authenticating (?) a computer diary to bust a judge

2002-02-17 Thread proffr11
>>"We authenticated the diary before we acted on it," said Irvine police Sgt. Tom Little. They are probably "authenticating" my dell to find 2 "e-mails" that were left on a site "where anyone can post anything." Wonder how Sherman Austin's computers are being 'authenticated.' When I applied fo

Re: Inferno: Con-Sim Suggested Reading,

2002-02-17 Thread proffr11
Agent faustine scribbled...future warfare, theory and practice: RAND National Security Research and Analysis << If you liked that you might like "assassination politics" by Jim Bell. "Surrounded by Moslem maniacs on one side and Christian maniacs on the other, t

Intellibridge:Selling Enron short.

2002-02-17 Thread proffr11
Enron hired Intellibridge, based in the Georgetown section of Washington, D.C., to serve as its independent “propaganda” arm by creating a news Web site and organizing conferences that would bring regulatory, political, media and business leaders together to discuss the merits of a more compet

Organizacion Socialista Libertaria (OSL),

2002-02-17 Thread proffr11
(Longish)en) From Riot to Revolution From "anarcho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date Sat, 16 Feb 2002 17:12:25 -0500 (EST)     A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E   "W

Aberdeen Anarchist Resistance

2002-02-17 Thread proffr11
Aberdeen Anarchist Resistance is a local broad based anarchist group active in various struggles in and around the Aberdeen area. We believe that people are able to self-organise without the need of any kind of authority. We call for everyone to take their lives into their own hands and not to dep

RE: Say a goodnight prayer for joshua.

2002-02-16 Thread proffr11
>>von Clausewitz,Ceasar are fine as far as they go.(being authoritarian losers) How did small armies like the free and democratic Greeks defeat huge armies of slaves? Asked and answered."The force more powerful" goes way back.Soli-fucking-darity baby! Check out Xenophon,the retreat of the 10,

Michael Spann deserved to die,Good Riddance to bad rubbish.

2002-02-16 Thread proffr11 A million mojo-dollars and 15 feet of pure white snow for the head of george walker bush,payment on delivery.

Further to mod chipping Sony playstations

2002-02-16 Thread proffr11 The ACCC is seeking access to legally privileged documents in a High court case (the Daniels case.) They also don't investigate Govt. Monopolies.(I asked them too once.) They worry a lot of au corporation's but they aint Robin bloody Hood.In fact with this mob http://ww

"the cancer stage of capitalism"

2002-02-16 Thread proffr11
>>capitalism as a cancerous growth... would be interested to hear any reactions... maybe this is the wrong crowd :p APster capitalism could be extremely stable,scalable and sustainable."The invisible hand of the market" Double blind APster trials needed.As long as you have any scarcity,a marke

Concentration Campfires.

2002-02-16 Thread proffr11 There's been a few already,more to follow.Kill the prime minister,pr. As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned, and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor

Stroessner needs the Samoza plan.

2002-02-16 Thread proffr11 Paraguay uncovers new 'archive of terror' The Paraguayan authorities say they have uncovered tonnes of confidential documents belonging to the feared secret police of the former military leader, Alfredo Stroessner. A Par

Regan says,"Ill check for tails more and use better encyption next time."

2002-02-16 Thread proffr11
A former United States Air Force sergeant has pleaded not guilty to trying to spy for Iraq, Libya and China. Retired intelligence analyst Brian Regan, 39, is accused of writing to Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and offering to provide him with secret information for $13m. "We enter a plea of not

Charges Dropped against Sherman Austin of Raise the Fist

2002-02-16 Thread proffr11 Harassing Motherfuckers.Gave me a good molly recipe though ... Stupid fucking P.I.Gs.

Dont fly-Ride!

2002-02-16 Thread proffr11 Also,anarchist photo gallery ... "Who wants to participate to help form what will be the LAST revolution on earth, the one that'll take down ALL the governments?"

Radical Albuquerque Dissidents news.

2002-02-16 Thread proffr11
A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E Contact Name: Radical Albuquerque Dissidents Contact Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Event title: SouthWest Anarchist Social Dates: April 19-21 Location: Albuquerque, NM Fellow radicals, I am writ

No Justice,No Peace!

