Just to bring some closure to this threadÂ…
I did the debugging as suggested by KDF for four days and this problem
never happened during that time. Then I decided I didn't need to see
the temperature on the SB2 since I have a wireless thermometer in the
next room, so I removed SuperDateime as my s
kdf Wrote:
> Also of note, is there any chance that your internet connection goes
> down sporadicly?
Yes, we are on dialup with internet connection sharing, and of course
it does disconnect from time to time. However, I disabled the RSSNews
plugin and haven't been using it since 7/26. The SuperD
Also of note, is there any chance that your internet connection goes
down sporadicly? After disconnecting mine for a while today, I
remembered that the RSSNews plugin can cause the server to lock in low
CPU mode if the DNS lookup fails.
Quoting MeSue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I think I figured it out:
> "g:\program files\slimserver\server\slim.exe" --d_http --d_info
> (SlimServer is installed on my G drive.)
> Do just leave the command window open until it happens again?
yes, or until you get bored with trying :)
Try experime
I think I figured it out:
"g:\program files\slimserver\server\slim.exe" --d_http --d_info
(SlimServer is installed on my G drive.)
Do just leave the command window open until it happens again?
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> it may help to run the server via command line, with some debug flags
> set
Can you tell me exactly how to do that, or point me to some
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if you are seeing nothing in the cpu usage, and nothing is actually crashing, it
may help to run the server via command line, with some debug flags set. This
way you can see ongoing activity and possibly track down exactly what is
causing the server to simply stall.
c:\program files\slimserver\s
I hate to say it but I am having this problem with silent crashes again.
What I mean by silent crashes is that SlimServer still appears in the
system tray, but the web interface and the SB2 become unresponsive and
the clock is stuck on a incorrect time. on the PC running SlimServer,
CPU and memory
Thanks. There was a reference to Scrobbler in my event viewer from a few
days ago. Gonna leave both of these disabled for now.
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Quoting MeSue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> RSS News Ticker - Could there be any problem with this one if I don't
> have a dedicated internet connection?
There is this one:
But this should only be applicable during the periods when it is trying to
kdf Wrote:
> well, really all of them should be fine, since none of them showed up
> in the event viewer as the cause of the crash.
> -kdf
Some of those I had removed before these most recent crashes that I
pasted from event viewer. But thanks for the comments. Anyway, I won't
add them all ba
Quoting MeSue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Can anyone tell me if any of these plugins are not compatible with 6.1
> before I start adding back the ones I want?
> Alarm Plugin A
- v1.119 should work fine.
> Audioscrobbler Submitter
- note sure. I believe it is fine in most cases. some have experienced
OK, I took out Top Hits and Recently Played. I also took out Random
because I can do that with MusicMagic. I did a clean install of
SlimServer 6.1.1 and reset the player.
Can anyone tell me if any of these plugins are not compatible with 6.1
before I start adding back the ones I want?
Alarm Plugi
information is part of the event: Undefined subroutine
&Slim::Web::History::recount called at G:/Program
Files/SlimServer/server/Plugins/TopHits.pm line 169.
The TopHits plugin imho is _not_ compatible with SlimServer 6.x. Please
remove it and try again.
dean Wrote:
> Can you look in your Event Viewer to see if there were any events
> associated with SlimServer stopping?
Event Type: Error
Event Source: Application
Event Category: None
Event ID: 0
Date: 7/25/2005
Time: 10:16:50 PM
User: N/A
Can you look in your Event Viewer to see if there were any events
associated with SlimServer stopping?
The details from those events would be most helpful.
On Jul 26, 2005, at 7:30 AM, MeSue wrote:
ok, here is the latest
This morning I woke up and turned on SB2. Everything
ok, here is the latestÂ…
This morning I woke up and turned on SB2. Everything appeared to be
fine. I navigated to TopHits, pressed the right arrow, and got
"Connecting to SlimServerÂ…" and then "Could not connect." So I walk
across the house to my PC and the tray icon says SlimServer is stopped.
I'm not sure if I'm experiencing the same problem. But today (after a
30hrs absence from home) my players still displayed the date from 6hrs
ago. When I tried to use the remote it went black after a while.
I'm sorry, I was wrong... This wasn't a problem with my current slimserver
but with my t
mherger Wrote:
> I'm not sure if I'm experiencing the same problem. But today (after a
> 30hrs absence from home) my players still displayed the date from 6hrs
> ago. When I tried to use the remote it went black after a while.
> This is with the datetime screensaver in huge font mode.
All the other times it stopped responding was when it was idle. I kind
of suspect the SuperDateTime plugin, so I disabled that yesterday to
see if it made a difference.
I'm not sure if I'm experiencing the same problem. But today (after a
30hrs absence from home) my players still displayed the
dean Wrote:
> Is it possible that there's a particular song in your playlist that's
> causing the stoppage? What happens if you back up a few songs and
> start again. Does it stop in the same place?
That may have been the problem during the party. That's the only time
I've had it stop while it
Is it possible that there's a particular song in your playlist that's
causing the stoppage? What happens if you back up a few songs and
start again. Does it stop in the same place?
On Jul 24, 2005, at 4:11 PM, MeSue wrote:
I'm still having this problem. It got stuck at 2:52 PM this after
I'm still having this problem. It got stuck at 2:52 PM this afternoon.
As soon as I noticed it, I went to my PC and checked the task manager.
Nothing seemed abnormal to me. CPU and memory usage was normal.
Slim.exe and Slimtray.exe were both running.
Also, yesterday I had a party and had loaded u
dean Wrote:
> It would be nice to know from the Task Manager if SlimServer was running
> and what the CPU and memory situation was like when you were not getting
> responses.
I'll check that if it happens again. Last night I updated to the 7/20
nightly and closed down some programs I didn't need
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