Re: [OMPI devel] QE, mpif.h and the Intel compiler

2016-11-21 Thread Gilles Gouaillardet
Paul, short answer, i have no clue. that being said, consider the following simple program program test_mpi_sizeof implicit none include 'mpif.h' integer i double precision d integer sze,ierr call MPI_Sizeof(i, sze, ierr) write (*,*) 'MPI_Sizeof(integer) = ', sze call MPI_Sizeof(d, sze, ie

[OMPI devel] QE, mpif.h and the Intel compiler

2016-11-21 Thread Paul Kapinos
Dear Open MPI developer, QE is an MPI program, cf. In FFTXlib a questionable source code part is contained which cannot be compiled using version 17 of the Intel compilers and Open MPI; I've condensed it (see attachment). Note