Hi Nick,
I am in no way an Cluster expert, but am currently looking into the topic.
As we both now this topic is as wide as it is deep.
I am currently trying myself to get a good grasp on it. Perhaps the info I
have collected so far on my site might help you.
I work on a Web site at www.clusterbuilder.org. The site highlights a
broad spectrum of high performance computing related technologies. It
has links to reviews, comparisons, pricing and other information
related to the many HPC solutions available. The site also allows for
you to complete o
On Fri, Apr 20, 2001 at 12:39:35PM -0400, Michael Soulier wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Mark S wrote:
> > I'm going to try and set up a lan here at home with my linux box as a
> > router/firewall.
> > I've checked out a lot of ipmasq/ipchains howto's, but they're redhat
> > biased.
> >
> > Do
On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Mark S wrote:
> I'm going to try and set up a lan here at home with my linux box as a
> router/firewall.
> I've checked out a lot of ipmasq/ipchains howto's, but they're redhat
> biased.
> Does anybody have any good urls for debian friendly documents?
Actually, I
I'm going to try and set up a lan here at home with my linux box as a
I've checked out a lot of ipmasq/ipchains howto's, but they're redhat
Does anybody have any good urls for debian friendly documents?
"Michael P. Soulier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>So, anyone notice that the default bookmarks downloading with netscape
>currently off the debian ftp site are broken?
I do see a few broken links, yes. Use 'reportbug' to report the bug
against netscape-base-4, as that's probably the fastest wa
So, anyone notice that the default bookmarks downloading with netscape
currently off the debian ftp site are broken?
Not a major deal I realize, as I copy it over with my bookmarks file, but
I take it that the package maintainer hasn't tried them in a while.
Michael P. Soul
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