Re: Sending Mail

2005-03-24 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 03/24/2005 05:31 PM, Gav said: Can someone point me as to what is wrong with this :- #!/usr/bin/perl use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use CGI qw(:standard); use DBI; $|=1;

Re: Perl/postgres problems

2005-03-22 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 03/21/2005 12:34 PM, Simon Windsor said: I am having problems accessing postgres from mod-perl on one box. The error I am getting is install_driver(Pg) failed: Can't load '/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread- multi/auto/DBD/Pg/' for module DBD::Pg: failed to map

Re: Oracle client and DBD::Oracle

2005-03-19 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 03/19/2005 06:44 AM, John said: Has anyone tried to install DBD::Oracle with success while Oracle Client is installed? In my case oci.h and some other headers were not found and i ultimately enforced to install the whole database server for the job. Is there any known trick about that? Oracle

Re: How to get trace from Class::DBI ?

2005-03-18 Thread Michael A Chase tech
Please do *not* start a new question by replying to an old one as this causes several problems: 1) most email software will correctly think that your email is a response to the email you are replying to, and will indicate this by displaying your email as a child of the original email 2) because of

Re: DBD::Oracle - closing cursors returned from PL/SQL

2005-03-16 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 03/16/2005 08:25 AM, Charles Jardine said: perldoc DBD::Oracle says, under Binding Cursors: To close the cursor you (currently) need to do this: $sth3 = $dbh-prepare(BEGIN CLOSE :cursor; END;); $sth3-bind_param_inout(:cursor, \$sth2, 0, { ora_type = ORA_RSET } ); $sth3-execute; This

Re: NULLs in Text::CSV_XS and DBD::CSV

2005-03-16 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 03/16/2005 09:50 AM, NIPP, SCOTT V (SBCSI) said: Still banging my head into a wall... Now I am getting NULLs inserted as expected into the database, but I am getting errors on the compare. my @old = $test-fetchrow_array (); foreach $n (0..20) { chomp($file_val =

Re: Oracle SQL V8

2005-03-10 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 03/10/2005 01:52 PM, Graeme St. Clair said: I just tripped over a curious thing. It turned out that my d-b contained the occasional column with accidental leading blanks. I altered the query to:- SELECT TRIM(LEADING ' ' FROM CUST_NAME) AS CN, COUNT(*) AS C FROM DB GROUP BY CN ORDER BY CN

Re: PLease remove me from the list

2005-03-09 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 03/09/2005 01:02 PM, James B Schmidt said: Please remove me from the list. List-Help: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] List-Unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] If you are sending the unsubscription request from a different email account than the one being sent to (see Return-Path and Received in the

Re: perl oracle connection not working from browser

2005-02-24 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 02/24/2005 02:21 AM, davinder kohli said: I am having Perl 5.8 version and Oracle 10g installed on Windows server 2003. I am able to connect as well as execute Oracle queries from the command line. But wfrom the browser I am not able to connect to ORACLE database. Please help me. Thanks in

Re: Oracle error handling

2005-02-24 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 02/24/2005 08:08 AM, susan lam said: I'm new to perl. I apologize if this is not the right place to post newbie questions. This is the right forum for DBI and DBD questions. If mytable does not exist, I would like to trap the Oracle error message and write the message to an Oracle table. I

Re: New User-Defined Function Syntax in SQL::Statement

2005-02-21 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 02/21/2005 02:23 PM, Jeff Zucker said: $dbh-do(CREATE FUNCTION foo); # pre-declares function foo, a perl subroutine in current package $dbh-do(CREATE FUNCTION foo AS Bar::baz); # pre-declares function foo, using baz, a subroutine in package Bar Since AS usually introduces an alias, this

Re: DBI tand subroutine

2005-02-19 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 02/19/2005 02:25 PM, xaver biton said: wht's wrong with the following code, I should recieve '49201','49203', '49','49203', '49203','49203' and if I don't use the sub I do that, but if I use the sub I recieve only '491' To make sure I understand, if you take the guts out of area() and run that

Re: Curretn DBD for Oracle

2005-02-18 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 02/18/2005 02:33 PM, Douglas Greenwalt said: What DBD version of Oracle is the most current and where do I get it? Currently put on DBI/5.8.3/DBD-Oracle.ppd from If you're running ActivePerl in MSWin and not ready to buuild it yourself, is the best source.

Re: Cannot Insert into Oracle

2005-02-14 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 02/14/2005 11:10 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: If I don't use strict, I get the following errors: You should (nearly) always use 'use strict;'. It helps prevent single errors from combining into real rats' nests. Database error: DBI::st=HASH(0x239094)-bind_param(...): attribute parameter

Re: What happened to dbish?

