Re: Re: Buscas chicas lindas???

2006-03-14 Thread VW GARANTIAS
hola quisiera quwe me mandaran fotos de ustedes mi nombre es carlos y mi correo es [EMAIL PROTECTED] me gustaria tener una cita con una de esas chicas fogosas que ustedes tienen reservada para mi.

Re: how are drivers loaded in a d-linux box?

1999-09-13 Thread vw
The obvious (just to make sure): Have you set up your modem/ppp -connection? Use pppconfig, and have all the relevant information handy (like IP-numbers, password to your isp, which port the modem is on, etc.) It worked just super with my run-of-the-mill external modem, although quite a while

Re: Why use Debian? Why not Red Hat?

1999-09-08 Thread vw
I don't wanna start a flame war, but it is reeelly all that difficult to use 7(or is it 9? -I forget) installation disks instead of two?. I had a truly great experience installing Debian by the book using floppies and apt. BTW: How many disks would you need to install Windoze -about 50-60?! (If it

Re: E! Enlightenment for newbie?

1999-08-26 Thread vw
Hi John I think Seth is right, probably the easiest solution to your colour problem will be to get a new video-card. I've had much succes using an old Tseng ET4000-based card in my slightly archaic 486/100. Gives me up to 1024x768 and plenty colors, with no troubles whatsoever. These cards are

Files: Debian-to-dos.

1999-08-26 Thread vw
Is there a way to save a linux-file to a dos-diskette in a dos-readable way? (Say I wanted to show you guys a config-file or something when I'm mailing from an NT-box, not wanting to type the whole thing, or I wanted to take a file from f. x. StarOffice with me to work...) Please don't flame a

Re: Netscape

1999-08-25 Thread vw
Seems to me, the deal is you're lucky... Be Cool Vitux Error is human; complete disaster takes a computer -Oprindelig meddelelse- Fra: Ryan Chouinard [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sendt:24. august 1999 22:49 Til: Cc: recipient list not shown

Re: more RAM = more speed?

1999-08-25 Thread vw
Sorry, forgot to put debian in the adress-field. It's getting late here in denmark... Vitux Error is human; complete disaster takes a computer -Oprindelig meddelelse- Fra: Wichmann, Viggo Sendt:25. august 1999 20:11 Til: 'Patrick Olson' Emne: Re: more RAM = more speed?

Re: debian installation

1999-08-24 Thread vw
I went through the same kind of nightmare trying to install on a box without net and without cd-rom, using diskettes. After installing the base system I realized: this isn't working and it's driving me nuts, so I got a modem, ran pppconfig and the rest of the install was a breeze, except for my

SV: (Debian-user)Re: how to format mySeagate ST33210A

1999-08-22 Thread vw
I know, this might be silly, but just to make absolutely sure: Did you set the master/slave jumpers correctly? My box has all the symptoms yours has (lights, won't recognize, a.s.o.) when I forget to set the jumpers... Vitux Error is human; complete disaster takes a computer -Oprindelig

SV: Configuring a monitor (and video card)?

1999-08-19 Thread vw
I recently had the same kind of problem (only with a lot crappier hardware). What I did wrong was choosing relatively conservative values for hsync and vsync, which X calculated to give me, yes, 320x200. I then thought, what the heck, i can't use 320x200 for anything anyways; so what have I got to

Re: Configuring a monitor (and video card)?

1999-08-19 Thread vw
You have to resolve the dependency problem first. IIRC, the driver you need is exactly xserver-svga ,the file that was causing you trouble ;-) Good luck Vitux Error is human; complete disaster takes a computer -Oprindelig meddelelse- Fra: virtanen [SMTP:[EMAIL

Re: /dev/mouse: not supported by device -Not solved

1999-08-19 Thread vw
Is there any other name than Serial Mouse on the mouse? Are you absolutely positive it's on ttyS0? Just making sure... Vitux Error is human; complete disaster takes a computer -Oprindelig meddelelse- Fra: Davide Anchisi [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sendt:19. august 1999 18:14

Re: Configuring a monitor (and video card)?

