Re: Proposed improvements [EXTERNAL]

2017-06-23 Thread Miller, Timothy
Thanks Hadrian, I hadn't heard of OSEHRA but it looks interesting and like something where we should be making people aware of cTAKES! svn vs. git -- I'm with you on preferring git, but not by so much that it's worth spending time on an argument if it turns into an argument :). As far as I know

Re: negation/uncertainty: pipeline runs very slowly [EXTERNAL]

2017-06-23 Thread Miller, Timothy
Something I just thought of is that if you are using the new (beta) sentence detector trained on Mimic, it is a bit of a "lumper" rather than a "splitter," meaning it is more likely to miss a sentence break and make longer sentences, sometimes absurdly long if there are no clear cues. I know tha

Creating Custom Dictionary

2017-06-23 Thread Kumar, Avanish
Hi, I am trying to build a custom dictionary (our own, and not UMLS subset one) and below are steps how far we reached. 1. Used a program to develop Lucene form of custom dictionary. Output - LuceneIndexDirectory 2. Made changes to LookupDESC.XML file to configure our own dictionar