2002-05-15 Thread postmaster
V I R U S A L E R T Our viruschecker found a VIRUS in your email to "janh". We stopped delivery of this email! Now it is on you to check your system for viruses For further information about this viruschecker see: http://amavis.or

Antigen found HTML/MimeExploit.IFRAME (CA(InoculateIT),CA(Vet)) virus

2002-05-15 Thread ANTIGEN_EMAIL
Antigen for Exchange found Unknown infected with HTML/MimeExploit.IFRAME (CA(InoculateIT),CA(Vet)) virus. The file is currently Removed. The message, "And other services, check out the ", was sent from gramsci and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound located at UAlbany/ADM/EMAIL.

And other services, check out the

2002-05-15 Thread gramsci
Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=searchall[4].htm Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-ID: PGh0bWw+DQo8IS0tPGJhc2UgaHJlZj1odHRwOi8vd3d3LnBvbGxzdGFyLmNvbT4tLT4NCjxh IG5hbWU9InRvcCI+PC9hPg0KPGhlYWQ+DQogICA8dGl0bGU+UG9sbHN0YXIgLS0gVGhlIENv bmNlcnQgSG90d2lyZTwvdGl0bGU+DQogIC

Virus Alert

2002-05-15 Thread help
This message was automatically generated by anti-virus scanning software on the EECS department Mail eXchanger. The software detected a virus (WORM_KLEZ.H) from [EMAIL PROTECTED] in your mail traffic on 05/15/2002 20:33:17 Action performed by anti-virus scanning software on the virus was qua

more testing on new site

2002-05-15 Thread phobos
OK, Kevin, thanks for adding the year field to the search section. I tested some searches with a combination of venue/year and some others with a combination of state/year. These seem to work just fine. However, when I try a combination of song anywhere/year, I get weird results. More reco

And Resources

2002-05-15 Thread editor
Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=custom[1].htm Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-ID: PGh0bWw+CjxoZWFkPjx0aXRsZT5Hb29nbGUgU2VhcmNoOiBUaGUgUm9sbGluZyBTdG9uZXM8 L3RpdGxlPgo8c3R5bGU+PCEtLQpib2R5LHRkLGRpdiwucCxhe2ZvbnQtZmFtaWx5OmFyaWFs LHNhbnMtc2VyaWYgfQpkaXYsdGR7Y29sb3I6I

Virus Alert

2002-05-15 Thread help
This message was automatically generated by anti-virus scanning software on the EECS department Mail eXchanger. The software detected a virus (WORM_KLEZ.H) from [EMAIL PROTECTED] in your mail traffic on 05/15/2002 16:16:17 Action performed by anti-virus scanning software on the virus was qua

Re: Bobby Ace - KSAN Broadcast

2002-05-15 Thread Jim Powell
This tape is listed on deadlists as KSAN Studios 08/??/70.

Re: Bobby Ace - KSAN Broadcast

2002-05-15 Thread David Gans
At 10:07 PM +0100 5/15/02, Simon Phillips wrote: >I have a 20 minute tape, excellent quality, which is described as >"Bobby Ace - KSAN 1969". I got it several times as a tape filler in >the 70s. I believe that the musicians are Weir, Garcia, John >Cippolina and Nicky Hopkins. The songs are The

Bobby Ace - KSAN Broadcast

2002-05-15 Thread Simon Phillips
I have a 20 minute tape, excellent quality, which is described as "Bobby Ace - KSAN 1969". I got it several times as a tape filler in the 70s. I believe that the musicians are Weir, Garcia, John Cippolina and Nicky Hopkins. The songs are The Race Is On; Silver Threads; Let Me In; and Dark Ho


2002-05-15 Thread Charlie Miller
Don't know if anyone else has noticed this, or mentioned this, but I was just listening to 6/24/84 and at the end of Satisfaction, the band starts playing "The Last Time", but end up doing Baby Blue. I'm suprised it took them another 6 years to actually play the song. Maybe it should be mentiond o

