Re: Fw: Fw: Request the Permission using Apache ServiceCom(incubating)namein our Meetup

2018-03-13 Thread ???? Sheng Wu
Sally Thanks, and changed. -- Sheng Wu Apache SkyWalking original creator and PPMC member -- Original -- From: "Sally Khudairi"; Date: Wed, Mar 14, 2018 11:35 AM To: " Sheng Wu"; Cc: "willem.jiang"; "dev"; "ASF ComDev"; "ASF Marke

[GitHub] qizha commented on issue #592: 【请关注】服务消费者调用服务提供者接口时,目前缺少接口级别或者动态的超时设置能力,无法满足服务接口差异化诉求

2018-03-13 Thread GitBox
qizha commented on issue #592: 【请关注】服务消费者调用服务提供者接口时,目前缺少接口级别或者动态的超时设置能力,无法满足服务接口差异化诉求 URL: 实际上你的要求是如何在微服务之间进行异步操作。命令-等候-查询结果的方式是其中的一种解决方案。而拉大调用的超时时间并不是好的方案,因为这个操作治标不治本,并不能根本解决你异步操作的问题,一旦异步的过程时间长

[GitHub] aseTo2016 commented on issue #306: 会有nodejs的SDK吗?

2018-03-13 Thread GitBox
aseTo2016 commented on issue #306: 会有nodejs的SDK吗? URL: 现在只支持java和go版的sdk,现在好像还没有开发nodejs sdk的趋势 This is an automated message fro

Re: Fw: Request the Permission using Apache ServiceCom(incubating) name in our Meetup

2018-03-13 Thread Willem Jiang
Hi Sally, As 树人云 doesn't use Apache ServiceComb to build their PaaS product and we both want to build up the community about building microservice. Can we change the event name to " Building Microservice Meetup presented by Apache ServiceComb(incubating) && 树人云"? Willem Jiang Blog: http://will

Re: Fw: Request the Permission using Apache ServiceCom(incubating) name in our Meetup

2018-03-13 Thread Sally Khudairi
Thank you, Willem. As the ASF is vendor-neutral, you may state the event as "Apache ServiceComb (incubating) MeetUp presented by 树人云" but they cannot be combined together. "Presented" is just a suggestion: it can be "hosted", "supported", or other such words. I appreciate that you are having Apach

[GitHub] coveralls commented on issue #153: SCB-395 add guides to run demo without docker compose

2018-03-13 Thread GitBox
coveralls commented on issue #153: SCB-395 add guides to run demo without docker compose URL: [![Coverage Status](](

Re: Fw: Request the Permission using Apache ServiceCom(incubating) name in our Meetup

2018-03-13 Thread Willem Jiang
Hi Sally, Actually the meetup is holded by two community, one is "Apache ServiceComb(incubating)", the other is "树人云" a startup cloud company provides PaaS platform. And we use "Apache ServiceComb(incubating) && 树人云 ” as the meetup name. BTW, We also invited "Apache Skywalking(incubating)" as a

[GitHub] eric-lee-ltk opened a new pull request #153: SCB-395 add guides to run demo without docker compose

2018-03-13 Thread GitBox
eric-lee-ltk opened a new pull request #153: SCB-395 add guides to run demo without docker compose URL: Signed-off-by: Eric Lee Follow this checklist to help us incorporate your contribution quickly and easily: -

Re: Fw: Fw: Request the Permission using Apache ServiceCom(incubating) namein our Meetup

2018-03-13 Thread Sally Khudairi
Thank you for notifying us, Sheng. As with Apache ServiceComb, please be sure to send us the Apache SkyWalking naming/promotions when available. Also, I'm not sure if your Incubator mentor has mentioned it to you, but creators/inventors of projects that are now at the ASF may be referred to as "or

Re: Fw: Request the Permission using Apache ServiceCom(incubating) namein our Meetup

2018-03-13 Thread ???? Sheng Wu
Hi Sally Apache SkyWalking (incubating) project will join the meeting too. We will follow the rule. -- Sheng Wu Apache SkyWalking creator and PPMC member -- Original -- From: "Sally Khudairi"; Date: Wed, Mar 14, 2018 11:13 AM To: "

Re: Fw: Request the Permission using Apache ServiceCom(incubating) name in our Meetup

2018-03-13 Thread Sally Khudairi
Hello Willem --thank you for your message. There are no issues with your use of the podling name to help promote your event and help build your community as long as the naming is along the lines of "Apache ServiceComb (incubating) MeetUp". If you can please confirm the name of your event, we'd ap

Request the Permission using Apache ServiceCom(incubating) name in our Meetup

2018-03-13 Thread Willem Jiang
Hi ASF Marketing & Publicity, We will hold a meetup in Beijing, China at March 31, 2018, by using Apache ServiceComb(incubating) as part of the event name to build up the Apache ServiceComb community. I want through the document of small-events tips[1], which said we need approve from the PMC. As


2018-03-13 Thread bismy
1??-- Provider: @GetMapping public demo.Foo doSomething(demo.Bar request) Consumer: RestTemplate?? restTempalte.getForObject(url, otherDemo.Foo.class) java-chassisFoo??package?? 2??- ??