2005-02-05 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 02/04/2005 10:38 PM, Jeff Macdonald said: It seems it is no longer included, and scanning the Changelogs doesn't give me a clue why. Is there a better alternative? From DBI/Changes: =head2 Changes in DBI 1.34,28th February 2003 ... Removed old

Re: get one column

2005-01-28 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 01/28/2005 03:55 AM, Ing. Branislav Gerzo said: Hi all! I have subroutine, that checks, if I already have in DB specified row: sub image_exist { my ($id, $date) = @_; #id is _always_ number my $sth = $mydbh-prepare_cached(select ID from pic where id = ?); $sth-execute($id); my

Re: how to retrieve data from postgresql database

2005-01-27 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 01/28/2005 12:51 AM, sudheer raghav said: when am running this program with command perl it is working fine.But whenever i run it on web browser it is not retrieving records from database. This is not a DBI issue. Go to then search for 4.4

Re: DBD::Oracle

2005-01-25 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 01/25/2005 01:29 AM, Waghmare, Satish (IE03x) said: Please help me to know how to I download the DBI packages from FTP site. I'm using ActiveState ActivePerl 5.8 on Win-XP system. Please see below Error log: C:\Documents and Settings\SatishWppm install

Re: how to connect postgres database

2005-01-21 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 01/21/2005 06:59 AM, sudheer raghav said: am new to perl. how to connect postgresql database to perl. I replied to an identical message from you dated 01/17/2005 11:43 PM with: = Please look at . For DBI,

Re: 2 cursors? at the same time

2005-01-19 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 01/19/2005 05:01 PM, Nina Markova said: I found solution myself reading information from the google group. I should autocomit off. I did it and works. Thank you for the followup with the solution you found. It may be useful to someone else later. -- Mac :}) ** I usually forward private

Re: how to connect postgresql database with perl

2005-01-18 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 01/17/2005 11:43 PM, sudheer raghav said: Please look at . For DBI, For DBD::Pg,

Re: DBD::Oracle

2005-01-17 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 01/17/2005 05:02 AM, Waghmare, Satish (IE03x) said: Send me the PPM package for DBD::Oracle.Activestate 5.8 -- Mac :}) ** I usually forward private questions to the appropriate mail list. ** Ask Smarter: Give

Re: DBD Oracle DBI driver

2005-01-17 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 01/17/2005 12:04 PM, Moreno, Javier said: Does anyone know of a repository where I can find DBD::Oracle? I have tried the ActiveState default repository but it reports it is not available. It would be worthwhile for you to read the responses sent to you before you ask the same question again.

Re: Which ORACLE_HOME was used to build DBD?

2005-01-12 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 01/12/2005 06:39 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: I have a Redhat box with 2 ORACLE_HOMEs. DBI and DBD_Oracle have both been installed. How can I tell which ORACLE_HOME was used to build the DBD? Call oraenv for each environment and try connecting to a database through each. If one fails, don't

Re: Unable to obtain a TAR-able binary image of DBI

2005-01-11 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 01/10/2005 04:32 PM, Jacob Salomon said: I have no trouble building perl 5.8.0 and the DBI 1.4.6 module on a development system with a compiler (and having just untarred into a virgin directory). I wish to create a TAR-able image so I can also install it on a box with no compiler. Following

Re: Upgrading Perl and Solaris on a unix box

2005-01-11 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 01/11/2005 07:26 AM, ruimvelds said: I have inherited a Unix box with solaris 5.7 and Perl 5.6.0 installed. It was created in 2001. I have had problems accessing an Oracle 9i database. One recomendation was to install the 9i client on the box, but the 9i client software only has

Re: Question on DBI connection to Oracle

2005-01-09 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 01/09/2005 09:00 AM, Reidy, Ron said: The error message says it all. You need to set (at a miniumu) ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID. Read all the README* files in the DBD::Oracle distribution. There's a reason that the standard install sequence for Perl modules includes `make test`. That should

Re: DBI for two database versions

2005-01-06 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 01/05/2005 11:33 PM, Sam Vilain said: Thilo Planz wrote: The Oracle 10g client libraries used by your DBI should be able to connect to older versions of Oracle as well. So ideally, your 8.1.7 users can use the DBI you already installed. Careful, there's a compatibility matrix there. I vaguely

Re: Oracle-Perl Connection Problem

2005-01-04 Thread Michael A Chase tech
This discussion belongs on the DBI users list (, so I'm sending this response there instead of to oracle-oci. On Tuesday 04 January 2005 09:47, Sandeep Warikoo wrote: I'm trying the access oracle through perl, but am getting the error ERROR OCIEnvInit. My perl script is:

Re: DBD-Oracle question for Win2000

2005-01-04 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 01/04/2005 10:31 AM, Boris Volf said: I tried installing DBD-Oracle using ppm, and was unsuccessful. Then I downloaded this module from CPAN, and copied into C:\Perl\lib, but I am still getting the same error., Naturally you are still getting the error, just copying to