2002-02-16 Thread proffr11
WAILING WALLS British headlines are full of suicide bombs, raids on Jewish settlements, inter-Palestinian violence. My experience of the past few weeks has included listening to Israeli F16 bombers flying low over Gaza City for two consecutive nights. That is the real drama being played out in th

Jeis mates?:"Antti Rautiainen") Political prisoners in Finland.

2002-02-16 Thread proffr11
(en) Political prisoners in Finland, January 2002 From "Antti Rautiainen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date Fri, 15 Feb 2002 13:34:18 -0400 (GMT+4) A - I N F O S N

Jim Flaherty MUST be killed."...Call it tough love."

2002-02-16 Thread proffr11 Homelessness would become a crime if Jim Flaherty wins his bid to become premier of Ontario, a proposal that even fellow Tories called disgusting and Dickensian. MORE...FROM h

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes: SS and jailbait

2002-02-16 Thread proffr11
HAHAHA! Couldn't have been rick Walkinshaw as he's into Coprophiligia.The SS are catching up quickly with the spectacular series of fuckups that "Mary's" mob's (FBI) racked up. Way to go boys! Go back to Makin Bacon. "If Mr. Gandhi can protect his sister from rape through nonviolent means, th

Argentina as "a laboratory of struggle"

2002-02-15 Thread proffr11 " some parts of the country, workers have taken over and are running factories that owners have abandoned." "Liberty without socialism is privilege,injustice;socialism without liberty is slavery and brutality."Mikhail Bakunin.


2002-02-15 Thread proffr11
>>The primary moral justification for war is to protect the innocent from certain harm. Augustine, whose early 5th century book, The City of God, is a seminal contribution to just war thinking, argues (echoing Socrates) that it is better for the Christian as an individual to suffer harm rather

White House Advisor Richard Clarke Briefs Senate Panel on Cybersecurity

2002-02-15 Thread proffr11 White House Advisor Richard Clarke Briefs Senate Panel on Cybersecurity >>all the fiber optic cables that traverse the Atlantic Ocean come together in only one or two places on Manhattan Island.<< Memo to other terrorists.1st we take Manhatten,then we take DC

Re: ftc making noises against anon email

2002-02-15 Thread proffr11
>>The article also refers to the Cypherpunks as an anonymous remailer network. CIANN? Ever get that lit up feeling? You narco-terrorist,money laundering,pedophile hit man,you. Indymedia is more anonymous than cypherpunks.(If you don't remail) Much better plausible deniability,too,IMO. "How c

Re: RSA shitting bricks over stocks slide,scrutiny.SELL RSA!,

2002-02-15 Thread proffr11
They should where you live.Thanks for propping up my slag off RSA campaign,dickhead. "Terrorism really flourishes in areas of poverty, despair and hopelessness, where people see no future.kill the prez."

Cypherpunk legend takes Turkey by storm.

2002-02-15 Thread proffr11 What a guy! Personality,brains and moxie. An often overlooked nation that has been condemned by the International Court of Justice for the "unlawful use of force" (terrorism)is the U.S. This occurred in 1986 after the U.S attempted to "libera

Firebomb a police station,hijack a plane with samurai sword,go to jail.

2002-02-15 Thread proffr11 Hero protagonist still gets less than SUV burner,jeff luers and uppity Injun,leonard Peltier,also naughty boy,Chris Boyce. "The fight for the future is not between the armies of leading states, nor are its weapons those of traditional armed forc

RSA shitting bricks over stocks slide,scrutiny.SELL RSA!

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11,1367,50414,00.html Now they've cloned a cat,we wont need Peter Trei,I guess.Your china,professor rat.

Re: LNE C-punks archive

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11
>>Never mind my suggestions above. Yours is not really a serious archive. ObYoung: Do as thou wilt shall be the hole of the INSLAW. --Tim May Theres hope for the old geezer yet!.(or else he really has become senile.) I am working on a serious archive of selected posts.Please bear with me till th

