Re: Database error only for certain models?

2006-12-02 Thread markguy
After hammering everything and starting over from scratch, it occurs to me... far, far too late... that I might not have restarted apache before retrying the admin site. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

Re: Database error only for certain models?

2006-12-01 Thread markguy
Unfortunately, this is happening even after I dropped the table and re-sync'd. That's pretty much my SOP after changing a model, to avoid earlier brushes with what you describe. Appreciate the reply in any case! --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message

Database error only for certain models?

2006-12-01 Thread markguy
After running ./ syncdb, I have three tables/objects. Admin index page shows all three. Clicking on two of those tables results in an error that reads (in part): "Something's wrong with your database installation. Make sure the appropriate database tables have been created, and make

Re: Editing intermediary table info deletes previous data?

2006-11-30 Thread markguy
So, a solution... or maybe better called a workaround... would be to have num_in_admin a large enough number to never need paginating. That doesn't help when I need to update the ingredients, but at least I could make it work. Thanks for the heads up!

Re: M2M intermediary tables, looking up objects

2006-07-20 Thread markguy
So, label_ingredient.ingredient.get_absolute_url will work. That's astonishing, both in it's coolness factor and in the fact I never picked up on it while reading docs, tutorials and forums. I'm still not sure I understand how Django manages to know to go get the Ingredient object, but I'm

Re: M2M intermediary tables, looking up objects

2006-07-20 Thread markguy
Derek, I appreciate the followup. That works, but I have to say, I don't understand *why* it works! It's as if Django automagically follows ForeignKeys, without having to call select_related(). It's also highly confusing that you call '' and not

Re: M2M intermediary tables, looking up objects

2006-07-20 Thread markguy
I'm not sure I understand. Would the template have it's ingredient info when it gets to the template? I'm off to mess about with this now, but I don't see... Err, wait. Are you suggesting grabbing all the Ingredients in a hash... err, dict, whatever Python calls it, then pulling

Re: M2M intermediary tables, looking up objects

2006-07-19 Thread markguy
Actually, that leaves out the order information from LabelIngredients. I had tried to do this with select_related(), but I couldn't get it to follow the ForeignKey into Ingredients. Further wizardy (and explanation) would be greatly appreciated!

Re: M2M intermediary tables, looking up objects

2006-07-19 Thread markguy
That looks to have gotten me what I wanted, thanks. Would you mind explaining how that does what I want, though? I... well, I don't get it ;) The actual line was: Ingredients.objects.filter( labelingredients__baked_good = 4 ) --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received

M2M intermediary tables, looking up objects

2006-07-19 Thread markguy
BakedGoods, LabelIngredients, Ingredients are my tables. LabelIngredients holds baked_goods_id, ingredients_id and an order field. I can get the LabelIngredient objects with: labelingredients = LabelIngredients.objects.filter( baked_good = ).order_by( 'order' ) ... but what I would

Re: Intermediary M2M admin troubles

2006-07-18 Thread markguy
As an interesting aside, the following portion of the class LabelIngredients *does* seem to have an effect: class Meta: verbose_name = 'Label Ingredient' ordering = [ 'order' ] So the ordering is at least possible!

Re: Intermediary M2M admin troubles

2006-07-18 Thread markguy
Yep, but that doesn't work for intermediary tables, because the field isn't BakedGoods.ingredient, it's LabelIngredients.ingredient_id. Or if it does work, it has to reference a different table somehow. I tried adding all that to the intermediary table, but nothing seemed to have any effect.

Re: Intermediary M2M admin troubles

2006-07-18 Thread markguy
Fixed, but not understood... Another post suggested that the order of the class declaration inside was important, so I changed mine to reflect that. Order became Ingredients, BakedGoods, LabelIngredients. Also based on reading that post, I changed the LabelIngredients class to:

Re: Intermediary M2M admin troubles

2006-07-18 Thread markguy
Nope, you understood just fine. I was trying to order it in the M2Mi model. Thanks for the assist! --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to

Re: Intermediary M2M admin troubles

2006-07-18 Thread markguy
Actually, for a further while I'm at it, is there a way to add class: collapse to the M2M field? --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to

Intermediary M2M admin troubles

2006-07-18 Thread markguy
I have models for baked goods and their ingredients, imaginatively named BakedGoods and Ingredients. I need to save the order of the ingredients for purposes of making informative labels. So, there's a third model, LabelIngredients, that is described by: baked_good = models.ForeignKey(

Re: ImportError: No module named django

2006-07-17 Thread markguy
Okay, ./ syncdb before ./ sql goods is apparently a good idea. So, I've now got a very basic index page loading up as expected. I'm off for a couple drinks to see if I can wrap my head around how Django compartmentalizes things and then will endeavor to not bring many more

Re: ImportError: No module named django

2006-07-17 Thread markguy
I've got my output at least resembling yours now, thanks to your explanation about the difference between URL config and apps. I'm using this for urlpatterns: ( r'^$' , 'django.views.generic.simple.direct_to_template' , { 'template' : 'index.html' } ) , However, there's a new wrinkle. While

Re: ImportError: No module named django

2006-07-17 Thread markguy
So, what you were *really* suggesting was that PYTHONPATH should include the project directory, not the django_src directory? I saw that while skimming through the docs. I changed PYTHONPATH to reflect that (apparently, adding both directories in a fit of crankiness doesn't help matters):

Re: ImportError: No module named django

2006-07-17 Thread markguy
Malcolm Tredinnick wrote: > That should be easy enough to diagnose. My initial guess would be that > bbg is in django_projects/, rather than django_src/, just from the way > you named your directories. Remember that .bash_profile is obviously not > going to be run by Apache (it's not bash,

Re: ImportError: No module named django

2006-07-17 Thread markguy
I'm covering all the bases. Or trying to. re: django_source: Wow. Uh, thanks. I have no idea why I typed that out fully in httpd.conf. Fixing that leads to a new error: EnvironmentError: Could not import settings 'bbg.settings' (Is it on sys.path? Does it have syntax errors?): No module named