Re: why scientists believe in evolution

2007-08-27 Thread Warren W. Aney
A student once asked a science teacher, “What is most important, knowledge or belief?” The professor answered, “Knowledge, of course.” The student then asked a church pastor the same question, and the pastor replied, “Belief, of course.” The student then went to a wise philosopher with this ques

Assistant/Associate Faculty Postion - Quantitative Population Ecologist - Colorado State Univ.

2007-08-27 Thread Paul Doherty
Colorado State University -- Fort Collins, Colorado POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT - QUANTITATIVE POPULATION ECOLOGIST POSITION #010626.0002 FWCB [8 Oct. 2007]: Assistant/Associate Professor in Quantitative Population Ecology LOCATION: Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, Warner

Re: why scientists believe in evolution

2007-08-27 Thread James J. Roper
A comment on this question. I would draw to our attention that the question "Why do scientists believe...?" is phrased in the same context as "Why do people = a god". However, this wording falsely put those two questions into the same apparent conceptual framework. However, I would

Re: Molecular evolution is not neglected

2007-08-27 Thread Jones, Frank
Carissa, Very interesting statement. I suggest that you write your own NSF grant and use the money to study the apparent discrepancies in our understanding of blood clotting, molecular evolution, and design. If your hypotheses hold true, you will overturn centuries of misunderstanding and you

Tenure-track position: ecology of climate change

2007-08-27 Thread Swihart, Robert K
Faculty Position in Ecological Impacts of Climate Change In support of the Purdue University initiative in Climate Change Research and the Purdue Climate Change Research Center (PCCRC), the College of Agriculture (CoA) and the College of Science (CoS) invite applicants for a tenure track faculty p

Re: Evolution (Was: Christianity survey)

2007-08-27 Thread Jonathan Greenberg
I'm curious -- are there any lines of Christian philosophical thought which address the (in my eyes) issue that those Christians who argue evolution using (pseudo)scientific approaches are basically stating to the world "I have no real faith in my God, and I need proof that He exists"? If one trul

Re: Christianity survey

2007-08-27 Thread Christine Creese (Czerniak)
Hello Carissa, Interesting post. I'm curious - why are creationists so convinced of intelligent design? There are very few publications concerning intelligent design at the molecular or biochemical level. Most ID folks (if not all) seem baffled at how such incredibly complex mechanisms and

Call for Symposium Proposals for 93rd ESA Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, August 3-8, 2008

2007-08-27 Thread Aleta Wiley
Call for Symposium Proposals: 93rd ESA Annual Meeting Milwaukee, Wisconsin August 3 - 8, 2008 Call Open: July 2 - September 14, 2007 We invite symposium proposals for the 93rd ESA Annual Meeting. The meeting will be held from August 3 – 8, 2007 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin at the Midwest Airline

Re: why scientists AGREE WITH evolution

2007-08-27 Thread Damon Ely
On a very fundamental level, we agree with evolution because the theory was borne out of the scientific process, a process that has made possible all of the scientific knowledge we have today. Humans have constructed and embraced the scientific process as a rigorous, critical, objective manner

Molecular evolution is not neglected

2007-08-27 Thread patfoley
Carissa, There are journals and books specifically on molecular evolution including molecular phylogenetics. You might want to examine the works of Kimura, Nei, Gillespie, Ohta, Felsenstein, Li, and many others. They might even help you in your systematics project. Molecular evidence is finall

Re: why scientists believe in evolution

2007-08-27 Thread Christie Klimas
Evolutionary Analysis by Freeman and Herron is a good introductory textbook that will explain many of your questions about the validity of the theory of evolution. It is easy to read and interesting and should provide a basis for further exploring any other questions you have. Christie Forest Reso

Re: why scientists believe in evolution

2007-08-27 Thread Johannes J L Roux
"I do not think evolution is supremely important because it is my specialty. On the contrary, it is my specialty because I think it is supremely important." - /George Gaylord Simpson/ JJ Le Roux ~~~ Department for Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences Univ

Post-doctoral Position: Ant Nutritional Ecology and Foraging Behavior

2007-08-27 Thread Spencer Behmer
A 2-year postdoctoral research associate position is available starting this fall/winter to study the nutritional ecology and foraging behavior of red imported fire ants. We are specifically interested in exploring macronutrient selection at the colony level and the extent to which macronutri

Re: Evolution (Was: Christianity survey)

2007-08-27 Thread David M. Lawrence
Two further problems with this thread. First -- and this may be my weakest argument -- I think Shipman overestimates the chances for the four domains of TPA to come together. Without being sure of the formula she used to get to 30,000^4, but I suspect there is a fatal flaw in the assumptions. Nam

Fwd: [ECOLOG-L] DDT question

2007-08-27 Thread Abraham de Alba A.
Dear Kelly: Don´t know about the revutal to R. Carson's allegations, but there are tons of info (I am in the middle of México, a bit far from a library, and so I am at a disadvantage to give you relevant references ) on estrogen-like compounds that result from the breakdown of DDT, and

Re: why scientists believe in evolution

2007-08-27 Thread Robert Hamilton
The answer is much simpler. The Theory of Evolution explains those data. No other theory does. Someone wants to propose another theory to explain those data, I'd be all ears, but my ears are closed the "theories" that are nothing more than criticisms of other theories. Rob Hamilton "So easy it se

Job Announcement Champaign County Illinois (Forest Preserve)

2007-08-27 Thread Daniel J. Olson
Below is a job announcement at The Champaign County Forest Preserve District in east central Illinois. Please only reply back to the address given in the announcement. Not this email address. Thank you. Champaign County Forest Preserve District POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT Director of Business, Fina

Re: why scientists believe in evolution

2007-08-27 Thread Russell Burke
Carissa: you've got quite a collection of concerns about evolution here, and you're asking a lot of readers to go thru them all and teach you a basic course in evolution. too bad you didn't have one already, then it would be possible to start this discussion at some point later than where it was i

DDT question

2007-08-27 Thread Kelly Stettner
While I whole-heartedly agree that the larger and long-term picture must be considered with regards to ecology, I also think that emotional, knee-jerk reactions need to be tempered with real scientific investigation. Before our imaginations get too fired up over sensationalism, we need to be

Guide to on-line resources - learning for sustainability

2007-08-27 Thread Will Allen
Dear colleagues, The LearningForSustainability website - - has been substantially revised and updated over the past few months. This site focusses on sustainability issues such as natural resource management, and provides an on-line guide for government agency

Re: Christianity survey

2007-08-27 Thread Mike Sears
For a counterexample to this tired argument for irreducible complexity, check out : Bridgham, Carroll, and Thornton. 2006. Evolution of hormone-receptor complexity by molecular exploitation. Science 312:97-101. Turns out all the parts don't have to be there simultaneously afterall.   Cheers,