RE: ZipFileSerializer After XInclude Throws NullPointerException

2007-05-30 Thread Geert Josten
Now I have two other files: simple.xml: simpleHello/simple simple_xi.xml: ?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1? zip:archive xmlns:zip=; xmlns:xi=; zip:entry name=content.xml serializer=xml

RE: Using variables in sitemap component parameter

2007-05-03 Thread Geert Josten
Dear Bas, Rewrite your component to accept properties at transform time and pass them in the map:transform step with map:parameter calls. Groeten, Geert Drs. G.P.H. Josten Consultant Daidalos BV Source of Innovation Hoekeindsehof 1-4 2665 JZ Bleiswijk Tel.: +31 (0) 10 850 1200

RE: File Upload/Download

2007-03-06 Thread Geert Josten
Hi, I'm trying to implement a file upload/download feature in my application using Cocoon. I've tried searching for revelant information on this but I can't seem to find anything decent. Any pointers would be appreciated. WC Hi WC, Yeah, this is more of a question for

RE: FOPSerializer question

2006-11-16 Thread Geert Josten
A not very nice, but workable method is: - create a buffering output stream at setOutputStream(out) and pass that to the super, while saving a reference to the output stream that is passed as parameter for later. - close and read the buffered output at endDocument(), passing it to your signing

RE: imageop-block in 2.2

2006-10-25 Thread Geert Josten
The problems with the rotations are related to; a) clipping (can't remember if it happened for N * 90 rotations as well), b) 'black' and not 'transparent' in the areas the image no longer occupy. AffineTransform for rotating any angle is not the problem, but I think one need to

RE: imageop-block in 2.2

2006-10-24 Thread Geert Josten
Hi Niclas, 1. Rotation of images will not produce the expected result. I never managed to figure out how to make it work, and probably need to dig deeper into the Java2D stuff (not my ball game). I have been experimenting myself with making the image reading rotate images. I added this

RE: [RT] User poll to find unused components

2006-10-03 Thread Geert Josten
+1 for the blocks, because it simplifies the stay/leave selection. In a later stage the poll can be repeated per block for the individual components. I also suggest to ask for a TOP 5 and create a TOP 10 from that to cater to a larger population. How about letting users classifying

Free for use: SaveFilesTransformer

2006-09-19 Thread Geert Josten
Hi all, Available on wiki: It might be that someone else already wrote a Transformer like this one. It is derived from the SourceWritingTransformer (yet simplified) and has one important benefit over it: it can take a src attribute that can be

RE: Free for use: SaveFilesTransformer

2006-09-19 Thread Geert Josten
Er... why a brand new transformer when you could have provided a patch adding support for the src attribute in SourceWritingTransformer??? Sylvain I am actually surprised that no one says that the newest SourceWritingTransformer already supports this feature.. ;-) No really, I wasn't

Re: How to resolve relative external sources?

2006-01-14 Thread Geert Josten
You could use input-modules to convert a relative path to an absolute one. It should be possible with the realpath input module for instance. Regards, Geert Stefan Pietschmann wrote: Hi, I use the SourceResolver to access sources that reside inside cocoon. The paths are all set as

Re: Merry Christmas

2005-12-25 Thread Geert Josten
Merry Christmas everyone. Happy holidays to everyone! Geert

Re: superfluous namespace declarations

2005-11-24 Thread Geert Josten
I have encountered this problem on many locations (not only with Cocoon Transformers), but there is a simple XSLT stylesheet that can fix this: xsl:template match=comment()|processing-instruction() xsl:copy-of select=. / /xsl:template xsl:template match=@* xsl:attribute

Re: REQ Fixing really old bugs

2005-10-10 Thread Geert Josten
It is not a bad thing to prioritize the bugs and perhaps leave out the least critical of the old bugs.. G. Ralph Goers wrote: We joked about this at the GT (it isn't really funny though) that we need a status of no one cares. hepabolu wrote: Guys, while looking at Bugzilla I noticed

Re: REQ Fixing really old bugs

2005-10-10 Thread Geert Josten
How about doing a bug amnesty as follows? Good idea. Hasn't this been done before with some of the bugs? G.

Re: how do you get the directory where the current flow is running?

2005-10-08 Thread Geert Josten
What about the realpath input module? :-) Stefano Mazzocchi wrote: I'm in a flow.js and I want to know where it is located on disk. Any idea anyone?