1999-08-19 Thread vw
I'm not an expert, and I haven't tried it (-yet) but I gather it is possible to tell dselect that you want to get some stuff from potato. Dselect IMHO is really good at handling depencies... Maybe some of the wiz'es know what the latest Xserver-svga depends on?! Regards :-) Vitux Error is human;

SV: FAT32 to FAT16

1999-08-17 Thread vw
Hey, if it's formatted it's empty, so just get a set of old DOS-diskettes and do a normal install with a reformat. But then again; why bother with dos when you can have Linux?! Cheers Vitux Error is human; complete disaster takes a computer -Oprindelig meddelelse- Fra: Kim Andersen

Fetchmail won't configure

1999-08-17 Thread vw
As a newbie, I thought I'd let fetchmailconf take me by the hand and help me configure the bastard instead of futzing around with config-files. But all I get is: promptfetchmailconf (I type at prompt) Linux answers: env: python: no such file or directory I search dselect for python but all the

Setting up Exim

1999-08-17 Thread vw
Allright, maybe this is a stupid question, but I'm stuck: In X, I open a xterm and type eximconfig. I supply my mailserver's id and tell it where to put the mail (in the sole user's account: mine!). Not too difficult, even for a newbie like me. Now, when I try to get my mail, I run fetchmail (the

Re: Setting up Exim

1999-08-17 Thread vw
Thanks for the quick response. Yes, it seems I can mail myself. I started mail and sent a message to viggo (my local username). It arrived promptly, and I was able to read it. I can not, however, find any file by that name (or any file at all) in my /home/viggo directory (using dir from an xterm,

Mail-question; Quick One!

1999-08-17 Thread vw
Ok let me get this straight: I use a total of three (four) apps to read my mail: (pppd(pon) connects to my ISP,) fetchmail gets the mail, passes it on to exim, which sends it to the (one and only) user: me, and I finally invoke for example mail to read and edit mail. mail is (basically) an editor.

Re: What's this about E-Mail support

1999-08-16 Thread vw
Hey, could you possibly get better support than on debian-user?! Who wants 30 days FREE E-mail support (tadaaa!) when all the deb-dudes are there to help? Just my 2c. ;-) Vitux Error is human; complete disaster takes a computer -Oprindelig meddelelse- Fra: Pollywog [SMTP:[EMAIL

Re: No Mouse, No X Windows

1999-08-16 Thread vw
I just had the exact same problem! It seems that no matter what I do to tell xf86config that my mouse is on dev/psaux/ (which yours probably also is) the changes doesn't seem to be reflected in the etc/x11/xf86config -file. I had the mouse working fine and was just trying to get a little higher

Newbie Q: Mail-howto

1999-08-13 Thread vw
Greetings ye stout Debians As a newbie I'm a little confused about all the different apps and the terminology involved in sending and receiving mail. My question is: is there a mail-howto enabling a newbie to get his mail-stuff working or at least ask the right questions? If not, will someone

SV: WARNING: APT removes bash on slink upgrade

1999-08-13 Thread vw
Another silly newbie q: What's an NMU? Regards Vitux Error is human; complete disaster takes a computer -Oprindelig meddelelse- Fra: Thomas Quinot [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sendt:12. august 1999 14:45 Til: Jason Gunthorpe Cc: recipient list not shown Emne: Re: WARNING:

Newbie Q on NMU (was: Re: WARNING: APT removes bash on slink upgr ade)

1999-08-13 Thread vw
Who would upload if not the maintainer? Vitux Error is human; complete disaster takes a computer -Oprindelig meddelelse- Fra: Peter Makholm [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sendt:13. august 1999 12:28 Til: Cc: recipient list not shown Emne: Re:

SV: Newbie Q on NMU (was: Re: WARNING: APT removes bash on slink upgr ade)

1999-08-13 Thread vw
Sorry, phrased it wrong: Peter Makholm: Non Maintainer Upload, it's when the debian developer can't upload to fix a bug. Who would upload if not the developer and not the maintainer? Just curious... :-) Vitux Error is human; complete disaster takes a computer

SV: Debian 2.%$#@*!

