Subject: RE: [Fwd: Installing debian with Win98]

1999-01-07 Thread John_Gay
I tried to get your Image, but Netscape only loads a bunch of random characters. I would be very interested in something like this as I often annoy my bosses about why they try to use Windows to run a network. Cheers, John Gay

PalmPilot going OpenSource?: off topic?

1998-12-13 Thread John_Gay
I know this is slightly off-topic, but, I just found an article and had a look around Palms site and found this page: I followed some of the links and, basically, You can register on-line as a developer, then fill out the Source code license

Subject: Re: Linking Machines

1998-12-09 Thread John_Gay
I've been looking around the Beowulf sites for several days now. If you follow ALL the links, you will eventually find the useful info. Basically, Beowulf is used to enable several Linux boxes to behave as one super-computer. That's the good news. The bad news is, this is only useful if you are

Re: rawrite2 NT

1998-10-07 Thread John_Gay
Hello, It appears that rawrite2 doesn't work with NT. Is there one that does? I didn't see it going 0-1-0-1-... on side. Is there something I'm missing? I've used rawrite2 several times to copy Debian Linux on several WindowsNT 4 PC's here at work. I've made about ten copies for friends and

Using Linux on MC68030 Workstation

1998-09-19 Thread John_Gay
I found a home-brew 68030 PC at the following site and was wondering how hard it would be to port Linux to it. Basically, it's a workstation designed around the 68030 processor and using a standard ISA bus to interface with X86 type devices, hard

diskless systems

1998-08-24 Thread John_Gay
I was wondering if Debian supported diskless systems? I plan to get a very high performance system for myself and wanted to set-up a diskless terminal for my daughter that would have full access to X Window via either a null-modem cable or a 10baseT connection and was wondering just how cheap a

Re: diskless systems

1998-08-24 Thread John_Gay
fair enough, RTFM. I hadn't thought to look in the mini-HOWTO's. This was kinda sparse, but I could probably get it to work. Has anyone had any experience setting up diskless systems over serial ports? I know how to configure the serial port so I can use hyperterm from WindowsNT, but can this be

arguments against Linux I have heard and just my two cents worth

1998-08-18 Thread John_Gay
I have been recommending Linux to many people sense I first found out about it, and I point them to Debian because it seems to have the most open and supportive access I have found. I also point them to the Linux home site so they can form there own opinions about the different distributions. The

RE: Almost there. . .HELP

1998-08-17 Thread John_Gay
I was able to ping as but when I run dselect, choose ftp access enter as address, select anonymous login, the default directories and no proxies, I get the following: Using FTP to check directories. . .(stop with cntrlC) Connecting to . .

RE: Almost there. . .HELP

1998-08-13 Thread John_Gay
[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/08/98 21:10:39 To: cc: John Gay/IE/3Com Subject: RE: Almost there. . .HELP Hi John, I have been trying to set-up a PC here at work without connecting to the NET( Boss won't let me : ). After trying to copy the files from a

RE: Almost there. . .HELP

1998-08-13 Thread John_Gay
I'm not sure what type of firewall we have but, I was able to re login to the IP address and execute the commands after I wrote the last E-Mail. I assume I would just need to run dselect, choose ftp for access mode, enter the IP address and then just accept the defaults for everything else. Is

Almost there. . .HELP

1998-08-12 Thread John_Gay
I have been trying to set-up a PC here at work without connecting to the NET( Boss won't let me : ). After trying to copy the files from a Windows PC via a null-modem cable, I found I didn't have enough room on the hard drive for ALL the debian packages. I've decided to 'borrow' an IP address from

Linux and DOS: was Linux the hard way

1998-05-30 Thread John_Gay
After loading most of the .deb files to my Linux partition on hda, dselect ran out of space to actually install! I finally decided to just start over. I have swapped the hard drives around so DOS is on hda and Linux is now re-installed from floppy on hdc. The system would not automatically

Re: Linux and DOS: was Linux the hard way

1998-05-30 Thread John_Gay
Since this system is only currently installed from the Base floppies, I don't have access to the 'man' command. I am new to the UNIX and Linux environment so I appreciate simple, step-by-step assistance. When I get the system installed and running right, I can get comfortable with it and start to