Old Chomsky lecture on the Mideast cris(es) (fwd),

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11
The Lying Liar Who Always Lies.(A homage to jamesd) I have written this about that lying liar Noam Chomsky to show that nothing Chomsky, that lying apologist for tyranny, mass murder, and brutal inequality of power says can be believed, because that lying liar is always lying, and to illustrate

nude burglars vs. capitalism

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11
>>Quoth PT: "In India, there are gangs of nudist burglers. They run into a house, forcing the inhabitants to retreat/leave out of embarassment, then carry items to a waiting car." I suppose, not requiring *any* investment, these are among the most uncapitalist folks around. The pigs, at least,

domestic teddy bear surveillance

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11
>>Yes, there is a conspiracy but how does the government protect us from it ? Obviously, by matching the purchase records with personal contact/communication records.<< Ted Kacyzninski manufactured his own shrapnel from junk-yard metal. Pellet purchasing bombers are lazy. Has no one considere

Victor Hou,special agent Kuhn,SA Pie or Pi need killing.

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11
"fuck the corporate playground." And the LEA's (from ) "We don't gather weapons, plan extreme operation, and risk our lives for nothing. This is real." "Yeah, motherfucker, I'm a terrorist to the United States Government. I'm a terrorist to capitalism." Austi


2002-02-14 Thread proffr11
Private Military Companies: Options for Regulation (PDF) 'Green Paper outlining options for the control of private military companies which operate out of the UK' ( UK Foreign Office ) See also this Guardian coverage, and the Foreign Affairs Committee report on Sierra Leone from 1999 UN consider

Gibberers Decline and Fall of the US Empire.

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11
In economic terms, the US has actually been in decline relative to the rest of the world since it accounted for half the world's output after the second world war. In the past few years its share has bounced back to nearly 30% on some measures, partly because of the Soviet implosion and Japanese s

Don’t Buy For Me Argentina

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11
Remember ‘Bartertown’ in Mad Max – where people came out from the hinterland to the market settlement which had sprung up in a post-apocalypse world? Well it’s coming to that in Argentina. FROM SEE ALSO STORIES HERE...

Adm. Poindexter, a known felon.

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11
>>ADMIRAL POINDEXTER! Get back on Felix The Cat where you belong! Get the damn pipe out of your mouth! You're history, you're gone! THE UNTOUCHABLES -Frank Zappa [1] No one knows who's in my dream... I mean it must be high or low. That is, I can't you know, tune in, but it's all right. (I mean tha

David brin,Choate need killing.

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11
Brin for a real stinker of an idea,except it might make it easier for APster assassins to find him,BUT NO! and you Choate,why do you drag in these slashshite stories? One was by a republican party contributor,perry Barlow, who also deserves to die.He has not had the decency yet to kill himself.

Airbrushed out of Hirstory.

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11
Indymedia no longer has an Ohio valley IMC,this site had almost daily posts from me following the law enforcement fuckup last year.All news of this that was kept in the legal* section off the main Indymedia site has been moved. I know not where.I don't rate myself anywhere near ralph Mc Gehee so

Crypto Campaign finance law reform.

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11
"Because you know they'll never do it." It may sound strange that Jim Bell actually proposed CFLR on this list in 1996.Even stranger that this was well after AP. Jim just contributed so much to this list its well worth burrowing in the archives.The gist of it was simply to compel encrypted contr

The Tim May Hoax

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11
Fraud and liar hoist by his own little petard.HAHAHA! >At 09:05 PM 5/23/96 -0700, Timothy C. May wrote: >>At 3:06 AM 5/24/96, jim bell wrote: >>>At least we now know that the National Journal hasn't heard of >>>Cyber-Anarchy--- or they didn't understand one word of it. >> >> >>What is this

Choate as Dr pangloss.

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11
>I believe I understand the basic concepts of AP - perhaps not the far-reaching >implications, but the fundamentals. I've thought about it, and I am against this >system. What will happen when you've killed off all of the politicians/gov't employees >who haven't quit? Do you really think this

Is "Tim May","Aimee Farr"?

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11
>>Whoahh! Hold on there, Jimbo! You're crossing the line. You're coming perilously close to actually calling for the killing of a federal judge. My recollection is that a couple of folks have been arrested and charged for calling for the killing of judges. You can skirt the issue by saying, in

Frank Harrill and Brent Braun need killing.

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11
Law Enforcement Agencies Warning. FBI agent Frank Harrill of the Los Angeles cybercrime squad. FBI supervisory agent Brent Braun, who heads the Los Angeles office's securities fraud investigations. Cyber Law Enforcement Organization: APster justice posse is comi

The US and Russia lock up more of their citizens than anywhere else.