Re: Can't install DBI

2004-12-29 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 12/29/2004 08:05 AM, Bender Eliyahu-Yosef-BEB067 said: I installed ActivePerl- opened MS-DOS window wrote ppm and then install DBI. The respond I got was : Error : No Valid repositories: Error : 500 Can't connect to Bad hostname ''

Re: DBD::Oracle and

2004-12-29 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 12/29/2004 10:56 AM, Maldonado, Daniel CW2 CTARNG said: Hi there again, this may not be the best forum to ask this question but I don't think there is a DBD::Oracle list available. This is the right place. The DBI list is a good first stop for all DBI and DBD user issues. Does anyone have a

Re: Problems Installing DBD::MySQL

2004-12-24 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 12/23/2004 07:55 PM, Tony McCray said: Thanks Dave, you helped a lot actually. It turns out that I have a file in /lib called I made a copy of the file and got rid of the '.2' extension. I had to do the same thing with I haven't tested it yet, but make, make

Re: DBD Errors for New Oracle Install

2004-12-23 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 12/23/2004 12:15 PM, Peter Barnett said: We have a new DBD install that is giving us trouble. The perl files are linked from a directory /obase/tools/perl/perl to /usr/bin/perl. The DBD is installed in the /obase/tools/perl/dbd directory. Not much to go on but the developers are very new to

Re: perl module Oracle::OCI availability?

2004-12-21 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 12/20/2004 11:57 AM, Teddy Choi said: Could you please let me know what the status is on the availability of Oracle::OCI ? It isn't in CPAN yet, and I haven't been able to google up a beta version. The version on CPAN is a bit old, or is that stable? --

Re: DBI like

2004-12-19 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 12/18/2004 07:55 PM, xaver biton said: how do I use like as bind variables, eg: select * from users where like '49755%'. could xou make an example? Note: users ne user.

Re: dbi packages required

2004-12-18 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 12/18/2004 12:23 AM, govind tarcar said: I am presently working on a project on CGi for my 7sem Cs course Am unable to trace a DBI and DBD-ODBC packages for perl. Tried some sources ( ) but couldnt get it Can u help me and send me the above

Re: Perl DBI Documentation Proposal: Using NULLs in Placeholders

2004-12-16 Thread Michael A Chase tech
Suggested changes {before : after}. On 12/16/2004 09:33 AM, CAMPBELL, BRIAN D (BRIAN) said: Undefined values, or Cundef, are used to indicate NULL values. You can insert {: or} update columns with a NULL value as you would a non-NULL value. These examples insert and update the column Cage with a

Re: Nested query problem

2004-12-13 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 12/13/2004 06:09 AM, Hardy Merrill said: I realize I'm splitting hairs here, and I'm no database expert, but I'm curious about your answer to this - wouldn't this be even slightly more efficient to write the WHERE clause conditions as most restricting first? In other words, SELECT

Re: Cannot insert large files in MySQL from PERL

2004-12-13 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 12/13/2004 09:33 AM, OIT said: I am trying to save windump network trace files in MySQL. The following piece works, and am able to insert into MySQL, but only a small piece of this 50MB file is in there!!! Is that a binary or text file? quote() is not likely to work correctly on binary

Re: DBI use failure with DBI/DBD::Oracle on AIX 5.2

2004-11-26 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 11/26/2004 08:14 AM, Chris Holt said: Thanks , I needed some one to tell me it was definately permissions. It made me look harder at the perms on higher level directories. Now I'll look at my connection problem . Can't connect to data source exua, no database driver specified and DBI_DSN env

Re: DBI use failure with DBI/DBD::Oracle on AIX 5.2

2004-11-25 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 11/25/2004 08:03 AM, Chris Holt said: After being prepped by experiences of others in the README.aix file. I beleive (see below), I have a good installation. But on running my fist test prog I appear to have a permissions problem. This litlle ditty does not fail when run as root, but anyone

Re: Oracle problem

2004-11-24 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 11/24/2004 05:07 AM, Hardy Merrill said: Tim, can you elaborate a little? I've tried to find the referenced documentation but can't. I don't quite understand how a CHAR datatype can cause this problem. CHAR column values are padded with spaces to the length of the column. When compared with

Re: Why wont my script finish?

2004-11-24 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 11/24/2004 06:19 AM, Mark Martin said: I have a very simple script to delete records from an Oracle table : #!/usr/bin/perl use DBI; use DBD::Oracle; $dbh = DBI-connect( dbi:Oracle:database, user, password) or die Can't connect to Oracle database: $DBI::errstr\n; $dbh-do( DELETE FROM TABLE

Re: prepared statement: automatically removed trailing spaces

2004-11-24 Thread Michael A Chase tech
On 11/24/2004 04:55 AM, Steinhauer, Frank (CAM) said: ... What actually happens is that the default binding for DBD::Oracle is SQL_VARCHAR. When Oracle OCI sees that type, it automatically strips trailing spaces leaving '' if that's all there was. Then '' is interpreted as a NULL by Oracle.