It turns out there's a MapGuide list - you may find it useful to ask there:
On 2018-09-25 18:30, Jonathan Moules wrote:
Hi Meinrad,
I don't know anything about MapGuide, but I know a little about
SQLite, so in lieu of anyone else answe
Hi Meinrad,
I don't know anything about MapGuide, but I know a little about SQLite,
so in lieu of anyone else answering...
A locked SQLite database is like a connection to a regular
(PostGIS/Oracle) database - the application will usually keep the file
locked open if it's going to be reading
I'm using SQLite FDO and have the problem that the databases get locked by MapGuide Open Source. If I want to replace a database, I need to restart the MapGuide service first.
Is there a setting to prevent this? Or a command to instruct MapGuide to release the lock on a specific data