I've already received my share of flames for this very request in Aug:

Anyway, I'd still like to see pyroman 0.4.6-1 in lenny instead of the
testing version 0.4.4-2
This version has been sitting in unstable now for 98 days, no bugs
reported since (neither to the lenny version, granted).
I'm both upstream author and Debian maintainer, and Version 0.4.6 was
specially updated for the lenny release, but just barely missed the
deadline. I'd prefer to see the cleaned up version 0.4.6 in lenny
instead of the 0.4.4 version which was a bit more hackish in some places
(e.g. using some hardcoded iptables chain names).
There are no dependencies on pyroman that could break.

I am aware that this doesn't really fulfill the unfreeze requirements,
but I've already received my share of flames ... maybe you could just
trust me that this version is better suited for release.

best regards,
Erich Schubert
    erich@(vitavonni.de|debian.org)    --    GPG Key ID: 4B3A135C    (o_
   It's not denial. I'm just selective about the reality I accept.   //\
     Mit seiner Zeit gehen wollen, heißt, schon überholt zu sein.    V_/_
                          --- Eugène Ionesco

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