[GitHub] liubao68 commented on issue #576: 业务代码使用RegistryUtils方法报空指针

2018-03-13 Thread GitBox
liubao68 commented on issue #576: 业务代码使用RegistryUtils方法报空指针 URL: This is not a valid case. Make sure everything is ready before use it . -

[GitHub] liubao68 commented on issue #592: 【请关注】服务消费者调用服务提供者接口时,目前缺少接口级别或者动态的超时设置能力,无法满足服务接口差异化诉求

2018-03-13 Thread GitBox
liubao68 commented on issue #592: 【请关注】服务消费者调用服务提供者接口时,目前缺少接口级别或者动态的超时设置能力,无法满足服务接口差异化诉求 URL: 这个问题更像是一个复杂业务场景的解决方案。有些问题时需要深入讨论的。结合上面的描述,个人的一些建议: 1. 你给的三种尝试方案(1)/(2)是靠普的解决方案。期望的解决方案是不靠普的。获取好的用

Re: A question about ACID guarantees Saga provides

2018-03-13 Thread Daniel Qian
Thanks a lot, Willem Jiang, 关于Q7我举个例子来说明我的意思: App version 1.0 里的Saga是这样的:call methodA, call methodB App version 2.0 里的代码是这样的:call methodA, call methodC 把App从1.0 升级到 2.0必定需要将原1.0的App进程停止,然后启动2.0的App进程。 在停止1.0的App进程的时候,可能会出现Saga只执行了一半。 那么启动2.0的App进程之后,会出现以下哪种情况: 1. 1.0 App的未执行完成的Saga永远保持未完成状态 2.

Re: A question about ACID guarantees Saga provides

2018-03-13 Thread Willem Jiang
Hi Dainiel Here are my answer to you question, we will write an english version for it shortly. 1. Saga的执行是同步的还是异步的?发起Saga之后,是等所有Sub-transaction都完成才返回,还是立即返回? 目前Saga事情的执行是同步的,后续我们会提供异步方式的实现。 2. Saga是并行还是顺序执行Sub-transaction的? Saga pack 是根据调用的代码来决定Saga事件,如果Saga子事件是并行方式调用的, 那Saga协调器也是采用并行方式进行处理的。

Re: servicecomb-saga的saga-demo问题

2018-03-13 Thread Willem Jiang
从你的描述上来,你应该是没有在 正确的目录下面启动 alpha server。 编译完代码之后,你可以在 /incubator-servicecomb-saga/alpha/alpha-server/target/saga 找到 alpha-server-xxx-exec.jar 还有就是建议你按照ReadMe的指示用docker compose来运行,后续我们会提供单独使用Java命令运行指示。 Please filled a JIRA[1] for it let the user run the demo without using docker compose. [1]https

Re: servicecomb-saga的saga-demo问题

2018-03-13 Thread Eric Lee
Hi, 叶祖锋 Seems like you used the wrong jar file. The executable jar file should be ` alpha/alpha-server/target/saga/alpha-server-0.1.0-exec.jar` according to the user guide [1]. Besides, it seems there is port conflict in your log. Can you double check if other apps is using the exact port of 8090


2018-03-13 Thread 叶祖锋
hi: 下了源码,在本地通过mvn clean install编译成功。 在执行java -D"spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql://ip:5432/saga?useSSL=false" -jar alpha-server-0.1.0.jar时提示“alpha-server-0.1.0.jar中没有主清单属性”。 然后我直接把alpha-server项目导入到eclipse中,

[GitHub] coveralls commented on issue #138: [WIP] SCB-224 retry sub-transaction on failure

2018-03-13 Thread GitBox
coveralls commented on issue #138: [WIP] SCB-224 retry sub-transaction on failure URL: [![Coverage Status](]( Cov

[GitHub] eric-lee-ltk commented on a change in pull request #138: [WIP] SCB-224 retry sub-transaction on failure

2018-03-13 Thread GitBox
eric-lee-ltk commented on a change in pull request #138: [WIP] SCB-224 retry sub-transaction on failure URL: ## File path: omega/omega-transaction/src/main/java/org/apache/servicecomb/saga/omega/tr

[GitHub] WillemJiang commented on a change in pull request #138: [WIP] SCB-224 retry sub-transaction on failure

2018-03-13 Thread GitBox
WillemJiang commented on a change in pull request #138: [WIP] SCB-224 retry sub-transaction on failure URL: ## File path: omega/omega-transaction/src/main/java/org/apache/servicecomb/saga/omega/tra