Re: SVN Address

2005-10-08 Thread Geert Josten
Looking around for the same address, I found this page: Real useful hints on how to get Cocoon working inside Eclipse. I want to add one remark though: following the procedure will consume at least 230Mb in size, but on my 20Gb Fat32 partition it

Re: [RT] seven good reasons to close down

2005-10-04 Thread Geert Josten
Hi, I'm mainly active on the users list, but being a full-time developer I am also monitoring the dev mailing list, just to keep my eyes open for new interesting features.. I do think that the feedback on the users list is rather low. Traffic on that list is usually much lower on the users

Re: [RT] seven good reasons to close down

2005-10-04 Thread Geert Josten
Mark Leicester wrote: Hi all, When we discussed the issue of declining posts to the users list earlier this year ( - the trend was visible back then too), I suggested interviewing subscribers about what they want, what they don't like, their level of

RE:New HighlightingTransformer

2005-09-30 Thread Geert Josten
Just out of curiousity: what is the DTD for the keywords file? Cheers, Geert Drs. G.P.H. Josten Consultant Daidalos BV Source of Innovation Hoekeindsehof 1-4 2665 JZ Bleiswijk Tel.: +31 (0) 10 850 1200 Fax: +31 (0) 10 850 1199

[Q] New JavaFlow alternative?

2005-06-28 Thread Geert Josten
Hi all, Just a thought: the nice thing about FlowScript is that it is 'compiled' at runtime, but can't that be done with JavaFlow (or something like that) as well? The JSP engines compile the java code also at runtime, so why not? This way changing the code will no longer require a

Re: [Q] New JavaFlow alternative?

2005-06-28 Thread Geert Josten
Great! But.. what do I look for? G. Reinhard Poetz wrote: Geert Josten wrote: Hi all, Just a thought: the nice thing about FlowScript is that it is 'compiled' at runtime, but can't that be done with JavaFlow (or something like that) as well? The JSP engines compile the java code also

Re: Adding serializer info to SitemapSource

2005-06-08 Thread Geert Josten
The caching algorithm is that smart (or complicated?) that it caches a pipeline based on the components and their configuration, but independent of the uri. So, if you have the same pipeline twice with a different serializer and use the internal protocol it's basically the same pipeline. If you

Re: Adding serializer info to SitemapSource

2005-06-08 Thread Geert Josten
Sorry, I don't follow you here: in my case (as quite often) the sitemap statements that are executed are exactly the same for the external and internal requests, including the map:serialize statement. So these are really the same pipelines. Yes, in your case, but see my response to Geert :)

Why is streaming of an internal pipeline not possible?

2005-06-08 Thread Geert Josten
Hi, Having just passed the discussion on whether or not to ignore the serializer when caching an internal pipe, the following error message popped into my mind: Streaming of an internal pipeline is not possible with a reader. Which is raised by the AbstractProcessingPipeline when the

Re: JDTCore.jar used for XSP only?

2005-06-07 Thread Geert Josten
Parser provided by the Oracle Application Server and I'd like to keep the Web-inf/lib/ as tiny as possible. Any suggestions? Thanks, Geert Reinhard Poetz wrote: Geert Josten wrote: Hi, Is jdtcore.jar only used for compiling Java for XSP pages? I'm not using XSP currently, so I am wondering

Re: [Vote] Reduce dependencies to LogKit

2005-06-06 Thread Geert Josten
We remove all direct dependencies to LogKit. +1

Re: Default logging system (was: Vote on Reduce dependencies to LogKit)

2005-06-06 Thread Geert Josten
In a second vote we will vote about the default logging system. As a remark I'd like to add that just recently we deployed Cocoon in both Oracle Application Server and Tomcat that were configured to use Log4J. But in neither case, it seemed possible to get the Cocoon log messages (both cocoon

Re: Default logging system

2005-06-06 Thread Geert Josten
I guess you configured the Log4JLoggerManager in web.xml? What happened then? Carsten To be honest: with the current settings nothing is being logged.. (nothing from Cocoon at least) :-P I tried several things, but nothing with the result I was looking for. Currently I have the following

JDTCore.jar used for XSP only?

2005-06-06 Thread Geert Josten
Hi, Is jdtcore.jar only used for compiling Java for XSP pages? I'm not using XSP currently, so I am wondering if I can just eliminate that jar file. It doesn't seem to affect Cocoon. Can anyone confirm? Thanks, Geert

Cannot test validity of sessions in Flowscript?

2005-05-18 Thread Geert Josten
Hi all, When I invalidate a session in Flowscript (using cocoon.session.invalidate()), how can I test for session validity when still in the Flowscript? I am 'getting' Attributes after the invalidation, but that gives Exceptions that can't be catched with try-catch in Flowscript, nor can I test

Re: Copying files with a transformer?

2005-03-07 Thread Geert Josten
-operations for free. Groet Rogier Geert Josten wrote: Hi all, I'm new to this list, so forgive me if I'm blunt or off-topic.. On the Cocoon users mailing list, there were some questions about copying files. We came up with solutions like using the copy-source actor, flowscript or perform an include

Copying files with a transformer?

2005-03-05 Thread Geert Josten
Hi all, I'm new to this list, so forgive me if I'm blunt or off-topic.. On the Cocoon users mailing list, there were some questions about copying files. We came up with solutions like using the copy-source actor, flowscript or perform an include and write it again using sourcewritingtransformer.