先生收,向您推荐销售盈利工具 14:45:35:

2003-06-13 Thread webpost2003
,您好!   向您推荐我们的产品《商智软件》,她是一款能帮助贵司的市场部大幅提升业绩的互联网业务工具。   她具有从2000多家交易站点获取信息,并可以在1500多家商务平台上进行信息发布。   她可以从网上搜索您的直接客户群的邮件地址,并可以将您的信息一次性发送给对方。   她拥有强大信息管理功能,并通过网络群发功能将信息直接送到任何一台上网的主机。   现在特开通24小时的网上操作咨询联系   QQ:39398668、5189773、2697361、14378901 [EMAIL PROTECTED]@hotmail.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]    如果您想进一步

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2003-06-13 Thread The Big Daily
Why are you receiving this email? Answer: You registered at a Web site and expressed interest in receiving 3rd party online offers. The Web site where you registered may entrust select partners to email valuable offers and promotions to you. Wh

Re: An attack on paypal --> secure UI for browsers

2003-06-13 Thread Adam Lydick
The faq (see attached) claims that "anyone can write a nexus" and that "users control which nexus(s) run". I certainly didn't see anything that suggests that anyone can force you to run arbitrary code, regardless of who has signed it. I also find it absurd to worry about what code Microsoft is run

Re: cypherpunks Accessory giveaway cypherpunks@minder.net mqw

2003-06-13 Thread Letitia

先生收,向您推荐销售盈利工具 11:55:33:

2003-06-13 Thread cxy58hot
,您好!   向您推荐我们的产品《商智软件》,她是一款能帮助贵司的市场部大幅提升业绩的互联网业务工具。   她具有从2000多家交易站点获取信息,并可以在1500多家商务平台上进行信息发布。   她可以从网上搜索您的直接客户群的邮件地址,并可以将您的信息一次性发送给对方。   她拥有强大信息管理功能,并通过网络群发功能将信息直接送到任何一台上网的主机。   现在特开通24小时的网上操作咨询QQ:39398668、5189773、2697361,咨询软件操作 如果您想进一步的了解商智,请您以“愿意了解一下”为主题回复本邮件 如果您不想再收到类似邮件,请您以“remove”为主题回复本邮

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2003-06-13 Thread Level 2 Alert
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2003-06-13 Thread Glenda Crabtree
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2003-06-13 Thread fengll
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2003-06-13 Thread Wale Jones
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Business Assistance

2003-06-13 Thread cpunks_anon
Mr. Wale Jones Bank of The North, Lagos, Nigeria. Dear Sir, I am Mr. Wale Jones, Bank Manager of Bank of The North Lagos,Nigeria. I have urgent and very confidential business proposition for you. On January 6,1998, a Foreign Oil Consultant/contractor with the Nigerian National Petroleum C

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2003-06-13 Thread mynewstuffz
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2003-06-13 Thread aclark
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2003-06-13 Thread 933712
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2003-06-13 Thread Aluma Floor
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2003-06-13 Thread CheapTrips
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2003-06-13 Thread Hilde Mullenax
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2003-06-13 Thread loren
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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-13 Thread Sunder
The problem with these stop crackers and hackers by law is that it allows software developers to get away with leaving huge gaping security holes unfixed. Anecodatal evidence: The classic well known Robin Hood and Friar Tuck "hack". These days, the bug wouldn't get fixed and the guys reporting it

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Re: An attack on paypal --> secure UI for browsers

2003-06-13 Thread Adam Shostack
On Fri, Jun 13, 2003 at 11:04:42PM +0200, Thomas Shaddack wrote: | > The problem (among others) is that this allows a virus to steal the | > client cert. If it is protected by a password, the malware must hang | > around long enough for the user to unlock the cert (perhaps because the | > malware

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2003-06-13 Thread Marvin Law
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Re: An attack on paypal --> secure UI for browsers