Re: Linux and DOS: was Linux the hard way

1998-05-30 Thread John_Gay
The first drive is 800M with DOS 6.22 installed and nothing else at the moment. I plan to install DJGPP on this drive for C Programming. The second drive is 600M with 128M for swap disk and the rest for Linux. I originally had the drives the other way around, but was told that DOS won't boot from

Re: downloading packages from WindowsNT

1998-05-18 Thread John_Gay
. . . I've been told that I can't have the Linux box on when I'm at work so I was wondering if it was possible to set-up the Linux box to fetch the packages from the Windows Machine automatically while I'm away? Are you dialing the Windows machine over a telephone line? No, as I said, I am

downloading packages from WindowsNT

1998-05-17 Thread John_Gay
I've been loading Linux the hard way by modeming the packages from the Windows PC I have all the packages on to the Linux box via a null-modem cable with zmodem. I've been told that I can't have the Linux box on when I'm at work so I was wondering if it was possible to set-up the Linux box to

Linux the hard way

1998-05-15 Thread John_Gay
Bob, I downloaded minicom and lrzrz via floppy and used dselect to install them. I then logged in from hyperterminal and sent a file using zmodem protocol after issuing the rz command from the Linux box. SUCCESS!!! The highest baud rate my terminal will allow is 19200. As you cam imagine,

Re: Installing Debian from WindowsNT Pt. 2

1998-05-15 Thread John_Gay
Simple :) second hard it a slave on the first IDE controller or a master on the second? The IDE controller is built-into the riser card from the motherboard with two sockets for separate IDE cables for the hard drive, I assume this is then considered to be hdb? if it is the slave on

RE: Installing Debian from WindowsNT Pt. 2

1998-05-15 Thread John_Gay
Pat; I can't put the hard drive into the Windows PC because work won't let me, however, I did finally manage to mount the hard drive with the following command; Then put the drive on the Linux box, mount it with (assuming it is the second hard drive on the second ide controller) mount -t vfat

Totally off-subject ( And now for something Completely different)

1998-05-15 Thread John_Gay
Forgive my posting this here, but . . . As I was wondering aimlessly around the sites of the people on this list looking for hints and tips for a Linux 'virgin', I happened across a Video file of Bill Gates' premiere of Windows98 ( The Crash of '98). I had saved the file but one of my workmate

Installing Debian from WindowsNT Pt. 2

1998-05-14 Thread John_Gay
After searching and searching the FAQ's and HOW-TO's I found that I could enable the COM port on the Linux box in the /etc/inittab file. I can now log onto my Linux box from hyper terminal on the Windows machine but I still can't access or send files from the Windows machine to the Linux box. I

getty and hyperterminal to get debian packages from Windows machine?

1998-05-13 Thread John_Gay
I am trying to get debian packages to install on my machine by linking from my Linux box to a WindowsNT PC with a null-modem. On the Linux box I issue the following command to try to set-up a connection: getty ttyS0 9600 On the Windows PC, I open hyperterminal on COM1 with the settings 9600 8-n-1

Installing Debian Linux the hard way...HELP!

1998-05-12 Thread John_Gay
I saw your reply to Bert Conliffe an was hoping you could give me similar assistance. Personal background: I've learned computers by sitting in front of them and struggling my way through them. Currently I use WindowsNT at work with Lotus notes 4.5 for E-Mail and Netscape for surfing. I can find

Re: Debian install an 'borrowed' PC for trial

1998-05-11 Thread John_Gay
Looks like I have one of two alternatives: 1) 'Borrow' the net info from one of the Windows machines and sneak onto the net at night. 2) Go with the null-modem cable idea. Choice number 1) I am new to Linux, networking and anything other than using PC's in a hap-hazard way. Where can I get the IP

Debian install an 'borrowed' PC for trial

1998-05-08 Thread John_Gay
After reading several of the digests I was getting nervous of the install disks I had made using rawrite2 in a DOS window on a WindowsNT( Yes, I CAN hear you all cringe), I 'borrowed' an old PC here at work, put in a pentium, 16M of Ram, and loaded Debian Linux. Surprise, surprise, surprise... It

Debian GNU/Linux 1.3 and WindowsNT?

1998-05-07 Thread John_Gay
I've looked through the FAQ's and didn't see this particular question addressed, only Windows 95. I am planning to install Debian GNU/Linux 1.3 AND WindowsNT onto a PC and was wondering which order and what tools should be used. I will be installing them on a 'new' machine with nothing loaded. For