Re: Patterns of Bugs

2011-01-06 Thread BlazingWhitester
On 2011-01-06 21:38:38 +0200, Walter Bright said: (dedicated to bearophile!) Anyone want to post it on reddit? done!

Re: Issue 1323

2011-01-08 Thread BlazingWhitester
On 2011-01-09 01:20:17 +0200, bearophile said: Andrei has recently closed issue 1323, it's a small but very useful feature, so I suggest some public discussion: Lines like this is present thousands of time in my Python code: n in [1, 2, 3] c i

Re: eliminate junk from std.string?

2011-01-11 Thread BlazingWhitester
On 2011-01-12 01:00:51 +0200, Andrei Alexandrescu said: On 1/11/11 11:21 AM, Ary Borenszweig wrote: Why care where they come from? Why not make them intuitive? Say, like, "Always camel case"? If there's enough support for this, I'll do it. Andrei ++vote. Uniformity in how functions are nam

Potential patent issues

2011-01-18 Thread BlazingWhitester
I spotted some patents that can theaten current DMD implementation. Wanted to clarify things. - this patent describes method pointers implementation (delegates) - describes compiler support for SEH, also t

Re: Potential patent issues

2011-01-18 Thread BlazingWhitester
On 2011-01-19 01:15:03 +0200, Daniel Gibson said: This is trivial, what idiot grants these kind of patents? And were there really no delegates before Jan. 31 1996 when this was filed? If I'm not mistaken, Oberon-2 implemented pointers to record-bound procedures as fat-pointers

Re: new documentation format for std.algorithm

2011-02-02 Thread BlazingWhitester
On 2011-02-02 10:45:59 +0200, Andrei Alexandrescu said: Following ideas and advice from this newsgroup, I have a draft at There are two tables, one with just the names and the other with names and a brief description. Le

Re: [GSoC’11] Lexing and parsing

2011-03-23 Thread BlazingWhitester
On 2011-03-23 00:27:51 +0200, Ilya Pupatenko said: Hi, First of all, I want to be polite so I have to introduce myself (you can skip this paragraph if you feel tired of newcomer-students’ posts). My name is Ilya, I’m a Master student of IT department of Novosibirsk State University (Novosibi

Re: [GSoC Proposal draft] High-Level Networking

2011-03-30 Thread BlazingWhitester
On 2011-03-30 17:48:59 +0300, Jonas Drewsen said: On 30/03/11 03.04, Max Klyga wrote: snip Great to see that you're interested in improving the Phobos library! There already is some work being done on this. I've created bindings for libcurl that was accepted into Phobos a couple of days ag