ul 2009 19:04:24 +0530
Subject: RE: LSP 2.10 Previewer hung on preview task
You can check by doing telnet to the board
and check the previewer interrupts if Linux kernel is not hung. Are you able
come out of the application by pressing Ctrl+c? If it is not coming out,
Subject: RE: LSP 2.10 Previewer hung on preview task
Thaks this could be a problem.
I have changed
- wait_for_completion_interruptible(&(device->wfc));
+ wait_for_completion_interruptible_timeout(&(device->wfc), );
But with any success it hung somewhere else.
However I will
och , davinci-linux-open-source
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 2009 12:22:44 +0530
Subject: RE: LSP 2.10 Previewer hung on preview task
Can you check
whether H3A is enabled in the Kernel and CCDC output for H3A is enabled? As
far as I remember, there was some issue with the H3A and previewer. When H3A
Can you check whether H3A is enabled in the Kernel and CCDC output for H3A is
enabled? As far as I remember, there was some issue with the H3A and previewer.
When H3A is enabled, previewer stops giving interrupts. Can you check whether
previewer interrupts are coming properly? You can check