
2005-11-22 Thread JH
Hola; Soy novato en esto y estoy leyendo con mucho interés la discusión creada Entre el uso de mandriva y debian. Pero que me pueden decir acerca de knoppix? Knoppix se basa en debian así que podria ser una buena idea pasar de Windows a knoppix Y después hincar el diente a debian o mejor

Make menuconfig????

2005-10-21 Thread JH
Hola, intentando instalar el driver de la Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 en mi portatil y puestos de lectura hasta arriba, me propongo configurar el kernel y me da el siguiente error al teclear make menuconfig make: *** No hay ninguna regla para construir el objetivo `menuconfig'. Alto. Que ocurre??

Centrino y debian

2005-10-17 Thread JH
Hola a todos, primero decir que ya solucione lo de la resolucion de pantalla que os pregunte con el dpkg-reconfigure. gracias pero ahora, antes de empezar a meterle horas al pinguinillo, quiero primero poder instalar mi tarjeta inalambrica intel PRO/Wireless 2100 tipica de un centrino. Alguien

Resolucion de pantalla

2005-10-14 Thread JH
Hola, saludos pues soy nuevo en la lista y en el mundo Debian. Una preguntita facil. Acabo de instalar debian sarge 3.1 en un portatil centrino y como resolucion de pantalla solo me deja 800x600 e inferior resolucion. Como lo pongo a 1024x768? Tendre mal puesto el monitor? si es asi, donde lo


2002-03-12 Thread JH
Prosze Sznowne Grono o refleksje, zle lub bobre opinie ! Z tego co zdazylem sie zorjetowac to niezly kombajn ale ... moze ktos mial inne doswiadczenia lub jest zaproponowac cos lepszego. ;) ??? Janusz ps Z gury, dzieki !

[OT] jumper for CPU Host Clock

2001-04-10 Thread jh
Hi. I am building my computer today and have a question about a jumper setting. I need to set the jumper for the CPU Host Clock Selection and I'm not sure what this refers to. There are two choices, 100MHz and 133Mhz. the 133Mhz has a asterisk by it that says Reserved. Does this refer to the

[OT] jumper for CPU Host Clock (Thanks and solved)

2001-04-10 Thread jh
I finally found some info on the mb website. Says to place jumper on 100MHz then change CMOS setting alowing memory to run at the CPU bus plus an extra 33MHz. -Jeff H At 09:35 AM 4/10/01 -0600, you wrote: Hi. I am building my computer today and have a question about a jumper setting. I

[OT] (floppy?? and win 95) two questions

2001-04-10 Thread jh
Hello. I am still a Debian want to be. All that I know is win98. I am in the process of a major hardware upgrade and have two questions I wanted to run by the list. 1) I intend to setup a Debian desktop. I will be re partitioning my 6.4gb drive allowing approx 4gb for Debian. I need to keep

[OT] AMD Athlon fan

2001-04-05 Thread jh
Hello all. I am setting up an AMD Athlon box and have a question about the cpu fan. There is no brand name info on the fan box but the unit itself says it is an ARX. My question concerns how the heatsink side mounts to the processor. There seems to be white paper on that side that is really

(OT) - Static electricity grounding device?

2001-03-25 Thread jh
Hi. Does anyone know how or have a link to building your own grounding device that could attach to your wrist for hardware upgrades? I live in a very small town with no way to get one quickly. I know there are places online that sell them. Hoping to make something that would do the same job. I

pain in the a-- guys monitor problem solved

1999-10-25 Thread jh
I want to thank the list for all the help and advice you have been giving me. I am the one who has been trying to run xf86config to set up x-windows. As you may know I do not have any specs for my monitor, and every time I would run xf86config I would get a scrambled screen. During my probably

question about this mailing list

1999-10-25 Thread jh
I am going on vacation. In order to stop mail while I am away do I need to completely unsubscribe and then re-subscribe when I return? Thanks, Jeff

another question about my monitor

1999-10-24 Thread jh
As you may know I have been having trouble getting my monitor set up under x. Because of not having any documentation on the used computer that I have, as well as not finding any info on the net about horiz and vert sync settings for my monitor, I have been shooting in the dark while trying to set

Looking for monitor sync settings

1999-10-23 Thread jh
Sorry to keep posting on this subject. I have tried about 35 different combinations in xf86config, but I still cannot find what the monitor needs. Every time I run xf86config and then do startx I get a screen with screwed, flickering and unreadable characters. My monitor is a Micron m14fg During

Re: Need help for x window

1999-10-23 Thread jh
At 08:12 PM 10/22/99 PDT, you wrote: Hey :) Post your monitor type here, and maybe someone else can help you. Just for the sake of mentioning it... There should be a sticker on the back that lists at least the base Horz Vertical Frequencies(it may be a long shot...) Here's an even longer

I messed up my resolution.

1999-10-22 Thread jh
Is there a way to keep debian from trying to start x at start up? I messed up the resolution and can't read anything. I think MS products sometimes use F8. How about debian? Is there any other way to get to the command line and re-run xf86config? I tried using my boot disk, but this too tried to

How can I find specs on my monitor?

1999-10-22 Thread jh
I am trying to set up x. I keep running xf86config but I do not know the specs for my monitor. It is a Micron monitor model # m14fg. I have gone to Micron's home page but they do not list this old monitor. Does anyone have any ideas? Jeff

Re: How can I find specs on my monitor?

