Hi guys.

When linux has born i read that linux can be installed on all computers, it
will be more fast than windows, mac and etc. more secure and will be
installed fast. Now when i start install linux i install ubuntu 17.0.4, it
is good, they release the latest and update, but i read they leak personal
data so i move install debian, but what i see is that debian is obsolete in
program update, i want to install nextcloud and use http2, but i can't
install http2 becouse in debian 8.8 apache2 is old version, and debian 8.8
come with old php5 and i need php7, ubuntu 17.0.4 come with php7 and latest
apache2, now i find linuxfromscratch and i start compile from scratch, but
they didn't explain in the final and from 1 week i reinstall and recompile,
so i think to delete debian 8.8 and return on ubuntu 17.0.4, the obsolete
php7, http2, apache2 and etc. is danger, if i know how to compile i will
compile and will not use debian, becouse debian is obsolete, i find from
gnu website to download the latest source but i don't know how to install
them, if i know Linus Torvall his email i will tell him to leave debian,
debian can be free but it obsolete php7, apache2, http2 and etc. is danger
for everything. I can't belive how Linux the developer of linux, has
permitted to has linux, linux is free and need to be with latest programs,
if program come, for beginners " beginners" there from debian has to be gui
program how to compile the latest update and install them i don't speak to
use aptitude install, aptitude install has obsolete programs i want debian
make gui program where peoples has debian, to open the gui and from the gui
they put the new source from the developer and to compile the program and
install it, all developers who make the programs in debian and they source,
need to develop gui source, so when new program is released they need to
put in gui what is new and what peoples can use in ./configure
if there is no new in ./configure then inmediatelly start compile and
install program. Linus has develop linux to be simple as possible, but bad
developers, nsa, fbi, cia pay money the developers in debian, linux don't
make secure programs and to make obsolete programs, if this is false, then
linux will be simple as possible. A programmer can program all his life,
but when he get a trabant car, he will can't drive the car. Linus say "
debian is difficult to install " or maybe use " " so are you get help the
governments that kill every day peoples, childrens, men and humankind,
making every day humankind poberty, are you gonna help cia, fbi, nsa, that
they everyday break your humankind private life, that they know illegaly
everything for you, when you put your ass in the toilet, when you make sex,
when you eat like pig, when you call, when you call your familly, are you
gonna help, support the governments that they kill your familly or you are
gonna help the humankind be how is, free, no money, free life, free clean
air, free clean water, free clean humankind. no bad, no governments, no
cia, no gbi, no nsa, no bad. It is possible, if you help the humankind the
future will be clean, it depend on you if your familly are gonna life, it
depend on you if you are gonna leave. Make everything free, put all
clasiffield documents, all clasiffied data, put all clasiffied on the
humankind in public. If you wanna be humankind don't help governments and
start help the humankind, he needs you. Helping Linus, helping linux be the
free, you are helping the humankind, don't allow the source to be allowed
from millitary, the source need to be allowed only from humankind. Every
humankind deserve freedom.

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