John Scoles wrote:
What are the messages???
- Original Message -
From: "Mary Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 1:04 PM
Subject: proliferation of error messages
> Hello all,
> My perl cgi script which runs dbi
Hello all,
My perl cgi script which runs dbi is generating error messages to the
logs just about everytime dbi is called. The program appears to be running
correctly. How do I keep from getting the spurious messages sent?
Mary Anderson
Hi all,
I have a MySQL-perl-cgi-dbi application which would like to store images
and GIS info. Will dbi running with DBD:MySQL support these?
Mary Anderson
>Artem Harutyunyan wrote:
> Consider, please, the following piece of code:
> my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, {RaiseError =>
> 1,PrintError =>1});
> $dbh->{'AutoCommit'} = 0
>Hi All,
I have picked up ParseExcel and started to work with it. I am having
a problem with code that essentially looks like this:
for ($iR = 0; ($oWkS->{MaxRows} && $iR <=$oWkS->{MaxRows}, $iR++){
for ($iC=0; ($oWkS->{MaxCols} && $iC <=$oWkS->{MaxRows}, $iC++){
MySQL supports transactions on INNOB tables. Does this mean that DBI
on MySQL has transaction support? Do I have to set any variables on MySQL
to support the transactions does support.
mary anderson
I try to do $$dbhref to dereference the handle.
Is there any way to make the handle persist?
Would I have this trouble if I used Mason?
Thanks in advance,
Mary Anderson
Hi all,
This is a reposting of a message. I was advised that my attached code
did not make it through.
Basically, I am running ActivePerl 5.8.7 and mySQL 4.1 under windows XP.
Although I can handle data manipulation statements through DBI, it balks
at drop table and create table stateme
I am running ActivePerl 5.8.7 and MySQL 4.1 on a WindowsXP box. It
won't let me drop or create a table through DBI. My code and error message
are attached.
Mary Anderson