1999-10-22 Thread jh
No Luck. They do not list Micron or my model # in search. Jeff At 10:37 PM 10/21/99 -0400, you wrote: From: Ethan Benson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: How can I find specs on my monitor? Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 18:16:49 -0800 On 21/10/99 jh wrote: I am trying to set up x. I keep running

device name for mouse?

1999-10-22 Thread jh
I have a serial mouse. Does anyone know what the device name would be? Thank you. Jeff

Need help for x window

1999-10-21 Thread jh
Hi. I have recently installed the x packages from cd. When I type startx I receive: Could not find file! Tried /root/xf86config /etc/x11/ef86config /usr/x11r6/lib/x11/xf86config.debian /usr/x11r6/lib/x11/xf86config Fatal server error: No config file found!

small dselect question

1999-10-21 Thread jh
Hi. If I just want to install 1 program from dselect, would I want to go through and put an = sign by the programs that are currently installed so it doesn't have to go through all the files when installing? I hope this question makes sense. Thanks, Jeff

dselect is killing me

1999-10-19 Thread jh
Hi. As anyone who has followed any of my posts knows, I'm totally green. At this point I have debian installed. (from floppy) I now have access to my cdrom. What I would like to do is install the x-window manager, as well as some other things like joe. (some kind of text editor) I also want to

can I list just the directories, executables?

1999-10-19 Thread jh
Hi. I would like to know if there is a command that will list just directories? Also, is there a command that will list executable files. I just got debian installed from floppy so there is not too much on my system. The only fairly interesting program that I have discovered is ae (I think it

RE: dselect is killing me

1999-10-19 Thread jh
At 10:41 PM 10/18/99 -0400, you wrote: Did you, by chance, re-compile your kernel? I assume not, but there is a kernel module for reading NLS Charset iso8859-1. It should be automagically loaded for you. Let me know. Bryan I did not recompile. I may have done something to hurt the kernel

Thanks for all the advice.

1999-10-18 Thread jh
Just wanted to send a general thanks to the group for the advice on shutting down my computer and buying a debian specific book. My book is on the way. I'm ready to join the big leagues. (Or at least triple A) Jeff

need help for my mitsumi cdrom

1999-10-17 Thread jh
At 12:00 PM 10/16/99 +0200, you wrote: Try this as root : # modprobe mcd /lib/modules/2.0.36/cdrom/mcd.o: init_module: Device or resource busy # mount /dev/mcd /cdrom -t iso9660 -o ro mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/mcd as block device (maybe 'insmod driver'?) If that doesn't

turning your computer off

1999-10-17 Thread jh
Is there a best way to shut down linux and turn off your computer? I read in an online guide that you should press ctrlaltdelete. When I do this and I later turn my computer on it says last boot failed...Then it installs. Is this the recommended way to turn off your computer? Jeff

[no subject]

1999-10-17 Thread jh
Hi. At the command line, how do I keep a message from scrolling so fast and missing it? Something like dos /p? Also, is there a keyboard combination that will re-enter the last command? Like dos F3? Thanks, Jeff

scrolls too fast

1999-10-17 Thread jh
Hi. At the command line, how do I keep a message from scrolling so fast and missing it? Something like dos /p? Also, is there a keyboard combination that will re-enter the last command? Like dos F3?

success for the mitsumi cdrom painintheneck guy

1999-10-17 Thread jh
I have good personal news. I got the kernel to accept my cdrom module for my old mitsumi. I pulled the interface card and discovered that nothing seemed to be set to default. I tried changing the I/O jumper to default and the IRQ switches to default and modconf recognized the first time. I am

need a linux book

1999-10-17 Thread jh
Just a brief question. Do you guys think it is necessary to buy a debian specific book on linux or just a linux book in general? Do regular linux books cover topics like dselect? I live in a very small community and will need to buy online, so I can't browse. Thanks, Jeff

installed but now what?

1999-10-16 Thread jh
Well, I got Debian installed. I currently do not have my cdrom mounted. I could not find any way to mount it during the installation. I also do not have a workable modem for this computer so I did not do a ppp connection, therefore I do not have any packages installed. How can I get my cdrom to

need help for my mitsumi cdrom

1999-10-16 Thread jh
I am resubmitting my question with a little more clarity. Sorry for the redundancy. I got Debian installed. I currently do not have my cdrom mounted. I could not find any way to mount it during the installation. I also do not have a workable modem for this computer so I did not do a ppp

install, I'm in over my head

1999-10-15 Thread jh
Hi. I am doing a floppy install of debian. I am at the point of installing the driver modules but am very confused. I have a 486sx computer with a 408mb hard drive and 16megs. of ram. I have made the first partition swap with 32 megs and the rest a boot primary linux partition. Anyway at the

recommended partitioning

1999-10-03 Thread jh
Hi. If there is anyone out there, I am trying to install debian and wondered what would be a good partition scheme for a 408MB drive. It will be running solo debian. Thanks so much Jeff

trying to install

1999-10-03 Thread jh
Hi. I have a few problems. I am trying to install debian on a 408mb hard drive. I also have a 345mb drive. I have tried every combination of jumper settings to get one to act as a master and one a slave. For some reason the computer (still in dos) does not recognize both drives. Does anyone have

install problems

1999-10-03 Thread jh
Hi. I have been trying to install my linux distribution and am having problems with my cdrom drive. The cd is connected to an interface card with 2 rca jacks sticking out the back. The install will not mount the cdrom. My computer is a 486 /sx33. The hard drive is connected to an input card with