Hello Niklas:
I'm Gao Zemin, thank you for your suggestions, I am very interested in the
Filter function. So I would like to know whether Calc must be amended like
Excel? which parts of the Filter function in our Calc are still need to
improve? I hope you can give me some suggestions on the
Hello jim
Thank for your suggestion!
It's highly possible that the bug is introduced by AutoSpellcheck.
The bug will disappear if AutoSpellcheck is disabled.
If AutoSpellcheck is enabled, "paste" can work well if the string is
just one word.
But "paste" can eat out of memory when the string is n
Hello Tang,
unfortunately I do not really know what causes the crash. However, what
worries me is the usefulness of 'Select All' (CTRL+A) in spreadhseet
applications (both OOo and Excel).
LM -> ALL developers (& user experience)
What are your opinions on 'Select ALL'?
I performed the following t
Hello Leonard Mada
Thank for your suggestion!
It's highly possible that the bug is introduced by AutoSpellcheck.
The bug will disappear if AutoSpellcheck is disabled.
If AutoSpellcheck is enabled, "paste" can work well if the string is just one
But "paste" can eat out of memory when the s
Hello everybody,
One of our customers is greatly affected by the problem described in
Is there a way of reducing the list or putting desired entry first in
the list (by way of hacking config files or somehow)?
Thanks a lot.