I am getting closer... probably.
I have tried the "Target" path for the SqueezeSlave shortcut with and
without "" at the end. In both cases, as soon as I choose
SqueezeSlave or try to synchronize with it, the player refuses t
room, I start Squeezeslave hoping to listen to
the same music on my computer. Please forgive my ignorance, this is
very new to me and I am more of a spreadsheet and AutoCAD guy.
toddrc's Profile: http://forums.sli
) Append a space, plus the name of you SqueezeCenter server
(plus any other command options you might want)
My "Target" looks like this:
"C:\Program Files\squeezeslave-0.8-12-win32\squeezeslave.exe"
Thank you writing this program, I am looking forward to being able to