[GitHub] WillemJiang closed pull request #152: SCB-395 remove redudant lines

2018-03-13 Thread GitBox
WillemJiang closed pull request #152: SCB-395 remove redudant lines URL: This is a PR merged from a forked repository. As GitHub hides the original diff on merge, it is displayed below for the sake of provenance: As this is a f

[GitHub] coveralls commented on issue #152: SCB-395 remove redudant lines

2018-03-13 Thread GitBox
coveralls commented on issue #152: SCB-395 remove redudant lines URL: [![Coverage Status](]( Coverage increased (+

[GitHub] eric-lee-ltk opened a new pull request #152: SCB-395 remove redudant lines

2018-03-13 Thread GitBox
eric-lee-ltk opened a new pull request #152: SCB-395 remove redudant lines URL: Signed-off-by: Eric Lee Follow this checklist to help us incorporate your contribution quickly and easily: - [ ] Make sure there is a

[GitHub] WillemJiang closed pull request #41: [SCB-210] update document for apollo configuration item

2018-03-13 Thread GitBox
WillemJiang closed pull request #41: [SCB-210] update document for apollo configuration item URL: This is a PR merged from a forked repository. As GitHub hides the original diff on merge, it is displayed below for the sake of

[GitHub] WillemJiang closed pull request #151: SCB-395 add guides to build executable files

2018-03-13 Thread GitBox
WillemJiang closed pull request #151: SCB-395 add guides to build executable files URL: This is a PR merged from a forked repository. As GitHub hides the original diff on merge, it is displayed below for the sake of provenance:

[GitHub] eric-lee-ltk commented on a change in pull request #138: [WIP] SCB-224 retry sub-transaction on failure

2018-03-13 Thread GitBox
eric-lee-ltk commented on a change in pull request #138: [WIP] SCB-224 retry sub-transaction on failure URL: ## File path: omega/omega-transaction/src/main/java/org/apache/servicecomb/saga/omega/tr

[GitHub] eric-lee-ltk commented on a change in pull request #138: [WIP] SCB-224 retry sub-transaction on failure

2018-03-13 Thread GitBox
eric-lee-ltk commented on a change in pull request #138: [WIP] SCB-224 retry sub-transaction on failure URL: ## File path: omega/omega-transaction/src/main/java/org/apache/servicecomb/saga/omega/tr

[GitHub] liushibin opened a new issue #592: ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????

2018-03-13 Thread GitBox
liushibin opened a new issue #592: ?? URL: , ?omprotal?rest???omprotal???omportal??? ?omprotal???30s??

[GitHub] asifdxtreme closed pull request #304: SCB-391 SC does not rotate log file

2018-03-13 Thread GitBox
asifdxtreme closed pull request #304: SCB-391 SC does not rotate log file URL: This is a PR merged from a forked repository. As GitHub hides the original diff on merge, it is displayed below for the sake of provenance:

[GitHub] coveralls commented on issue #151: SCB-395 add guides to build executable files

2018-03-13 Thread GitBox
coveralls commented on issue #151: SCB-395 add guides to build executable files URL: [![Coverage Status](]( Covera

[GitHub] eric-lee-ltk opened a new pull request #151: SCB-395 add guides to build executable files

2018-03-13 Thread GitBox
eric-lee-ltk opened a new pull request #151: SCB-395 add guides to build executable files URL: Signed-off-by: Eric Lee Follow this checklist to help us incorporate your contribution quickly and easily: - [ ] Make

[GitHub] WillemJiang closed pull request #584: [SCB-382] upgrade io.fabric8 docker-maven-plugin version and fix depends-on setting

2018-03-13 Thread GitBox
WillemJiang closed pull request #584: [SCB-382] upgrade io.fabric8 docker-maven-plugin version and fix depends-on setting URL: This is a PR merged from a forked repository. As GitHub hides the original diff on merge, it

[GitHub] coveralls commented on issue #304: SCB-391 SC does not rotate log file

2018-03-13 Thread GitBox
coveralls commented on issue #304: SCB-391 SC does not rotate log file URL: [![Coverage Status](]( Cover

[GitHub] codecov-io commented on issue #304: SCB-391 SC does not rotate log file

2018-03-13 Thread GitBox
codecov-io commented on issue #304: SCB-391 SC does not rotate log file URL: # [Codecov]( Report > Merg

[GitHub] coveralls commented on issue #584: [SCB-382] upgrade io.fabric8 docker-maven-plugin version and fix depends-on setting

2018-03-13 Thread GitBox
coveralls commented on issue #584: [SCB-382] upgrade io.fabric8 docker-maven-plugin version and fix depends-on setting URL: [![Coverage Status](](htt

[GitHub] coveralls commented on issue #591: [SCB-396] java-sdk needs to distinguish the instance belongs to the devops stage(environment)

2018-03-13 Thread GitBox
coveralls commented on issue #591: [SCB-396] java-sdk needs to distinguish the instance belongs to the devops stage(environment) URL: [![Coverage Status](