On 2009-07-28 09:19:05 -0700, David Goodman wrote:
> I suggest that you check to see if the string $DBI::errstr is empty
> rather than just whether the 'do' function executed correctly.
> It seems that the SQL is correctly submitted from the DBI side but the
> database server actually produces
the SQL is correctly submitted from the DBI side but the database
server actually produces an error message. So this is a server side error
message rather than a client side error message.
--- On Tue, 7/28/09, Saccone, Scott wrote:
> From: Saccone, Scott
> Subject: Retriev
erver side error
message rather than a client side error message.
--- On Tue, 7/28/09, Saccone, Scott wrote:
> From: Saccone, Scott
> Subject: Retrieving warnings after executing a MySQL INSERT statement
> To: "dbi-users@perl.org"
> Date: Tuesday, July
Hello, I was wondering if the DBI can determine if there are warnings after an
INSERT statement. For example, here's some MySQL code:
mysql> INSERT INTO test(id,name,age) VALUES ("1","Bob","abc");
Query OK, 1 row affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
mysql> show warnings;