2003-06-13 Thread Thomas Shaddack
> The problem (among others) is that this allows a virus to steal the > client cert. If it is protected by a password, the malware must hang > around long enough for the user to unlock the cert (perhaps because the > malware sent a spoofed email calling for the user to visit the site, > even the r

Major Breaking News!(CSRV)To Double Revenues This Year To $100 Million Dollars

2003-06-13 Thread Investor Insights
NEWS ALERT CERTIFIED SERVICES, INC. (OTCBB: CSRV) Near Term Target Price: $2.75 Shares Outstanding 8.55 million

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2003-06-13 Thread tj2019koie
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2003-06-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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2003-06-13 Thread Lara Acosta
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ADV: Looking for Mortgage Leads?

2003-06-13 Thread Mortgage Leads
Title: Alansis  Password: 4d674f You are receiving this message because you have opted in to receive messages about financial information through Alansis or an Alansis affiliate. If you would like to be removed, pleas


2003-06-13 Thread M. ABACHA
Dear Sir, I am MR. MOHAMMED ABACHA the son of the late Gen. Sani Abacha, former head of State of Nigeria who died on 8th June 1998 while in office. Since the death of my father the present Government of Chief Olusegun Obasanjo has been tormenting members of the Abachas family including family


2003-06-13 Thread Professor Rat.
Outgoing chief UN weapons inspector Hans Blix has described certain members of the US administration as "bastards" who set out to undermine him during his three years at the helm. "I have my detractors in Washington, "Blix said in an uncharacteristic outburst to a British newspaper. "There are

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2003-06-13 Thread Claretha Schiaffino
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2003-06-13 Thread
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2003-06-13 Thread Yvette Quillen
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2003-06-13 Thread Trash_01
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Money to Pay Your Bills

2003-06-13 Thread Government Money
Friend,Don't like paying bills? Get free money from the government to pay your bills!It's the law! The government has to give away billions of dollars every month so people can live their lives. And it's not just to the poor. EVEN MILLIONAIRES are being lent money. Clic

Re: Israel's WMDs on MSNBC.COM

2003-06-13 Thread BobCat
From: "Tyler Durden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Hey...just found out about msnbc.com's hidden page on WMDs, including bio, > nuke, and chemical. Not hidden. http://archive.msnbc.com/modules/Israel_strategic/default.asp > Any way to push such a thing into a google cache?

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2003-06-13 Thread Leila Stevenson
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2003-06-13 Thread Kristine Fitts
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Re: Steganography and musical scores?

2003-06-13 Thread Major Variola (ret)
(resent) At 11:44 AM 6/13/03 -0400, Peter Wayner wrote: >At 9:27 AM +0200 6/13/03, Thomas Shaddack wrote: >>See also something about computer-generated music: >>http://brainop.media.mit.edu/online/net-music/net-instrument/Thesis.html >> > > >I'm told someone is trying to encode information by orde

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2003-06-13 Thread William Fisher
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2003-06-13 Thread fengyuana1989
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2003-06-13 Thread telegraph.co.uk
Title: Screenprint Email Dear Cypher, Screenprint is an exciting new development that enables you to receive a digital facsimile edition of The Daily Telegraph on your PC or laptop anywhere in the world only minutes after it rolls off the presses in London. The Scree


2003-06-13 Thread cpunks_anon
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2003-06-13 Thread send4
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2003-06-13 Thread Mortgage Leads
Title: Alansis  Password: 8e7e92 You are receiving this message because you have opted in to receive messages about financial information through Alansis or an Alansis affiliate. If you would like to be removed, pleas

Israel's WMDs on MSNBC.COM

2003-06-13 Thread Tyler Durden
Hey...just found out about msnbc.com's hidden page on WMDs, including bio, nuke, and chemical. Any way to push such a thing into a google cache? http://www.msnbc.com/news/wld/graphics/strategic_israel_dw.htm -TD _ Help STOP SPAM wi

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Certifiable incompetence or criminal negligence?