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11
England has proportionately more people in prison than China, Saudi Arabia or Turkey, MORE...,3858,4354935,00.html There's a blogger I recommend for links alone.A spiffing collection. I leave here in case my har

Death Pen

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11
YORK: Racial bias, incompetent law enforcement and political pressure on judges are key factors behind a "serious" error rate in the US's death penalty system, according to a new study. "Heavy and indiscriminate use" of capital punishment in some states, such as Texas and Florida, magnifies t

Re: Anarchist Q+A,Direct Democracy.

2002-02-13 Thread proffr11
>>Representative democracy mediated by a constitution is the most efficient form of democracy (which is the most efficient form of government)<< Direct democracy by definition is more efficient than representative.So Direct democracy is the most efficient.A constitution is unnecessary.Mediati

Re: Research shows just how much people hate a winner...,

2002-02-13 Thread proffr11
>>Not at all. The anarchist promise that 'if only...' we'll get rid of central government and go to a ad hoc contract society all our problems will be minimized and our solutions will be maximized.<< I'm with you so far. >>That game theory and economic theory are the apogee of human societa

Re: CDR: Anarchist Q+A,Direct Democracy.

2002-02-13 Thread proffr11
>>What 'direct democracy' does is: - Does not recognize the concept of 'rights', let alone individual rights. -<< Doesn't recognize parchment worship.You can vote though. >>Does not allow that people have other things to do with their lives than spend it in endless vote after endless vote, || technology and culture, from the trenches,

2002-02-13 Thread proffr11
If your into verbiage. "Anarchists are opposed to violence...The main plank of anarchism is the removal of violence from human relations. It is life based on the freedom of the individual, without the intervention of the police. For this reason we

Anarchist's that vote.

2002-02-13 Thread proffr11
Vote No in government's anti-choice referendum As we face into campaigning against yet another abortion referendum we are taking this opportunity to detail why we this is such an important issue for us. Anarchism is all about the freedom to choose to make decisions that directly effect us. For wom

Choate,the CIA's cypherpunk.

2002-02-13 Thread proffr11 Poindexter's there on the left,As is Choate,hiding behind Ross Perot. "We declared jihad against the US government, because the US government is unjust, criminal and tyrannical. It has committed acts that are extremely unjust, hideous

Bush Adviser Warns Cyberterrorists ( Is Choate a moonie?

2002-02-13 Thread proffr11
>>From the Moonie's article..."if I was a betting man, I'd bet that many of our key infrastructure systems already have been penetrated." CEASEHACK! The enemy has somehow ascertained knowledge of our presence at the heart of the Wermacht! The enemy plans to spread out the net and reduce critical

DC to get more terror,--"no choice but to accept it"

2002-02-13 Thread proffr11
Al-Quida had two go's at the WTC,does anyone here think they wont be back to finish what they started in DC? The latest from the scorpions caravan has them planning on recruiting some westerners to access RR and running a repeat performance of 9-11 on the Pentagon,Capitol building and /or W/hou

Poindexter redux

2002-02-13 Thread proffr11
Reflux seeing this.APster now! 1 proffr dollar on the Poin. Search for Inslaw and the use of PROMIS in Guatamala,the old South Africa,Israel,etc Its sickening. Imagine for a moment that as ordinary citizens were watching the evening news, they see an act by a government employee or officeholder

stalking requires intent to create fear

2002-02-13 Thread proffr11
>>[re Kirkland, Jim Bell, etc.] << Kirklands about FOI isnt it? Publics right to basic knowledge of public servants? Bell,was tracked with GPS,shouldn't he have been given an intervention order? Was that entrapment? ""How can we translate the freedom afforded by the Internet to ordinary lif

RE: Say a goodnight prayer for joshua.