Virus Alert

2002-05-15 Thread Mailer_Daemon
The message below (subject: "Cellpadding") that you sent was not delivered because it contained one or more viruses. The virus details are below: "border.scr" contained "W32/Klez-G" Please check your computers for viruses, then resend the message --- Rec

re: New Site

2002-05-15 Thread Kevin Weil
i've implemented a 'search for a year' field on the search page so that you can locate any of the other data elements within a year, or just use it as an alternative to the year selection and get all the shows in a specified year. thanks for all the great feedback so far. keep it coming! kevin

A special nice game

2002-05-15 Thread robert
Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=browse[9].html Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-ID: IDxodG1sPg0KPGhlYWQ+PHRpdGxlPk1hcCBvZiBUUzIzMlBTPC90aXRsZT4NCjxzdHlsZSB0 eXBlPSJ0ZXh0L2NzcyI+DQoJLm1hcERpdiB7cG9zaXRpb246IHJlbGF0aXZlOyBsZWZ0OiAw cHg7IHRvcDogMHB4OyB3aWR0aDogcHg7IGhl

Virus Alert

2002-05-15 Thread help
This message was automatically generated by anti-virus scanning software on the EECS department Mail eXchanger. The software detected a virus (WORM_KLEZ.H) from [EMAIL PROTECTED] in your mail traffic on 05/15/2002 09:10:37 Action performed by anti-virus scanning software on the virus was qua


2002-05-15 Thread tang
Ç×°®µÄÅóÓÑ£º ÄúºÃ£¡ ÕâÊÇÀ´×ÔÈðÀ´ÍøÂ磨ÏÃÃÅ£©ÓÐÏÞ¹«Ë¾µÄÎʺ¸ÐлÄúÊÕ¿´Õâ·âÓʼþ¡£ÎÒÃÇÕæ³ÏµÄÏ£ÍûÄúÄܳÉΪÎÒÃÇÔÚ¹ó µØÇøµÄÖØÒª»ï°é¡£ÎÒÃÇÊÇÒ»¼Ò²ÉÓÃÊÀ½ç¸ßм¼Êõ½á¾§£¬Ñо¿¡¢ÍƹãºÍ·¢Õ¹Ð¼¼Êõ£¬ÖÂÁ¦ÓÚ»¥ÁªÍøÐÅÏ¢·þÎñ¡¢µç ×ÓÉÌÎñ·þÎñºÍÆóÒµÓ¦Ó÷þÎñµÄ¸ßм¼ÊõÆóÒµ¡£ÏêÇéÇëä¯ÀÀ: Ä

Antigen found HTML/MimeExploit.IFRAME (CA(InoculateIT)) virus

2002-05-15 Thread ANTIGEN_EMAIL
Antigen for Exchange found Unknown infected with HTML/MimeExploit.IFRAME (CA(InoculateIT)) virus. The file is currently Removed. The message, "Hi,deadlists,congratulations", was sent from matth and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound located at UAlbany/ADM/EMAIL.


2002-05-15 Thread matth
Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=ask.elibrary[1].html Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-ID: PGh0bWw+DQo8aGVhZD4NCjx0aXRsZT5lTGlicmFyeSAtIFJlc2VhcmNoIHdpdGhvdXQgTGVn d29yaw0KPC90aXRsZT4NCjxNRVRBIGh0dHAtZXF1aXY9IlBJQ1MtTGFiZWwiIGNvbnRlbnQ9 JyhQSUNTLTEuMSAiaHR0cDovL3d3dy

Virus Alert

2002-05-15 Thread help
This message was automatically generated by anti-virus scanning software on the EECS department Mail eXchanger. The software detected a virus (WORM_KLEZ.H) from [EMAIL PROTECTED] in your mail traffic on 05/15/2002 01:35:03 Action performed by anti-virus scanning software on the virus was qua