2003-06-13 Thread Professor Rat.
Minister attacked over hep C report The Age, Australia - 3 hours ago By David Wroe. Hepatitis C groups have criticised federal Health Minister Kay Patterson after claims she kept secret a report blaming ... Claims that zero tolerance has provoked rise in Hepatitis C ... ABC Online, Australia -

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2003-06-13 Thread Gaye Gillians
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Re: Spread Spectrum Image Steganography Patent

2003-06-13 Thread Mike Rosing
On Fri, 13 Jun 2003, John Young wrote: > The US Army today announced the availability of licensing > of its patent for "Spread Spectrum Image Steganography:" > > http://cryptome.org/usa-patent.htm(with copy of the patent) Thanks, interesting. I think anyone with access to the original pict

Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-13 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 03:39 PM 6/10/03 -0700, Bill Frantz wrote: >At 5:12 PM -0700 6/8/03, Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote: >>somebody (else) commented (in the thread) that anybody that currently >>(still) writes code resulting in buffer overflow exploit maybe should be >>thrown in jail. Not a very friendly bug-submission

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2003-06-13 Thread mwblonei
cypherpunks Save On Term-Life-Protection Compare Your Current-Coverage. Get-Your FreeQuotes. (SMOKER-Rates-Are-Available) Enter here to get your FreeQuote and start saving today. Visit here to never receive and further promotional emails.


2003-06-13 Thread 企业网景
Title: 企业网景E周刊     2003年06月11日・总第03期・ 企业网景 >>E周刊 学习超市 ・《欧洲商业管理学院MBA课程》VCD 46盘 吕政・《如何打造高

I can not live with this anymore!!!

2003-06-13 Thread Eliminate PopUps
**Subscriber details are included at the bottom. ** Are you sick of pop-up ads? For just $19.95, you can get rid of them forever! http://lc.squarepath.com/linkc/lc9/go.php3?181 Reclaim control of your computer right now!! http://lc.squarepath.com/linkc/lc9/go.php3?181

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2003-06-13 Thread À±¼øÈñ
이 메일은 광고메일 입니다. 메일주소 외에는 어떠한 정보도 없습니다. 불편 하셨다면 아래의 '수신거부'를  클릭 해 주십시요 !  정말 죄송합니다♣   ▶이코노샵   비교할수 없는 알뜰가격 ◀ 모두 다 있습니다 ! ( 사랑하는 ♬우리 아가♬를 위하여 가장 좋은 것으로 준비 하세요 )  

Nazi America.

2003-06-13 Thread Professor Rat.
The playwright Harold Pinter said: "The US is really beyond reason now. It is beyond our imagining to know what they are going to do next and what they are prepared to do. There is only one comparison: Nazi Germany. Wednesday June 11, 2003 The Guardian The playwright Harold Pinter last night li


2003-06-13 Thread Marlon Rafols
Hello: I'm sending you this letter to introduce to you a legitimate home based business for a good extra income. If this letter bothers you at any cost, please accept my deepest apology for doing so. But if not, just lend me just little of your time. My name is Marlon G. Rafols. I would like to i

Expose the fascists and their shills.

2003-06-13 Thread Professor Rat.
Today, June 11th, the Bush is Taking the Shirts Off Our Back to Pay For This War (Shirts Off) Coalition opens a campaign against the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), with a press conference to expose this far-right think tank. AEI's current fellows include former Republican government offic


2003-06-13 Thread ene1
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2003-06-13 Thread ene1
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Pope and Thai PM feature in death threat news watch.

