2007-06-28 Terurut Topik Lenimski
asli kurang kerjaan banget orang yang nulis imel ini pertama kali AMAZING ENGLISH WORDS The longest English word: The question of determining the longest English word inevitably boils down to defining what is acceptable as a word, since prefixes/suffixes can be adjoined to words to make

e-ketawa :-) Before and after the marriage [baru nie... ^_^ ]

2007-06-27 Terurut Topik Lenimski
Before the marriage : He: Yes. At last. It was so hard to wait. She: Do you want me to leave? He: NO! Don't even think about it. She: Do you love me? He: Of course! She: Have you ever cheated on me? He: NO! Why you even asking? She: Will you kiss me? He: Yes!

e-ketawa :-) bener ga sih?

2007-06-25 Terurut Topik Lenimski
bener ga sih? parah banget kalo iya http://www.detikhot.com/index.php/tainment.read/tahun/2007/bulan/05/tgl/31/time/112307/idnews/787690/idkanal/228 ..:: Now who needs a dream when there is you? ::.. - Building a website is a piece of cake. Yahoo!


2007-06-24 Terurut Topik Lenimski
Subject: DIFFICULT QUESTIONS AND INTELLIGENT ANSWERS! To: Question and the Answer given by Candidates, oh sorry they are IAS (Indian Administrative Services - THE most difficult examination in India. Candidates are graduate Officers now. Q.How

Re: e-ketawa :-) Pembohongan Publik ala Fren,,,

2007-03-21 Terurut Topik Lenimski
iya tuh, bener banget aku juga pake fren tapi ga ngerasa dibohongin kok sebelum beli kan dah liat2 di website jadi dah ngerti kalo itungannya ga flat tiap satu menit tuh rp. 10, tapi itu diitung setelah menit ke 3 kalo cuman mau say hai jelas berasa mahal tapi kalo pake tlp sejam itu baru kerasa

Re: e-ketawa :-) Bells patsy

2007-02-15 Terurut Topik Lenimski
huhuhuh...nakutin, soalnya aku kalo pulang kerja kan diatas jam 12 malem tapi kaya'nya penyebab bell's palsy bukan angin deh penyebabnya virus gitu, bukan karena kita sering kena angin Causes The exact causes of Bell's palsy are unknown. However, it is thought that viral infection of the

Re: e-ketawa :-) Lautan tiba-tiba jadi beku

2007-02-13 Terurut Topik Lenimski
Kaya'nya itu bukan di deket pakistan deh.. tadi sempet googling bentar dan katanya itu gambar dari black sea yang membeku http://www.goobix.com/black-sea-pictures/ http://seehere.blogspot.com/2006/08/frozen-sea-photographs.html tapi ga tau juga ding, siapa tau situs itu salah dan

e-ketawa :-) dasar perempuan ^_^

2007-02-11 Terurut Topik Lenimski
Kadang2 emang perempuan bikin berantakan ya.. hehehehe.no offensejust kiddin' all... A male driver is pulled over by a cop and the following conversation takes place: Man: What's the problem officer? Cop: You were going at least 75 in a 55 zone. Man: No sir, I was going 65.

e-ketawa :-) Funny sticker ^_^

2007-02-11 Terurut Topik Lenimski
Stiker mobil buat orang - orang yang maniak komputer 1. BREAKFAST.COM Halted...Cereal Port Not Responding 2. The information went data way 3. C:V Bad command or file name! Go stand in the corner. 4. File not found. Should I fake it? (Y/N) 5. CONGRESS.SYS Corrupted: Re-boot

e-ketawa :-) Dampak banjir jakarta

2007-02-06 Terurut Topik Lenimski
ternyata dampak banjir jakarta luas banget ya.. sampe2 millis e-ketawa jadi sepi gini kebanyakan kan pada nge-net gratis di kantor kantor kebanjiran otomatis pada libur ..:: Now who needs a dream when there is you? ::.. - Get your own web address.

e-ketawa :-) Buat Om Momod......

2007-01-29 Terurut Topik Lenimski
No Offense nie, cuman mau kasih saran aja Perasaan akhir2 ini banyak spam masuk ya? Pada merhatiin ga? Yang kaya' model2 nawarin MLM (seringnya dari yang namanya mirip2 india gitu, bukan rasis lho), produk kesehatan sama link2 ke website2 ga jelas. Oom Momod, tolong di benerin dong, males juga

Re: e-ketawa :-) Hati - hati buat para Wanita [hoax]

2007-01-26 Terurut Topik Lenimski
Dah pada ngerti belum? ini cuman salah satu hoax yang beredar lewat e-mail ini ada sumber dari wikipedia yang jelasin kalo itu semua bo'ong ProgesterexFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Progesterex is a fictitious date rape drug. It is part of a hoax that began to circulate in