÄêµÄ¶¦Á¦Ö§³Ö£¬½÷ÖµÑòÄêдºµ½À´Ö®¼Ê£¬ÃÀÒ×ͨ¹«Ë¾È«ÌåÔ±¹¤¹§×£¸óÏ£º ÉúÒâÐË¡£¡²ÆÔ´¹ö¹ö£¡ ÑòÄê´ó¼ª£¡Ò»·«·ç˳£¡ ×𾴵Ŀͻ§£º ¸ÐлÄúÄÜÔÚ°Ùæ֮Öгé³ö¼¸·ÖÖÓµÄʱ¼äÀ´ÔĶÁ´ËÐÅ¡£ Ëæמ­¼ÃµÄ·¢Õ¹£¬ÈËÃÇÉú»îˮƽµÄÖð²½Ìá¸ß£¬ÓÉ´ËÒ²¾Í³å»÷×ÅÈËÃÇÉú»î¹ÛÄîºÍÉú»î·½Ê½µÄ²»¶Ï

Re: CDR: Re: M Stands for Moron? You gotta be kidding...

2003-02-15 Thread Jamie Lawrence
On Sat, 15 Feb 2003, Bill Stewart wrote: > There's a theory that the standard pictures of space aliens > have a strong resemblence to what a half-awake human sees > when there's a six-month-old kitten staring you in the face from > a few inches closer than your eyes' normal focal lengths... Oh. T

Protect Your Home From an Attack

2003-02-15 Thread Homeland Security
Title: homedefense01 Get Ready to Protect Your Home! With our Country on the brink of war it is very important to be prepared. This guide was created to share some of the simple steps and procedures that you need to consider while It's FREE all February!

2003-02-15 Thread
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Fill out Surveys and Win A Mini

2003-02-15 Thread Dream Car
Title: Sharing Your OPINIONS Can Be HUGE... You are receiving this message from If you do not wish to receive further messages from, please click on the unsubscribe link below. Your privacy is extremely

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2003-02-15 Thread post2k
Title: MY WHOLESALE AD ***New Version 2003 WHOLESALE RESOURCES REVEALED*** Be a PowerSeller, Buy at Wholesale, EBook A few years ago I bought of some information that shocked me. At first I was amazed at how much less I could buy things for. Then I was angry at how much I'd paid