RE: Release build

2014-05-26 Thread Swen van Zanten
(Kind regards), Swen van Zanten Compuniek ICT Services AS3/Flex/PHP/JS Developer Van: antonio esposito Verzonden: donderdag 22 mei 2014 9:24 Aan: Onderwerp: Re: Release build Hello When i build for AppStore (In first option). Ipa gene

RE: Release build

2014-05-21 Thread Swen van Zanten
second option is a release build"beta-testers version" which can be installed on a limited amount of devices. Hope this helps you. Met vriendelijke groet (Kind regards), Swen van Zanten Compuniek ICT Services AS3/Flex/PHP/JS Developer Va

RE: iOS 5.1 emulator issues

2014-04-01 Thread Swen van Zanten
/46/qnz25_3s4r73ddq2m9k9tctcgn/T/318c9146-a689-4a02-ae89-3fd714013964/Payload/" "-sdkpath" "/Applications/" Met vriendelijke groet (Kind regard

Re: Apache Flex Examples

2013-12-31 Thread Swen van Zanten
Hi all, Last week I was also working on the same thing. I did basically setup the layout and the structure of the website. It was intended for others to also submit a example. Here is what I already did: So if I can help out in any way l

RE: Flex showcase

2013-12-16 Thread Swen van Zanten
You might want to use min-height. For all those boxes. Van: Maurice Amsellem Verzonden: maandag 16 december 2013 12:32 Aan: Onderwerp: RE: Flex showcase >Could try to increase the height to fill space. Meaning the box borders would >b

Re: Accordion Problem

2013-11-29 Thread Swen van Zanten
There is already a ticket for this issue. [1] There is also a temporary fix for this. [1] Met vriendelijke groet, Swen van za

Re: iOS 7 Flex 4.10 AIR 3.9.1030 - Status bar overlays action bar

2013-10-18 Thread Swen van Zanten
oet, Swen van zanten Compuniek ICT Services Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone > Op 18 okt. 2013 om 22:58 heeft OmPrakash Muppirala het > volgende geschreven: > >> On Oct 18, 2013 1:38 PM, "Frank Altomare" wrote: >> >> Hey everyone, >> >> I've see


2013-09-27 Thread Swen van Zanten
> Op 28 sep. 2013 om 00:53 heeft OmPrakash Muppirala het > volgende geschreven: > > On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 3:38 PM, Justin Mclean > wrote: > >> Hi, >> >>> I guess make a couple of example designs with Photoshop and than let >> everyone vote for The final design? Which we than put into skins


2013-09-27 Thread Swen van Zanten
> Op 27 sep. 2013 om 20:28 heeft OmPrakash Muppirala het > volgende geschreven: > >> On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 3:07 PM, Swen van Zanten wrote: >> >> >>>> Op 26 sep. 2013 om 19:53 heeft OmPrakash Muppirala >>> het volgende gesc


2013-09-26 Thread Swen van Zanten
> Op 26 sep. 2013 om 19:53 heeft OmPrakash Muppirala het > volgende geschreven: > > On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 9:36 AM, garethdanielsmith < >> wrote: > >> In my opinion the default appearance of Spark components in Flex could be >> greatly improved. >> >> As an exampl

Re: UI Designer ("Design View" replacement)

2013-09-04 Thread Swen van Zanten
design view in 4.6 quite a lot, I did some things in code. When 4.7 released I switched and I haven't used design view in ages. Also the learning process increased after then. Regards, SWEN VAN ZANTEN Hoofdstraat 160 2171 BL, Sassenheim Op 4 sep. 2013, om 10:31 heeft "aYo ~"

Re: Greate News! Flex 4.10 with AIR 3.8 running very smooth on iOS and Mac OS when "renderMode" set to "direct"

