Thank You again, Matthias. I've still some questions.
But first, I should show my exception: Cannot enable jarFile:
Thank You, that's exactly what I've been looking for. :))
This will help me to locate my problem, as I should be able to see now,
if it's my project's problem or if just OSGi modules don't work with
JDK9+, currently, despite of the patch.
Kind regards
Am 15.12.18 um 23:41 schrieb Mat
Hi again,
Am Samstag, den 15.12.2018, 23:24 +0200 schrieb Emilian Bold:
> I believe Peter was asking for an open-source project related to
> NetBeans (Platform) that uses successfully OSGi dependencies.
ok, maybe this is nearer to the question:
that is the
I believe Peter was asking for an open-source project related to
NetBeans (Platform) that uses successfully OSGi dependencies.
--emi - CoolBeans: An IDE for Java, JavaEE, PHP and more!
On Sat, Dec 15, 2018 at 11:05 PM Chuck Davis wrote:
> Wildfly is also running on OSGi
Wildfly is also running on OSGi as I recall.
On Sat, Dec 15, 2018 at 12:18 PM Matthias Bläsing
> Hi,
> Am Samstag, den 15.12.2018, 22:04 +0200 schrieb Emilian Bold:
> > I have not heard of any open-source projects with OSGi modules...
> > JDeveloper uses this but I believe it's propriet
Am Samstag, den 15.12.2018, 22:04 +0200 schrieb Emilian Bold:
> I have not heard of any open-source projects with OSGi modules...
> JDeveloper uses this but I believe it's proprietary.
Glassfish/Payara are JavaEE/JakartaEE servers using OSGI. if I'm not
mistaken Eclipse is also using OSGI mod
It wasn't clear to me how we switch OSGi engines, it might just be a matter
of excluding their impl NB modules from the app?
I have not heard of any open-source projects with OSGi modules...
JDeveloper uses this but I believe it's proprietary.
On Sat, 15 Dec 2018 at 21:04, Peter Nabbefeld
Hm, this part of the discussion wasn't clear to me: as both are
integrated, how do I decide which one will be used for modules? And do
You probably know an open-source project using OSGi modules as
dependencies succesfully, which I could use as a reference?
Kind regards
Am 15.12.18 um
>From the discussion back then there was no real problem because by default
we use Equinox (via the Netbinox fork).
It's only the non-default Felix that's broken and I believe there was a
patch for this which basically upgraded to a newer Felix version.
On Sat, 15 Dec 2018 at 16:08, Peter
is there any progress in OSGi support?
I'm still trying to do some plugin development which uses a dependency
which is an OSGi module (JAXB). I've been told, Felix 4.2.1 (as bundled
with NB up to version 10-vc4) won't work with JDK 9.0+. I'm not able to
fix that myself, as I've not y
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