1999-07-31 Thread vw
Hi Max I know the feeling. Take a week or two off from your Linux-box; helps rebuild your energy. I'm doing it to see if I can make it work; sort of a masochistic challenge to myself. Also, I'd really like to get rid of M$ Hang in there man, it's got to be possible. I can't believe all the

Installing X on Compaq XE 466

1999-07-21 Thread vw
Greetings all you fine folks! I know this might be a little offtopic, but it's vital to me: I need the setup param's for the on-board video-card that's in my old Compaq 486/66, model Deskpro XE 466, in order to get X configured right. I've tried a few standardish setups, but all I get is white

SV: Download af linux

1999-07-20 Thread vw
Hi Debians. I'm answering this guy in danish, since he wrote his posting in danish. He's asking where to get a Linux os, and I tell him to check out, and also to read some info first. Der var du sgu heldig. Jeg mener at være den eneste dansker her (udover dig). Adressen er:

SV: Suggestion for Newbie Guide Lines

1999-07-20 Thread vw
Hi debians. I think what Wayne is getting at here is a standard of recommendations for supplying information when writing to this list. The point must be to express one's problem as clearly and concisely as possible, giving as much information on as little space as possible. I know from my own

Suggestion for Newbie Guide Lines

1999-07-20 Thread vw
Good Idea! Regards Vitux Error is human; complete disaster takes a computer -Oprindelig meddelelse- Fra: Carl Mummert [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sendt:20. juli 1999 03:57 Til: debian-user Cc: recipient list not shown Emne: Re: Suggestion for Newbie Guide Lines

SV: modem configuration

1999-07-15 Thread vw
You might have gotten the modem on the wrong serial port. Happened to me just yesterday (yea, I'm a newbie too). Thing is: com1 is ttyS0 in linux, com2 is ttyS1 aso. Kind of silly, that pon doesn't give any kind of information on what it's doing... hth Vitux -Oprindelig meddelelse- Fra:

Newbie troubles: XF86Setup acts out strange

1999-07-15 Thread vw
Hi Debians The 'box spent most of last night downloading stuff from debian (I just said yes to dselect's suggestions, in order to not meddle too much with dependencies) after spending all afternoon getting my modem up running. No Problemo there. Wonderful program, apt is. Now I'm really excited

VS: Newbie troubles: XF86Setup acts out strange

1999-07-15 Thread vw
Oh, my system: Compaq Deskpro XE 466. 486/66, 32M ram, 540 hd (soon to be doubled), on-board video, Siemens mcm 1702 monitor, Rockwell comp. 56K modem. thanx Vitux Error is human; complete disaster takes a computer -Oprindelig meddelelse- Fra: Wichmann, Viggo Sendt:16. juli

Newbie Q: Time

1999-07-14 Thread vw
Installing Debian 2nd time; wiped windoze entirely. Feels great. Just wondering though: Living in Denmark, would I be using CET or WET? Regards Vitux

SV: Getting there

1999-06-23 Thread vw
Hi C.D. Let's try to keep Debian/Linux free. It's probably an illusion to keep it that way, but I think it's worth trying. I'm a Debian newbie, and I switched to Linux for exactly the same reasons; I was tired of breakdowns, sick of seeing Microsoft. document every time I looked at a

SV: communicator 4.6 - ftp bug

1999-06-17 Thread vw
Hi Hafi Here it is. I got from my 'doze box w/ msie (yuck), since my deb-box is waiting for a modem. Have u tried something so elementary and windozy as reinstalling the damn thing (c4.6, that is)?! S'pose u have... Best Regards Vitux sane_1_0_1-1_diff.gz -Oprindelig meddelelse- Fra:

SV: Webmasters Wanted!!! We'll pay you...

