road and disturbance

2005-10-25 Thread Jun Yang
Dear All: I am looking for literatures on the impacts of road or railway on environment, especially the impacts on plant species diversity and the spreading of invasive species. I know the Road Ecology by Richard Forman is a good beginning. However, can anyone direct me to more recent and re

Postdoctoral position in coral bleaching biogeochemistry

2005-10-25 Thread Andrea Grottoli
Two-year NSF-funded postdoctoral position to work on biogeochemistry of coral bleaching using pulse-chase isotope labeling experiments. Research includes up to three continuous months of fieldwork in Hawaii, several two-week trips back to the field, and intensive laboratory analyses. Analyses incl

Re: sampling design

2005-10-25 Thread Landis, R Matthew
For basic issues of sampling and statistics, an excellent resource is the recent book by Peter Feinsinger, Designing Field Studies for Biodiversity Conservation (Island Press, 2001). Matt Landis R. Matthew Landis, Ph.D. Dept. Biology Middlebury

Re: Query about statistics programs

2005-10-25 Thread Mark Kuhlmann
I have also been using SPSS for Mac for several years. I like it overall and it does all the stats I need (which is nothing complicated). However, the extra modules required to do anything above the basics are pretty expensive. Unlike some of the earlier posts recommending SPSS, I find th

Re: sampling design

2005-10-25 Thread Jeffrey Stratford
Euan, Most sampling designs, regardless of geographic location, are taxon specific so it would be useful to know what group your friend is working with. Always good to run some analyses with preliminary data. For animals this would involve SR repeated sampling to estimate both detection probabil

Help with seed germination of Andropogon

2005-10-25 Thread Howie Neufeld
Dear All - My masters student and I are preparing a project on the ability of /Andropogon virginicus/ to phytoremediate a site contaminated with Nickel and Uranium. We were wondering if anyone out there knows the preparation protocols necessary for /Andropogon/ seed (do we need to stratify,

US-IALE 2006 Annual Meeting: Abstract Deadline Nov. 4

2005-10-25 Thread Sarah Goslee
VGhlIGFic3RyYWN0IGRlYWRsaW5lIGlzIGZhc3QgYXBwcm9hY2hpbmchIEFsbCBhYnN0cmFjdHMK YXJlIGR1ZSBieSBOb3ZlbWJlciA0LiBNb3JlIGluZm9ybWF0aW9uIGFuZCB0aGUgb25saW5lCmFi c3RyYWN0IHN1Ym1pc3Npb24gZm9ybSBjYW4gYmUgcmVhY2hlZCBhdDoKaHR0cDovL3d3dy51c2lh bGUub3JnL3NhbmRpZWdvMjAwNi9pbmRleC5odG0KCgpVUy1JQUxFIDIwMDYgQW5udWFs

Re: road and disturbance

2005-10-25 Thread Kristen Kordecki
Jun, You might try: RG Lym and Nelson, JA. 2000. "Biological Control of Leafy Spurge (Euphorbia esula) with Apthona spp. along Railroad Right-of-Ways". Weed Technology 14:642-646. or A. Silveri et al. 2001. "Logging and edaphic factors in the invasion of an Asian woody vine in a mesic N

Northern quahog age determination

2005-10-25 Thread Tom Campbell
Hello, I am looking for a reference that discusses age and growth for Northern quahogs (Mercenaria mercenaria). I would like to an idea of the age classes of specimens we collected as part of an environmental investigation. Parameters we recorded included shell length, width, breadth, and total