2013-08-28 Thread Swen van Zanten
Hi Deepak, Those warning are there because of the import and use of the experimental components. This is an already known issue :) Nothing to worry about for now. Regards, SWEN VAN ZANTEN Hoofdstraat 160 2171 BL, Sassenheim Op 28 aug. 2013, om 14:04 heeft Deepak MS het volgende geschreven

Re: DataGrid VerticalScrollBar disappears in CallOut or on StateChange in 4.10.0

2013-08-23 Thread Swen van Zanten
Thank you Om, I'll look into it later this week also.. I'm just not at the level some of you guys are yet :) Regards, SWEN VAN ZANTEN Hoofdstraat 160 2171 BL, Sassenheim Op 23 aug. 2013, om 16:28 heeft OmPrakash Muppirala het volgende geschreven: > On Aug 23, 2013 12:33

Re: Greate News! Flex 4.10 with AIR 3.8 running very smooth on iOS and Mac OS when "renderMode" set to "direct"

2013-08-23 Thread Swen van Zanten
: Hope it helps you. Regards, SWEN VAN ZANTEN Hoofdstraat 160 2171 BL, Sassenheim Op 23 aug. 2013, om 11:08 heeft Deepak MS het volgende geschreven: > I had built an iPad app using Flex 4.6|AIR 3.6 sometime back. Looking at > this email, I got curious to see

Re: DataGrid VerticalScrollBar disappears in CallOut or on StateChange in 4.10.0

2013-08-23 Thread Swen van Zanten
Hi, I'm sorry for my low patience. And I respect and appreciate everbodys work here at flex. Can anyone than confirm the bug is not only on a new calloutbutton but on statechanges too. I'm sure other users have experienced this problem too. Met vriendelijke groet, Swen van zanten

Re: DataGrid VerticalScrollBar disappears in CallOut or on StateChange in 4.10.0

2013-08-22 Thread Swen van Zanten
Is there any way to fix this issue? I've already tried several things without a solution. I'm using 4.10.0 for live app so switching back to 4.9.1 is not ideal. Regards, SWEN VAN ZANTEN Hoofdstraat 160 2171 BL, Sassenheim Op 22 aug. 2013, om 02:06 heeft Swen van Zanten he

Re: Flex Examples application

2013-08-22 Thread Swen van Zanten
I agree with Om, I like and used TourTheFlex and Game of Flex. But I think we can do much better. Also releasing it in the available stores is a good idea too. Regards, SWEN VAN ZANTEN Hoofdstraat 160 2171 BL, Sassenheim Op 22 aug. 2013, om 07:04 heeft Ram Lee het volgende geschreven

DataGrid VerticalScrollBar disappears in CallOut or on StateChange in 4.10.0

2013-08-21 Thread Swen van Zanten
d) it has the scrollbar and then on a reopen it is gone. The container of the scrollbar is there, but the thumb is gone. Tested the application on 4.9.1 and the problem was gone. I have uploaded a sample project. [1] Regards, SWEN VAN Z

Re: Apache Flex showcase

2013-08-16 Thread Swen van Zanten
it on the website is I think a better way. I think we should do it this way [1] or this way [2] [1] [2] (if it even works) Regards, SWEN VAN ZANTEN Hoofdstraat 160 2171 BL, Sassenheim Op 16 aug. 2013, om 17:01 heeft Scott Gut

Re: Apache Flex 4.10.0 RC4-Spark Datagrid issue

2013-08-01 Thread Swen van Zanten
Do you have a skinclass set? Regards, Swen van Zanten Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone Op 1 aug. 2013 om 18:05 heeft "Sugan Naicker" het volgende geschreven: > Hi, > > Issue : (OS : Win 7 , SDK: 4.10.0, Air : 3.8) > I have a Flex Mobile app with a Spark Datagrid

Re: [VOTE] Apache Flex 4.10.0 release candidate 4

2013-08-01 Thread Swen van Zanten
+1 Mac osx 10.8.4 FB air 3.8 fp 3.8 All works fine. Regards, SWEN VAN ZANTEN Hoofdstraat 160 2171 BL, Sassenheim Op 1 aug. 2013, om 13:13 heeft Erik de Bruin het volgende geschreven: > +1 (binding) > > On my Mac: > - hash and sig check out > - SDK builds > - checkin

Re: [DISCUSSION] Apache Flex 4.10.0 Release Candidate 4 issues or problems here!