2003-06-13 Thread Professor Rat.
Police say man attacked, made death threat on girlfriend Greenville News, SC - 10 Jun 2003 By Gwendolyn C. Young. Greenville County Sheriff's Special Weapons and Tactics team went to a home on Red Hawk Lane on Monday where ... Vatican Downplays Pope Death Threat Voice of America - 7 Jun 2003 The

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2003-06-13 Thread Meredith Barnes
Dear Cypherpunks, WHY WASTE YOUR TIME AT THE DOCTOR'S OFFICE? PRESCRIPTION MEDS PRESCRIBED ONLINE AND SHIPPED OVERNIGHT TO YOUR DOOR! Easy Step By Steps. Buy Prescription Drugs Online! 1. Go to mymedicinecabinet.biz 2. Choose from 55

City Club Casino $400 Bonus!

2003-06-13 Thread City Club
To Unsubscribe from receiving valuable offers and Reward Points from Sweepsclub.com, please use the following link, UNSUBSCRIBE, or reply to this email. For questions, use the contact addresses below. The sky’s


2003-06-13 Thread Luis Savimbi
It is my pleasure to establish this comminucation with you,my name is Luis savimbi .The son of late JONAS SAVIMBI the opposition and the Human right leader in ANGOLA in AFRICA who was murdered cold blooded just few months ago. I got your contact from a reliable source and I am asking for your as


2003-06-13 Thread MyReplay.net Staff
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Spread Spectrum Image Steganography Patent

2003-06-13 Thread John Young
The US Army today announced the availability of licensing of its patent for "Spread Spectrum Image Steganography:" http://cryptome.org/usa-patent.htm(with copy of the patent) Patent Abstract The Spread Spectrum Image Steganography (SSIS) of the present invention is a data hiding/secret co

Free Golf Wedge - Best in the World!

2003-06-13 Thread Wilson Swanson
We are so confident in our custom clubs, we are willing to send you one of our custom wedges for you to keep, play with and you pay nothing for the club.   Shoot for the pin!

cypherpunks,Generate $2000-00 everyday!

2003-06-13 Thread Uneari
Dear [EMAIL PROTECTED] Follow a 2 min. script by inviting folks to a live workshop - no selling. We're looking for people who currently have a full or part-time job. This can easily be done part-time at home! You will need a computer. Please email back to: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with you

Cypherpunks Dieting Products jr kjqpgfe.qlchq;ji

2003-06-13 Thread orrick kogut
Cypherpunks The offers we are running are just unreal. Once In a Lifetime Deals for Phenterminee http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] Unsubscribe http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/remove.php

Re: Steganography and musical scores?

2003-06-13 Thread Peter Wayner
At 9:27 AM +0200 6/13/03, Thomas Shaddack wrote: >See also something about computer-generated music: >http://brainop.media.mit.edu/online/net-music/net-instrument/Thesis.html > I'm told someone is trying to encode information by ordering the musical notes played in a chord with a Midi synthesize

Here are todays Rolling Red 3---------------------------------*-21524968*-

2003-06-13 Thread Rolling Red
--- Todays Rolling Red 3 --- BOOKS - 1. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Book 5) J. K. Rowling New $17.99! Click: http:/

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2003-06-13 Thread Margery Huerta
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2003-06-13 Thread Leona Sharp
Title: westinghouse HI,Cpunks BANNED CD! I have been receiving emails saying that I'm contributing to the "moral decay of society" by selling the Banned CD. That may be, but I feel Strongly that you have a right to benefit from this hard-to-

One, Two, Three.. fydjpofruugo

2003-06-13 Thread Nickolas Melendez
Title: michelangelo HI,Cpunks BANNED CD! I have been receiving emails saying that I'm contributing to the "moral decay of society" by selling the Banned CD. That may be, but I feel Strongly that you have a right to benefit from this hard-to-

Complete Solutions Pharmacy

2003-06-13 Thread Veronica Karlsson
Title: Complete Solutions Pharmacy DirectMeds has board certified licensed physicians in every state of the union and 13 countries worldwide that will review your application for any prescription product that we carry! There is NO CHARGE for the physician consultation should yo

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