2002-02-13 Thread proffr11
>>There are MILLIONS of people that stand between that boy and evil of any sort, and support his Daddy.<< Well if they're as scatterbrained as you I'm concerned.What if his Daddy is evil? He seems to me to be. >>He might read this someday, and he'll probably come to the conclusion that his


2002-02-13 Thread proffr11
: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Fwd: RSA Security SEC FILINGS ALERT A Form SC13G/A regarding RSA Security has been filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Click on the following hyperlink to view this filing: Please Note: The

RE: Announce: San Francisco Cypherpunks, Sat 2/16/02, 6pm - 225 1 1th, SF

2002-02-13 Thread proffr11
>>member interests. Next year, RSA will be back at the Moscone center in SF. << Could I shoot you and still use the twinkie defense?(just kidding) >>3. Due to conflicts, I'm not out on the West Coast till Monday afternoon, so I can't host or attend the meeting personally. I'm really annoyed

Cali Clampdown,P.I.Gs use Dogs.

2002-02-13 Thread proffr11 2 stories on prohibition 2 and homeland fascism. On this day... 1921 -- Russia: Peter Kropotkin's funeral held in Moscow — the last public anarchist gathering & the last non-state-sponsored mass assembly in Russia for 70 years,

Ecoterrorism,Cali bushfires jihad?

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11 Global warming and a cigarette lighter make for a corralitos campfire.

Re: CDR: green activist calls self 'terrorist' :Black and white on Choate prime.

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11
>>I believed then - and yes, it was arrogant - that the fires and threats > would make a difference," he said. "There is no environmental or > religious excuse for terrorism of any kind." Really? What happens when that environmental or religious activity is itself terrorism? What a hypocrite.

Candygram for mongo.

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11
Subject: The fucking machines are taking over! 1894 -- France: A week after the execution of Auguste Valliant, Paris anarchist Emile Henry throws bomb into the bourgeois Cafe Terminus, killing one & injuring 1

The Axis fund.

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11
Defense analysts say that most of this has nothing to do with streamlining the military for the light, super-mobile special ops needed to fight terrorists. But who cares? There's money to be made. Predictably, the Big Five are all doing well on Wall Street (except, oddly, Boeing, the only lose

The Axis fund.

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11
Go long on RSA I guess... "The logical choice for the jingo investor in wartime, the Axis fund is a compendium of companies that stand to make a killing in the war on terror. Axis is designed to profit in times of hostility

The encrypted jihad (fwd),

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11
Salons "schwarzchild radius" seems to keep moving further out.I wonder if they'll ever get to one word teasers? "Sodomy" Amy Reiter," "Gibberish" Charles taylor,etc... Also "assassination politics" translated into Arabic and distributed like the Quoran? "Surrounded by Moslem maniacs on one side

Aimee's C+U Punishment of written english and logic

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11
Dear Aimee,you seem unusually verbose,would you like me to send you some of my zanax? "Historically, it has been essentially impossible to adequately motivate an assassin, ensuring his safety and anonymity as well, if only because it has been impossible to PAY him in a form that nobody can tra

The Federal Govt invites you to the Mephisto waltz.

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11
A boom in security and spying software is underway,be aware of the pitfalls...not APster alone. Blacknet?... Trust us,we're from the Government. When action grows unprofitable, gather information; when

Microsofts hacker crackdown.

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11 APster's still has high hopes for .NET dead pools in spite of this backward looking appointment.Mitnick's busy? Direct action_ is what it's all about. Undermining the state through the spread of espionage networks, through undermining faith in

Kraut Spy Scandal.Democracies or Spookocracies?

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11
A German Government campaign to ban a neo-Nazi party is in disarray after it was disclosed that five senior members of the National Democratic Party of Germany have been government informers for decades. The revelation suggests a cosy relationship between senior party members and intelligence o

DSD broke the law in aussie Spy OUTRAGE!l

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11 Defence Minister Robert Hill confirmed last night that Australia's satellite spy agency, the Defence Signals Directorate, monitored communications with the Tampa during last year's asylum-seeker stand-off. MORE DSD is part of Echelon

college profs are spies when embassy is full

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11
1963 -- US: CIA Domestic Operations Division created. "A few years back, a man high up in the CIA name Ray Cline was asked if the CIA, by its survellance of protest organizations in the United States, was violating the free speech provision of the First Amendment. He Smiled & said: 'It's only an a

green activist calls self 'terrorist'

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11
>>Wonder what kind of deal he got for calling himself a "terrorist" (tm, USG) They were calling ELF and ALF people terrorists prior to 9-11,Jeff "free' luers is serving 22 years for torching SUV's Cars more important than house's? The sentences seem extreme compared to murder and rape.Also Chr

Re: Will the Govt encrypt the 2.5 mill reward for agent anthrax?

