[Dx4win] dx4win vs ARRL: country conflicts

2006-11-16 Thread Jim Reisert AD1C
--- K5ZM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I've a few cards for QSOs made with YU stations when they counted for > Yugoslovia. But dx4w insists on showing it as Serbia and Montenegro... If it says "Serbia and Montenegro" then you do NOT have the most recent country file. Download it from: http://

[Dx4win] dx4win vs ARRL: country conflicts

2006-11-16 Thread Robert Naumann
You need to adjust the start and end dates for those countries that have changed identities such as the YU. To do so, close your log file leaving DX4Win running. Select File, Databases, Countries. Locate the old Yugoslavia and enter the start and end dates that match the current countries list. Th

[Dx4win] dx4win vs ARRL: country conflicts

2006-11-16 Thread Isidro Acosta Hernández
Hi Ian, and all the fellows: I've a few cards for QSOs made with YU stations when they counted for Yugoslovia. But dx4w insists on showing it as Serbia and Montenegro... I've also got a card for a Q with PY1RO/PY0, Fernando de Noronha. But the software insists it counts as Brasil. 1) The former

[Dx4win] dx4win vs ARRL: country conflicts

2006-11-16 Thread K5ZM
Hi all, I may yet find an answer in either the help file or the user guide. But thought it fine to ask here in the mean time. I've been entering old QSOs from as far back as 30 years ago (egads!!), and I've come up with a couple of conflicts I'm not sure how to resolve: I've a few cards for QSO