if you're curious what two of us think about deal.II, where it comes from and
where it is going, here are 37 minutes of a podcast we participated in a few
weeks ago:
In general, both Timo and I have been listening to the RCE Cast
Dear, Dr. Bangerth
Adding up to this, may I ask you one more question?
After this,,, I was trying to transfer my block vector solution through
Solutiontransfer class. but I am having difficulty in this.
For example, I have fluid problem vector value solution (u_x, u_y, pressure)
at refie_mesh
Dear. Dr, Bangerth
Adding up to this, I want to ask one more question.
I was trying to transfer 'vector-valuled' solution (Block vector type) as I
did for scalar solution (Vector type).
but it seems that the command line
*solution_transfer.prepare_for_coarsening_and_refinement(solution); *
Thank you !
You just pointed out exact problem that my code had!
I was not taking into constraints when I make new sparsity pattern!
* DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern(dof_handler,*
On 03/19/2017 09:21 PM, wrote:
As you can see above, what I change here is
1. const unsigned int dofs_per_cell = fe.dofs_per_cell; -> const
unsigned int dofs_per_face = fe.dofs_per_face;
2. Vector local_rhs(dofs_per_cell); -> Vector
local_rhs (dofs_per_face
On 03/20/2017 10:58 AM, Jaekwang Kim wrote:
I tried to assert assemble function as you suggested, but I didn't
receive any error message.
What make me more confuse me is the code is working with global refinement.
Then are you building the sparsity pattern taking into account hanging
node co
Thanks for your response.
I tried to assert assemble function as you suggested, but I didn't receive
any error message.
What make me more confuse me is the code is working with global refinement.
if I input 100% cells to be refined..
GridRefinement::refine_and_coarsen_fixed_number (tria
Thanks for the response!
I tried to put "Assert (system_matrix.n() == dof_handler.n_dofs(),
ExcInternalError()); " when I assemble system , but i get the same error
message, regardless of it
*An error occurred in line <1668> of file
in function*
*void dealii::internals::dealiiSparseM
Thank you for your quick replay. It seems like the way I assigned the
condition in if ("certain condition") was not appropriate, and neither do
the boundary conditions. That was the reason the matrix was invertible.
After fixing that, it looks working well now.
On Sunday, March 19,