RE: leaky plastics

1999-11-10 Thread Farris, Sara
WHO MANUFACTURE OR ENCOURAGE USE OF THESE TOXIC PLASTICS!! Does anyone have a list of these companies (goodness, it could be all of them!)?? Thanks for listening, Limaloa -Original Message- From: Farris, Sara [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: STUDIES I

RE: leaky plastics

1999-11-09 Thread Farris, Sara
Now how is that useful? Surely ecofeminism is about more than such blanket fatalism tied, incongruously, with such dippy faith in individualism. I suppose my aunt, age 43, let toxins give her breast cancer and then let the cancer kill her? Sara -- From: vikki charles

women in the woods

1999-09-01 Thread Farris, Sara
nyplace else, and be determined about our right to it. Like anyplace, it's contested territory. Sara Farris

RE: sources of misunderstanding

1999-03-15 Thread Farris, Sara
Susan, I've not followed your exchange with Nicole carefully enough to know this particular context, but I do think that people are often bigoted without being fully aware or intentionally so. We are drenched in racist, sexist, heterosexist assumptions from birth, and I think it's the

RE: Signing Off

1999-02-24 Thread Farris, Sara
Before more of us join Hayley (it was nice lurking with you, Hayley), can the moderator impose a two-posts-per-day limit or some such? Brevity is the cure for nitwits. Sara in Houston -- From: Hayley Lynch [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, February 24,

were you at ASLE '97?

1998-12-01 Thread Farris, Sara
Last summer at the ASLE conference (Amer Assoc for Study of Literature and Environment) in Montana, I heard, second- or third-hand, about a conversation from one of the panels, where they were saying that the frog-sucking beetle of Annie Dillard's Pilgrim of Tinker Creek couldn't have happened in

were you at ASLE '97?

1998-11-29 Thread Farris, Sara
Last summer at the ASLE conference (Amer Assoc for Study of Literature and Environment) in Montana, I heard, second- or third-hand, about a conversation from one of the panels, where they were saying that the frog-sucking beetle of Annie Dillard's Pilgrim of Tinker Creek couldn't have happened in

ben's query

1997-06-04 Thread FARRIS
Dear Ben, You're question is so basic to what ecofeminism is about that the responses of suggested titles sound very usefully canon-suggestive to me. Don't forget one of the early, important, perhaps obvious choices: Mary Daly's _Gyn/Ecology_.

tamara's paper

1997-03-31 Thread FARRIS
Tamara, hi. (I did my phd at Miami '87-92 and wrote an ecofem diss in the English dept. Small world. AND I wrotea ch about Rachel, on whom I still have a major crush.) So my answer is that she is very important as a figure and as one of the pre-ecofeminist thinkers. (ecofem is not a word


1997-02-14 Thread FARRIS
Julie-- an annual forum about Rachel Carson!! I'm envious! I did a diss chapter on Rachel (and named my cat Carson:)) several years ago. And I'm loving reading the recently published letters between her and Dorothy Freeman. I'm prone to polemics, sometimes, but I do believe that if everyone

petra kelly

1997-01-06 Thread FARRIS
Happy new year, all! MB, you were looking for cites for Petra Kelly. There's a small obit-type piece in _In These Times_, Nov 11-29, '92, titled: "Petra Kelly: Sensitive and Subversive," by Paul Hockenos. There's probably no crucial info there, but you may want to cover all bases. Besides,


1996-10-25 Thread FARRIS
I've been pretty silent lately. As I scroll hurriedly through my digests, I think of things I could contribute if I had more time this semester; I often don't take the time b/c I get to Kylie's post and find that she's spoken the same thoughts. Sure, sometimes I wince at her, uh, enthusiasm;

identity politics

1996-08-26 Thread FARRIS
While I'm bored with jason/kylie exchange, and admit that time constraints (this is the first day of school here in Houston, I'm two syllabi short!) forced me to skim the article Jason appended to his post, I do think a di discussion of identity politics might be a useful way to 1. bring us back

kylie and jason

1996-08-24 Thread FARRIS
Hey, Kylie, welcome back! I remember being sorry when you logged off several m months back. And yes, you're giving Jason a pretty harsh tongue-lashing. Jason, while I feel for you, I have to admit that I agree with pretty much everything Kylie said. I frankly was put off from carefully

my last word to Al (I promise!)

1995-07-07 Thread FARRIS
Al--you said several posts ago that you never intended to become the focus of so much debate. If that is true, might I suggest that you intentionally become a lurker for a while? The issue of silencing others/being silenced by others is a complex one in feminisms (note the plural), so I don't


1995-07-05 Thread FARRIS
Thanks, Michael, for the information about NMC. Shades of Leonard Crow Dog, L Peltier, and many others, I'm sure. I was unclear, however, on the purpose of the petition. I know you were forwarding this message from another source, so you may not know the answer to this, but does she _need_

bioregionalism, yes!

1995-07-05 Thread FARRIS
Yes, I'd like to hear more discussion of bioregionalism. I'm currently working on an essay about two contemporary novels--Jane Smiley's _A Thousand Acres_ and Carolyn Chute's _Merry Men_--both bitter versions of American pastoral. In reading A. Kolodny's _The Lay of the Land_, about

biological differences

1995-06-19 Thread FARRIS
Hey, all. I want to go back a few digests and pick up on the biological differences debate. A few months ago, I heard Bonnie Spanier (SUNY-Albany) speak here in Houston, and she pretty effectively blew away the currently popular (at least in the mainstream media) assumption that women and men

those mal-adjusted women

1995-04-19 Thread FARRIS
Is Wood Lee serious? "Women simply need to have children...[or] somehow end up mal-adjusted"!! Incredible. Or maybe not. After all, the history of men (and male-identified women) pathologizing women as mal-something anytime we don't conform to male-defined codes of female bahvior is long

poetry and the environment

1995-04-14 Thread FARRIS
Hello ecofemers--I'm planning an undergraduate poetry course with the topic "poetry and the environment," and I'm looking for suggested texts. I have NO geographic or historic limitations; I'm planning to range from Milton's _Paradise Lost_ to Joy Harjo's _In Mad Love and War_. I'm asking for

Re: ECOFEM digest 110

1995-02-20 Thread FARRIS
I'm responding to the righteously angry teacher in the 'burbs: WAY TO GO--you made someone angry. That's how you know you're getting through. It may be demoralizing to take people's venom, but that's a pretty fair barometer for how effective you're being!! Sara in Houston From [EMAIL

the kiss

1995-02-07 Thread FARRIS
Hey. This is Sara writing from Houston about something slightly off topic, but I'm requesting help on an action. Last night, as many of you probably saw, two women kissed on network television. Now, I don't want to reduce the importance of "Serving In Silence" to one kiss, but it was an

drive to know

1994-11-14 Thread FARRIS
I love the irony of Natalie's question about why we need to know everthing. And tell me now! My very first thought was the place in _Pilgrim at Tinker Creek_ when the narrative "I" says she is apt to accost anyone at a party and say "did you know there are X number of muscles in the jaw of an


1994-10-03 Thread FARRIS
Someone, I think it was Brian, asked why Mailer is a sexist pig when he equates women with nature when much ecofeminist criticism also connects women with nature. The difference is that (most) ecofeminists are not _equating_ women with nature but pointng out that women and nature are

gorilla cannabalism

1994-09-27 Thread FARRIS
Hi. I'm Sara Farris, at Univ of Houston-Downtown. I don't remember who was talking about gorilla-eating gorillas, and I'm not swift enough with this email stuff, so I don't know how you guys are quoting each other (it must by easy; y'all do it a lot), but anyway, Dian Fossey