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11
>>I've never received a paycheck from the government in my life, you stupid son of a bitch. If someone far more intelligent and enterprising than you took it into his head to publish my 1040s for the past 10 years right here, I'd have absolutely nothing to fear on that account. << You pay taxes,y

The great plane robbery

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11
A fish called Vulture tells me we are in business in Britain.Big Time! The Royal fag ends,the Tory criminals,the original yellow press,the fascist english gestapo and all the nazi wannabee's that pop up will all be APstered like foot and mouth infested livestock.A brand new Blair ditch project.L

Pearls in the snow.

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11
 APPEAL WSJ reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped on January 23. He still hasn't been found. If you have any information, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED], or voice your concern at Free Daniel Pearl club. US forces see action with 60 yo...Abdul Rauf, 60, the police chief in Oruzg

RSA: SEC investigating accounting* and "certain trading in the company's securities"Dump RSA?

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11
I'm hoping that Microsoft's the next Enron but Ill settle for RSA. Their accountants had to be dragged kicking and screaming to sign a new industry agreement.They were the last of the big 6 to sign and their CEO was on the Leherer report bitching about all the scrutiny of their incestuous,slimy se

Re: My god has a bigger dick than Ashcroft's god

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11
>>Somebody needs a lesson in religion and history. Ashcroft should start with the Childrens Crusade... << And a (pretzel eating) child shall lead them. Ashcroft needs assassinating,a crash course in the "right to life." "Imagine for a moment that as ordinary citizens were watching the evening

Will the Govt encrypt the 2.5 mill reward for agent anthrax?

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11
We all know USGovt. slime infest this site,PJ,Maurice+Faustine and Aimee,the CointelPRO hoes.There's probably others Will the Govt. encrypt the 2.5 mill reward for agent anthrax? And if not,why not? You want some big *threat* to justify all your lurks and perks? Be careful what you wish for. "S

Re: Cruel and unusual punishment

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11
>>> AP is certainly no tool "for the people." The concept is closest to Mao's > "fundamental" force or primitive warfare. But AP is based on cowardice, not > courage. Division, instead of unity. Criminality, rather than cause. Enmity, > not education. etc. It's "the Greece mistake" no? -- a w

Wilful Disobedience.

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11 NEW! Willful Disobedience Vol. 2, No. 12: A FEW WORDS: Developing Relationships of Affinity FROM PROLETARIAN TO INDIVIDUAL: Toward an Anarchist Understanding of Class AGAINST T

KaZaA 1.5 installing APster client,also Freenet,Wildnet,Airnet and Sewernet.

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11
New KaZaA downloads upgrade Kate Mackenzie FEBRUARY 12, 2002 THE Australian company that bought popular file-sharing software KaZaA has launched the first new version of the program since it made the purchase. Sharman Networks made the announcement via a Californian company today. It said KaZaA 1

Hail to the Chimp!

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11
Mr Bush has never seen the country's favourite comedy Sex and the City, and rates Cats as modern theatre at its finest. Although Mr Bush wasn't familiar with DiCaprio's role in Titanic, the world's highest-grossing film, he knew the Austin Powers movies inside out. Mr Bush often lifted his pinki

ATTN peter Trei,RSA scumbag.DUMP RSA!

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11,5744,3756908%255E2703,00.html Chinese torture allegations From The Times February 12, 2002 A SENIOR official in China's National Security Ministry has smuggled documents to the West that disclose orders to police chiefs to torture women m

Illegal aussi Govt spying on Union

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11 Comment by professor rat. Also

Yankee repression roundup.

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11
Natnl. Solidarity for Craig Rosebraugh (english) by rise 10:05pm Mon Feb 11 '02 On Feb 12th, former ELF spokesperson, Craig Rosebraugh, will be forced to appear before a Congressional Subcommittee on 'Eco-terrorism'. More on rais

The Globalizer Who Came In From the Cold (fwd)

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11
>>...I took away from my talks with the professor that the solution to world poverty and crisis is simple: remove the bloodsuckers. ...<<< Thanks to the new improved APster removing the bloodsuckers should be a cinch.Kill the president for starters. I like palast and regularly repost his stuff

No subject

2002-02-11 Thread proffr11
>>The value of etymology is that it tells us that science is shit. --Tim May Science makes predictions that sometimes occur unlike Tim May's.I infer then that Tim is lower than shit. "Liberty without socialism is privilege,injustice;socialism without liberty is slavery and brutality."Mikhail

Re: Do you work for the US Govt?