2013-08-01 Thread Swen van Zanten
It doesn't work the way it should anymore.. flash player is not chooseable and the installer does not automatically fill in the sdk. Regards, SWEN VAN ZANTEN Hoofdstraat 160 2171 BL, Sassenheim Op 1 aug. 2013, om 12:46 heeft Justin Mclean het volgende geschreven: > Hi, > &g

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Flex SDK Installer 2.6 - RC3

2013-07-31 Thread Swen van Zanten
+1 I guess I can vote too.. Tested it on mac osx 10.8.4 & on windows 7 64bit Installs were successfully. With different SDK's and different fp and air. Regards, SWEN VAN ZANTEN Hoofdstraat 160 2171 BL, Sassenheim Op 31 jul. 2013, om 10:34 heeft Justin Mclean het volgende geschrev

Re: Apache Flex 4.10.0 Release

2013-07-30 Thread Swen van Zanten
Your right :) Regards, SWEN VAN ZANTEN Hoofdstraat 160 2171 BL, Sassenheim Op 30 jul. 2013, om 19:15 heeft Alex Harui het volgende geschreven: > > > On 7/30/13 1:48 AM, "Swen van Zanten" wrote: > >> It works great. >> Project compiles without errors >

Re: Apache Flex 4.10.0 Release

2013-07-30 Thread Swen van Zanten
It works great. Project compiles without errors mac osx 10.8.4 I'll will try FB 4.6 on my win7 later Regards, SWEN VAN ZANTEN Hoofdstraat 160 2171 BL, Sassenheim Op 30 jul. 2013, om 08:57 heeft Erik de Bruin het volgende geschreven: > Same here: > > Permission error on th

Re: Apache Flex 4.10.0 Release

2013-07-29 Thread Swen van Zanten
I have tried downloading the file.. but the browser says I have no permission.. Also in your readme the folder that is pointed to is: eclipse/plugins/com.adobe.flash.codemodel_4.7.0.349722 But on my machine it is: eclipse/plugins/com.adobe.flexbuilder.codemodel_4.7.0.349722 Regards, SWEN VAN

Re: Flex 4.10.0 Release Status

2013-07-27 Thread Swen van Zanten
3] screenshots on how I did it srcview is available. [1] [2] [3] > > -Alex > Regards, SWEN VAN ZANTEN Hoofdstraat 160 2171 BL, Sassenheim

Re: Flex 4.10.0 Release Status

2013-07-26 Thread Swen van Zanten
Hi All, I had this [1] today on a new project also… I guess this is a bug too.. Or a fb bug.. With 4.9.1 I haven't had this problem. The same way i fixed this with a new project as I did with a old project. [1] Regards, SWEN VAN Z

Re: [jira] [Updated] (FLEX-33626) Flex Demo 4.10.0 mobile app

2013-07-24 Thread Swen van Zanten
Thank you Om, I'll definitely continue to contribute on this project. And if anyone feels the need to help out, it would be great. Regards, SWEN VAN ZANTEN Hoofdstraat 160 2171 BL, Sassenheim Op 24 jul. 2013, om 22:24 heeft OmPrakash Muppirala het volgende geschreven: > Sven, &

Re: [DISCUSS] Apache Flex SDK Installer 2.5 RC1

2013-03-12 Thread Swen van Zanten
I don't know if it's been noticed before and it's not really a problem but… The installers are not retina-ready. Just though I mention it. For the rest of it, the installer works great! Swen Op 12 mrt. 2013, om 07:35 heeft Frédéric THOMAS het volgende geschreven: > Ok, I think I've got it fr