Severity: normal
Usertags: transition


The motivation for this bug is to manage the join transition from experimental
of the packages corresponding to gazebo and the following ignition/sdformat
libraries which are dependencies of gazebo (unstable version11.9.1+dfsg-2):
 - sdformat (unstable version 9.3.0)
 - ignition-transport (unstable version 8.0.0)
 - ignition-msgs (unstable version 5.1.0)
 - ignition-common (unstable version 3.14.0)
 - ignition-fuel-tools (unstable version 4.1.0)

These set of dependencies have been moved to their own versioned source packages
since ignition/sdformat versions need to be upgraded to new major versions but
we need Gazebo to keep working (it uses exactly these set of major versions)
until people migrate to Ignition (successor of Gazebo). So we have in
 - Gazebo 11.9.1+dfsg-4 depending now on new packages only in experimental:
   (note that packages are different from unstable, using major versions)
   - sdformat9
   - ignition-transport8
   - ignition-msgs5 (this is also in unstable)
   - ignition-common3
   - ignition-fuel-tools4

Also in experimental, new versions of ignition packages are ready:
 - sdformat (unstable 9.3.0 -> experimental 12.3.0)
 - ignition-transport (unstable 8.0.0 -> experimental 8.2.1)
 - ignition-msgs (unstable 5.1.0 -> experimental 8.1.0)
 - ignition-common (unstable 3.14.0 -> experimental 4.4.0)
 - ignition-fuel-tools (unstable 4.1.0 -> experimental 7.0.0)

The only packages listed in the ben tracker that could be broken by updating the
current unstable ignition and sdformat are gazebo and their own
interdependencies among this group.

My plan would be to upload everything at once since we won't face any breakage
if the following is correct:
 - gazebo would not be broken since it will use a new set of ignition packages
 - ignition/sdformat packages won't be broken since all them will be built using
   the new versions coming from experimental.

Is this approach correct? Is there any side-effect that could appear that I'm
not aware of?


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