Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread MBR
Hi Micky. If you're going to mention Linux and the FSF, it might be best if you were to call it GNU/Linux rather than Linux and explain why the FSF (and Stallman in particular) prefers GNU/Linux to simply Linux. (See What's in a Name?, Linux and the

Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread Richard Pieri wrote: Tread lightly, being absolutist means you will convince no one and are merely singing to the choir. If you are fair and balance the facts, give credit where credit is due, open minded people will hear you. Yep. I mean, I have two very up-front reasons not to use

Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread MBR
A few years back, I wrote an article for O'Reilly about something I'd noticed starting in the 1980s. Unix (and later Linux) had grown in the direction of readable (i.e. ASCII) file formats, where MS-DOS had grown in the direction of unreadable formats. I think this is related to what you're

Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread MBR
On 2/11/2014 7:37 AM, Edward Ned Harvey (blu) wrote: Trust in the transparency and benevolence of Oracle, Apple, and Microsoft is a slogan I don't foresee catching on anytime soon. Actually, I /can/ see it catching on - as a sarcastic slogan promoting Linux! Mark

Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread Richard Pieri
MBR wrote: that anyway. But if she reads and understands those articles, she'll be much better prepared to answer questions and carry on knowledgeable conversations with people who might approach her after her talk. Just remember that the article in question, like the FSF itself, is rather

Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread Richard Pieri
John Abreau wrote: More precisely, RMS says that he makes no distinction between users and developers, because developers are also users. He argues that limiting freedom to only a subset of users is divisive and antithetical to the concept of freedom. That's what RMS says. The anti-Tivoization

Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread Shirley Márquez Dúlcey
The GPL has always denied some freedoms to developers, such as the right to exclusively make money from their work. The anti-TiVo clause in GPLv3 is an additional constraint, and the rarely seen Affero license further limits developers. (Basically, the Affero license is GPLv3 with the additional

Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread John Abreau
On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 4:45 PM, Richard Pieri richard.pi...@gmail.comwrote: John Abreau wrote: Freedom only for developers is kind of like a democracy where only wealthy landowners are allowed to vote. As if freedom only for users is any better. Developers are themselves users. Saying

Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread markw
The GPL has always denied some freedoms to developers, such as the right to exclusively make money from their work. Ahh, there in lies the lies that lairs lie about the GPL. The GPL does not deny any developer the right to make money from their work. Lies! It only denies a developer from using

Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread Micky Metts
Huge thanks to everyone that has thought about this and responded. This is a wealth of information. I am not a newcomer to RMS or FSF ideologies, I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss any key items that are relevant to a Drupal crowd or a newcomer to programming. Many Drupal people have entered

Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread Rich Braun
This discussion reminds me of that time a number of years ago when RMS crashed one of our BLU meetings to make exactly that point: when referring to Linux, he'd prefer that we call it the GNU/Linux system rather than just Linux. I've got a long enough history with this that I remember debating

Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread markw
Huge thanks to everyone that has thought about this and responded. This is a wealth of information. I am not a newcomer to RMS or FSF ideologies, I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss any key items that are relevant to a Drupal crowd or a newcomer to programming. Many Drupal people have

Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread Robert Krawitz
On Tue, 11 Feb 2014 19:38:39 -0500, Richard Pieri wrote: John Abreau wrote: Developers are themselves users. Saying that freedom is only for users is the same as saying freedom is restricted only to everybody. The The issue isn't the use of the word only. It's the use of the words free and

Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread Richard Pieri
Robert Krawitz wrote: Actually, I'd say that if anything the GPL is weighted toward users-as-developers -- ensuring that users can be developers themselves. At the expense of the original developers. Try this on for size (this also addresses Mark's point and the other Mark's failure to read

Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread John Abreau
This is turning into yet another copy of the same old tired argument that we'll never agree on. One definition of insanity is repeatedly doing the same thing and expecting different results, and this argument certainly qualifies as such. I think it would be best if we drop it at this point. On

Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread Richard Pieri
Robert Krawitz wrote: Depending upon the goals of the original developers. Your arguments below appear to apply to *any* FOSS license, not the GPL specifically. With one exception, that I'll discuss at the bottom (and that exception is *not* the original developers at all). No, they don't. I

Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread Jack Coats
Yes, developers give away some rights if they develop under GPL, but they have the option to NOT develop for the open community and do their own closed source efforts. Many are not willing to do this and go open source. I know several developers that bemoan being 'required' to go open source,

Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread markw
Yes, developers give away some rights if they develop under GPL, This is simply not true. If I develop my software and publish it under the GPL, I give away NONE of my freedoms. If I base my software on the work of others, then my work must align itself with the original project. Its very easy