Re: Aurora jenkins plugin

2016-09-01 Thread
What would the plugin do better than simply running the aurora CLI tool in a small "run shell command" build step? We've been doing aurora updates as part of jenkins build pipelines, but so far haven't found a need for more than one or two CLI commands to do it. Picking up the updater URL and dis

Re: Populate DiscoveryInfo in Mesos

2016-03-31 Thread
FYI, Aurora already populates the "executor source" field (not sure exactly what that corresponds to in mesos.proto) with exactly the data you would want to send to mesos-dns: rolename.environment.jobname.[tasknumber] for each task. Maybe you would need to invert the order of the fields, but that'

Re: Are we ready to remove the observer?

2016-03-31 Thread
Is there any chance we can keep the per-process cpu and ram utilization stats? That's one of the coolest things about aurora, imo. The executor is already writing those checkpoints inside the mesos sandbox (I think?), so perhaps it could also produce the html pages that the observer currently ren

Re: Parameterize each Job Instance.

2016-01-11 Thread
As a starting point, you might be able to cook up something involving {{mesos.instance}} as a lookup key to a pystachio list. You do have a unique integer task number per instance to work with. cf. On Mon,

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Aurora 0.11.0 debs

2015-12-26 Thread
I've been producing a set of Mesos debs that are not derived from the Mesosphere packages, with the goal of having a set of debs that follow Debian conventions and packaging policies as closely as I can get them. For instance, rather than a single mesos.deb containing everything, there are separate

Re: Mac OSX brew aurora-cli support

2015-11-23 Thread
Thank you for doing that! I noticed it the other day when I ran 'brew update' and have been using it on my laptop. On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 7:46 AM thinker0 wrote: > Hi I`am newbie > > Mac OS X brew supported > > brew install aurora-cli > > >

Re: Health checks for non-HTTP protocols

2015-11-09 Thread
A common pattern I've seen has been to add a trivial http listener to your apps that responds to the /health endpoint, and have Aurora check that port rather than the non-http protocol port(s). For third-party code where it's not practical to do that, one might add a secondary process in the same

Re: Nix and Aurora

2015-08-13 Thread
I've also had tremendous success with using Nix and Aurora together, but haven't had such nice integration of the job definitions with Nix itself - thank you for sharing this! In case anyone else takes interest in this stuff: I took a different approach, writing the job descriptions with Pystachio