1999-06-15 Thread vw
This kind of crap is NOT welcome on the Debian-user mailing-list, su butt off!! Viggo Wichmann -Oprindelig meddelelse- Fra: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sendt:15. juni 1999 03:23 Til: Cc: recipient list not shown Emne: Webmasters

SV: SV: A little further: Short newbie question

1999-06-09 Thread vw
I don't have an isp for the computer (silly, I know), and I have already installed the base system, which seems to be in fine working order. What I did was to swap the hd into a WinNT box (on my LAN w/ 100Mbit connection at work) and download the lot to that, but I somehow managed to loose the

Short newbie question

1999-06-08 Thread vw
Hi Debians Whats the partition's block device name? I'm trying to install Debian from the dos-partition using dselect. I copied alle the files from the ftp(main, etc.)-archives and put them into the dos partition. I believe Linux should be able to see the dos-part., but I don't know the path to

A little further: Short newbie question

1999-06-08 Thread vw
Ok, now I got a little further: I typed /dev/hda and dselect asks: Enter filesystem type for dev/hda: What's linuxian for a dos filesystem? Vitux -Oprindelig meddelelse- Fra: Wichmann, Viggo Sendt:8. juni 1999 16:24 Til: 'debian user' Emne: Short newbie question Hi

Newbie installation troubles -dos/linux

1999-06-08 Thread vw
Hi Debians I'm still in the process of installing. I managed to mount the dos-partition in dselect, but now it wants the exact folder-structure to be copied on the dos-partition in order to install. The problem is: I can't make a folder called binary-i386 because dos will only allow 8 characters

Newbie installation troubles -dos/linux

1999-06-08 Thread vw
Hi Debians I'm still in the process of installing. I managed to mount the dos-partition in dselect, but now it wants the exact folder-structure to be copied on the dos-partition in order to install. The problem is: I can't make a folder called binary-i386 because dos will only allow 8 characters

SV: A better telnet?

1999-06-08 Thread vw
Try Reflection4 from WRQ Inc. It's not free (sorry). I use it at work (WinNT/LAN/Firewall) to emulate all sorts of terminals, and I'm very satisfied. It has extended setup possibilities including keyboard mapping, color, high-powered scripting/logging and so on. Vitux -Oprindelig

SV: A little further: Short newbie question

1999-06-08 Thread vw
Thanks a tremendous lot for all the help. It really helps keeping my spirit up as a newbie. I managed to mount the dos partition allright, but it seems like dselect wants an exact copy of the ftp-site, which is a problem since I can't make the directory binary-i386 with only 8 characters allowed

Newbie trouble: How to log on as root

1999-06-07 Thread vw
Hi Debians I'm a newbie; just managed to boot my 486/66 (28 ram, 540 WD HD) onto Linux late last night, and all seems to be well and good, only I can't install anything. Dselect won't let me choose the access method to use (I'm installing from the dos-partition, because the computer isn't

SV: OT: dual processor question

1999-06-07 Thread vw
Hi. I can't recall any ps/2 model being able to run a dual processor setup, definitely not the old ones. What the other socket is for is most likely a coprocessor, or FPU, which would speed things up a bit when running programs that have the capability of using an FPU, like CAD/CAM applications,

SV: Help!!! Linux plus IBM! again :(

1999-06-03 Thread vw
Hi Gancho A friend of mine (IBM-expert, former dealer) tells me you can download the setup disks from IBM's homepage. I dunno the adress, but it can't be hard to find. I'm gonna do this myself as I seem to have lost the disks for my old N51. Good Luck Vito -Oprindelig meddelelse- Fra:

SV: Help!!! Linux plus IBM! again :(

1999-06-01 Thread vw
Yo Gancho Think I know where you're at. The problem is accessing the IBM's bios/cmos w/out the special IBM system diskette. I used to have one for my ancient ibm laptop, but I can't find it right now, and I'm not even sure it works on a stationary system. A way of getting around it might be to


1999-05-29 Thread vw
Hi Kyle Im a newbie too! I've got almost the same problem as you do. But: are you installing from a CD? You might want to try specifying the path to the cd when using the dselect command. There seems (from my limited experience w/ dos and Linux) to be a problem w/ the partition table, some little