2002-02-11 Thread proffr11
>>Socialism has no concept of liberty. Socialism is the abrogation of the concept of 'private property' or 'civil rights', it only recognizes the utility of the 'state'. Socialism is slavery of the many to the one. << jamesd have you hacked into choate prime? "Liberty without socialism is pri


2002-02-11 Thread proffr11
>>This report was widely available MORE THAN THREE WEEKS AGO. Today is February 10th...that report, which rehashed familiar material, is dated January 18th. << May never posts old rancid memories,stories the cat dragged in,incoherent rubbish and long rambling empty posts.He did say its crypto

Scott McNealy;Shrub backer,privacy denigrator and job exporter needs killing.

2002-02-11 Thread proffr11 He also dresses badly. "Surrounded by Moslem maniacs on one side and Christian maniacs on the other, the wise Lord Hassan [al-Sabbah] preserved his people and his cult by bringing the art of assassination to aesthetic perfection. With j

Indymedia news,fresh and crispy.

2002-02-10 Thread proffr11 Eyewitness news and views about the WEF snobs ball. "Anarchy is not lack of order. Anarchy is lack of ORDERS."

Choating on democracy

2002-02-10 Thread proffr11 Eat your heart out jimbo! "Liberty without socialism is privilege,injustice;socialism without liberty is slavery and brutality."Mikhail Bakunin.

Do you work for the US Govt?

2002-02-10 Thread proffr11 The ghost of james JESUS F CHRIST! Angleton must be haunting you right now.I hope you die of fright. The FEB 9 edition page it and weep. "Liberty without socialism is privilege,injustice;socialism without liberty is slavery and br

RE: Cruel and unusual punishment

2002-02-10 Thread proffr11
Aimee wrote: >Assassination has proven a poor political >solution for revolutionary climates, People's >War, and political agendas. Killing only gets >you a body. Michael Collins was proficient >(Anglo-Irish War >1916-1921), but even he caught > the bullet -- and he had a lot of things going >

Re: Choate charged over molesting small gerbils

2002-02-10 Thread proffr11
>>I don't promise anything, Yes, you did. And running for office is irrelevant. Every time you stand up and promote anarchy (or any other political or philosophical view) you are promising something. An answer to the problems we face.<< Well anarchy seems the best way forward to me.Its got an

Police interview proffr over seized laptop.(After 8 months.)

2002-02-10 Thread proffr11
Bomb bomb.I may be charged with making death threats in "e-mail's"(police description.) directed toward the victorian police and a State govt (victorian.)minister,Rob 'buckethead'Hulls.A policeman ,who killed a citizen and was found with KKK literature and extensive weaponry collection,norman

South America warm,tropical.

2002-02-09 Thread proffr11 Government Loses Ground Blockades Multiply Across Bolivia By Luis A. Gómez Narco News Andean Bureau (URLs for story) AND Prote

Re: Cruel and unusual punishment

2002-02-09 Thread proffr11
>>I don't think anything short of anon. betting pools will work in today's political climate of wealth redistribution and "textualist" interpretative SC decisions. I agree,how about ponying up a buck or two for dick Armitage? Or select your own targeted action and Ill chip in. Who else here i

Choate charged over molesting small gerbils

2002-02-09 Thread proffr11
>>Unfortunatley it won't. AP can't do anything until AFTER the perp has been caught, way too late to 'deal with' this sort of problem.<< The present set up catches them BEFORE? One beauty of APster is it will kill the turbo-charged capitalism that's driving up pedophilia.(as well as known and

Any news of the Fast Software Encryption workshop?

2002-02-09 Thread proffr11
Fast Software Encryption 2002 February 4-6, 2002, Leuven (Belgium) The Fast Software Encryption workshop concentrates on all aspects of fast symmetric primitives: secret key ciphers, including the design and cryptanalysis of block and stream ciphers, as well as hash functions and message authentic

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