Package: Severity: normal User: Usertags: transition Control: forwarded -1 Control: block -1 with 917758 919373 918387 919374 919375 918393 919379 919393
Hi, let's create a proper transition bug for mariadb. The switch from mariadb-10.1 to mariadb-10.3 contains the following two sub-transitions: * libmariadbd18 -> libmariadbd19 This does only affect amarok, a binnmu should be sufficient. (Not covered by the existing tracker.) * libmariadbclient18 -> libmariadb3 According to the tracker this affects about 140 packages. I just finished another test rebuild round (ignoring packages not in testing and packages already successfully built against mariadb-10.3). The following packages FTBFS with mariadb-10.3: Level 1: jabberd2 #917758 kannel #919373 libodb-mysql #919374 lua-sql #918387 monitoring-plugins #919375 mosquitto-auth-plugin #915346 (unrelated FTBFS) pmacct #919379 python-mysqldb #919393 Level 2: opensips #918393 Andreas