
one of the package that I take care under the Debian Science Team, ompl,
received a bug #930507 with Severity serious on Jun 14th.

Jochen Sprickerhof solved partially on Jun 16th pushing a new version
1.4.2+ds1-2. And on Jun 17th I pushed another version 1.4.2+ds1-3 solving it
completely (or I think so ...)

I'm not very happy with the patches I did for 1.4.2+ds1-3 but they are valid.
Upstream solved it in a similar way in their master branch (I didn't realize
till I pushed the package) and in a private mail he commented another way to
solve it (Using the Requires field in the pkg-config file).

The question is that we are very close to Buster release and I would like to ask
you if:

- At least, could you accept 1.4.2+ds1-3 for Buster? (Unblock)
- or, may I have to do a 1.4.2+ds1-4 using the Upstream solution?
- or, simple I forget all the changes that there's no option to Buster?

Thanks for all,


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